Clinical Nurse


Posted: 26 Nov 2024

Location: Pilbara WA

Are you passionate about working in Emergency and want to make a difference? We currently have a variety of permanent and fixed term vacancies available in Karratha for experienced Emergency Clinical Nurses

  • Salary: RN Lev­el 2 $99,431 — 105,002 p.a pro rata (plus 11.5% superannuation)
  • Loca­tion: Karratha
  • Unit/​Division: Pil­bara — Nurs­ing Ser­vices — Emer­gency Department
  • Work Type: Per­ma­nent — Part Time, Per­ma­nent — Full Time, Fixed Term — Part Time, Fixed Term — Full Time
  • Posi­tion No: Pool Ref 00400191
  • Clos­ing Date: 2024-12-16 4:00 PM (YYYY-MM-DD)

About this role:
Clin­i­cal Nurse Emer­gency — The pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Clin­i­cal Nurse is to man­age, coor­di­nate and deliv­er com­pre­hen­sive evi­denced based nurs­ing care for patients, using lead­er­ship and advanced nurs­ing skills and knowl­edge rel­e­vant to the prac­tice set­ting of the Emer­gency Department.

The Clin­i­cal Nurse role pro­vides advanced clin­i­cal and prob­lem-solv­ing skills, expert plan­ning, and coor­di­na­tion skills in the clin­i­cal man­age­ment of Emer­gency Depart­ment patients with com­plex care needs, ensur­ing qual­i­ty stan­dards are met.

The fol­low­ing should be noted:

This is a Recruit­ment Pool for suit­ably qual­i­fied Clin­i­cal Nurs­es cov­er­ing employ­ment types:

Per­ma­nent — Full Time, Per­ma­nent — Part Time, Fixed Term — Full Time, Fixed Term — Part Time appoint­ments, with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of extension(s) and/​or permanency.

  • The pan­el will mon­i­tor this recruit­ment pool for appli­ca­tions and will assess on a week­ly basis.
  • Inter­views may not be con­duct­ed as part of the process, how­ev­er, appli­cants may be con­tact­ed to pro­vide addi­tion­al information.
  • Appoint­ments may be made until 31/01/2025

What we are look­ing for:

  • advanced clin­i­cal knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence in the deliv­ery of evi­dence-based nurs­ing care, and advanced skills in plan­ning, coor­di­na­tion and deci­sion mak­ing with­in an emer­gency setting
  • expert clin­i­cal lead­er­ship in patient’s/​client’s assess­ment, care plan­ning and prac­tice and role mod­el to and col­lab­o­rate with the health­care team
  • abil­i­ty to func­tion in com­plex sit­u­a­tions whilst pro­vid­ing sup­port and direc­tion to the health­care team
  • a high lev­el of clin­i­cal crit­i­cal think­ing and prob­lem-solv­ing skills, apply­ing the­o­ry into nurs­ing prac­tice in the pro­vi­sion of best practice
  • well-devel­oped team lead­er­ship skills to dri­ve a pos­i­tive team environment
  • abil­i­ty to engage with the nurse lead­ers and health­care team to achieve best prac­tice out­comes with­in the work unit environment.

What we can offer you: In addi­tion to the great salary our employ­ees enjoy an amaz­ing range of benefits:

  • Loca­tion based allowances including:
  • addi­tion­al North West paid leave
  • Dis­trict Allowance — region­al specific
  • Annu­al trav­el sub­sidy (ALTC)
  • Air-con­di­tion­ing sub­sidy allowance.
  • Heav­i­ly sub­sidised hous­ing Gov­ern­ment Region­al Offi­cer Housing
  • Relo­ca­tion allowance (For fur­ther infor­ma­tion refer to attach­ments or the fol­low­ing links: Belong (health​.wa​.gov​.au) WA Health Relo­ca­tion Incen­tives FAQs)
  • Paid study Leave assis­tance – region­al spe­cif­ic as per EBA
  • Gen­er­ous salary pack­ag­ing benefits:
    • Up to $9010 on a range of ben­e­fits such as mort­gage, your rent or oth­er every­day liv­ing expenses
    • Up to $2650 on meal enter­tain­ment, hol­i­day accom­mo­da­tion and venue hire
    • Access to novat­ed leas­ing to use pre-tax dol­lars for a car and expenses
  • Plus, Addi­tion­al Remote Area Spe­cif­ic Benefits.
  • Flex­i­ble work­ing and leave arrangements 
  • Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment opportunities 
  • Con­tin­u­ous learn­ing opportunities
  • 11.5% Super­an­nu­a­tion Guar­an­tee. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion click here.
  • As a WA Coun­try Health Ser­vice employ­ee, you’re enti­tled to dis­counts across some pri­vate health care funds. Please see attached fly­er for fur­ther details.

