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Care Manager

Nursing, Executive/Management Roles

Posted: 16 Sep 2024

Location: QLD

As a Care Manager, you will oversee the planning, delegation, and delivery of care, ensuring it follows established policies and procedures.

Con­sul­tant: Tariq Rashad

Job Title: Care Man­ag­er

Job Type: Per­ma­nent

Employ­ment Start Date: 

Job Clas­si­fi­ca­tion: Med­ical and Nursing

Loca­tion: Ros­ny Park, Clarence, Australia

Salary: AUD93000 — AUD120000 per annum

Imag­ine work­ing in a place with some of the clean­est air in the world. The health ben­e­fits are invalu­able, from improved res­pi­ra­to­ry health, bet­ter cog­ni­tive func­tion to even reduced risk of lung can­cer. Fur­ther­more, your work set­ting is sit­u­at­ed near scenic Der­went Riv­er, with spec­tac­u­lar views, beau­ti­ful walk­ing trails and a range of out­door spaces for social and leisure activities. 

As a Care Man­ag­er, you will over­see the plan­ning, del­e­ga­tion, and deliv­ery of care, ensur­ing it fol­lows estab­lished poli­cies and pro­ce­dures. You’ll also man­age resources — staff, mate­ri­als, and bud­get — effi­cient­ly to meet organ­i­sa­tion­al goals and deliv­er excep­tion­al care.

What’s on offer? 

  • Salary and Ben­e­fits: Base salary up to $120,000. Addi­tion­al pay incen­tives, includ­ing not-for-prof­it salary packaging.
  • Relo­ca­tion sup­port: Relo­ca­tion assis­tance is avail­able and negotiable
  • Health perks: Take advan­tage of dis­count­ed pri­vate health insurance.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al growth: Access learn­ing, devel­op­ment, and growth opportunities.
  • Sta­ble employ­ment: Ben­e­fit from long-term job secu­ri­ty in a reces­sion-proof sector.

What you’ll need? 

  • Nurs­ing Degree
  • Cur­rent AHPRA registration
  • Pre­vi­ous nurs­ing man­age­ment experience 
  • 3 years of expe­ri­ence in Age Care facilities 

What next?

Send me your resume (even if not updat­ed). Togeth­er we can dis­cuss this oppor­tu­ni­ty and see if there is alignment. 
