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Patient Safety - Multi Disciplinary


Posted: 23 Sep 2024

Location: Cairns QLD

Discover Your Path to Success in Cairns: Where Healthcare Careers Thrive!

Job details

  • Posi­tion sta­tus Permanent
  • Posi­tion type Full-time
  • Occu­pa­tion­al group Health — Nursing
  • Clas­si­fi­ca­tion HP3, Nurse Grade 6 (1)
  • Work­place Loca­tion Cairns region,Far North Qld
  • Job ad ref­er­ence QLD/TC592334
  • Clos­ing date 21-Oct-2024
  • Year­ly salary $86609.00 — $119823.00
  • Job dura­tion Per­ma­nent full time
  • Con­tact per­son Julie Bailey
  • Con­tact details 0436 036 307 Access the Nation­al Relay Service

Per­ma­nent Full Time Nurs­ing or Allied Health Pro­fes­sion­al posi­tion available

GIVE USCALL — The hir­ing man­ag­er Julie Bai­ley, 0436 036 307 would love to hear from you and dis­cuss the role further.

Tell me more… This posi­tion will pro­vide advanced pro­fes­sion­al and clin­i­cal lead­er­ship in the deliv­ery and coor­di­na­tion of safe and qual­i­ty patient care. To assist and sup­port the clin­i­cal gov­er­nance unit in advo­cat­ing for and pro­vid­ing advice to TCHHS on con­tem­po­rary clin­i­cal gov­er­nance prac­tices and to pro­vide advice and train­ing in Patient Safe­ty, clin­i­cal vari­a­tion and clin­i­cal care standards. 

Pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al motivators!

As a Nursing/​Allied Health Pro­fes­sion­al work­ing in Tor­res and Cape HHS, your con­tri­bu­tion in help­ing treat, reha­bil­i­tate and improve the lives of patients is huge!

You’ll work in diverse and sup­port­ive envi­ron­ments that offer attrac­tive lifestyle oppor­tu­ni­ties and expe­ri­ences and enable you to make a valu­able con­tri­bu­tion in small com­mu­ni­ties. These com­mu­ni­ties will help you grow, con­nect, learn and cre­ate life-defin­ing expe­ri­ences that will shape who you are as a health pro­fes­sion­al and a person.

For Scheme 1 - This role may be eli­gi­ble for the Queens­land Health Attrac­tion Incen­tive. See link — Work­force attrac­tion incen­tive scheme | Careers (health​.qld​.gov​.au)

Tor­res and Cape will give you a career with pur­pose, plus excel­lent ben­e­fits and allowances;

Liv­ing with­in the Tor­res and Cape region means you will be able to enjoy: 

Dis­cov­er more by read­ing the role descrip­tion attached. https://​smartjobs​.qld​.gov​.au/j…

Tor­res and Cape HHS Val­ues - Courage | Account­abil­i­ty | Respect | Engage

How do I apply? Appli­ca­tions should be sub­mit­ted ONLINE https://​smartjobs​.qld​.gov​.au/j… via the Smart Jobs and Careers website.

Please no unso­licit­ed resumes from recruit­ment agencies.