The Coun­try Nurs­ing & Mid­wifery incen­tive pro­gram is avail­able to new and exist­ing nurs­es and mid­wives — across a broad range of patient-fac­ing roles — on fixed term or per­ma­nent con­tracts at 76 select loca­tions. Eli­gi­ble nurs­es and mid­wives can receive between $5,000 and $17,000 in sup­port over 12 months (WA Coun­try Health Ser­vice — Coun­try Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Incen­tive Pro­gram).

About the Area: Learn more about liv­ing and work­ing in coun­try WA by vis­it­ing our web­site at WA Coun­try Health Ser­vice — Liv­ing and work­ing in coun­try WA. and Work With Us/​In Their Words. There is a wealth of infor­ma­tion about liv­ing and work­ing in Kar­ratha Kar­ratha is Call­ing and the Pil­bara Region to learn more about a nurs­ing career with­in WA Coun­try Health please click: Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Careers

Want to know more about this role? We encour­age you to con­tact Tama­ra Goes on Tel: 08 9144 7503

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty to Apply: Aus­tralian cit­i­zen­ship or per­ma­nent res­i­den­cy is an essen­tial require­ment for appli­cants to be con­sid­ered for per­ma­nent posi­tions in the pub­lic sec­tor.

How to Apply: Appli­cants are request­ed to apply online https://​search​.jobs​.wa​.gov​.au/…

Please pro­vide the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion as part of your application:

  • A detailed CV that clear­ly shows your expe­ri­ence rel­e­vant to this role
  • A cov­er let­ter out­lin­ing their suit­abil­i­ty for this position
  • A 2 – 3 page max­i­mum doc­u­ment address­ing the selec­tion cri­te­ria list­ed on the Job Descrip­tion Form (JDF)
  • The names and con­tact details of two (2) pro­fes­sion­al ref­er­ees — prefer­able for one to be your current/​recent super­vi­sor or manager.

Selec­tion Cri­te­ria: Please see the attached Job Descrip­tion Form https://​search​.jobs​.wa​.gov​.au/…

If you expe­ri­ence dif­fi­cul­ties while apply­ing online, please con­tact Employ­ee Ser­vices on 13 44 77 for imme­di­ate assis­tance dur­ing busi­ness hours.

Oth­er Con­di­tions: WA Health engages staff in posi­tions of trust and respon­si­bil­i­ty. WA Health poli­cies require appli­cants to under­take crim­i­nal records screen­ing and integri­ty check­ing as part of the appoint­ment process. Ref­er­ees may also be asked to com­ment on an applicant’s integri­ty and past demon­stra­tion of eth­i­cal behaviour.

This vacan­cy is sub­ject to a West­ern Aus­tralian Work­ing With Chil­dren (WWC) Check. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please refer to the WWC web­site at: https://​work​ing​with​chil​dren​.wa​.gov​.au

Please note this recruit­ment process requires com­ple­tion of sat­is­fac­to­ry Pre-Employ­ment Health Assess­ment (PEHA). Any offer of employ­ment with WA Coun­try Health Ser­vice (WACHS) is con­di­tion­al on sat­is­fac­to­ry PEHA to ensure you are able to per­form the inher­ent require­ments of the posi­tion. An unsat­is­fac­to­ry PEHA will result in the offer of employ­ment being with­drawn. Please see the attached WACHS PEHA Pol­i­cy for fur­ther information.

Lodge­ment is sys­tem gen­er­at­ed. Any sub­mis­sions on, or after, 4:00pm will not be accepted.