Registered Nurse- Primary Health Care


Posted: 27 Nov 2024

Location: Across QLD

Join the proud & passionate RFDS team & deliver comprehensive primary healthcare services to people in remote, rural & regional QLD.

Key points

  • Enjoy flex­i­ble ros­ter­ing. No week­ends or nights!
  • Pro­vide the finest care in the fur­thest corner.
  • full-time posi­tion, 16 shifts per month.


About RFDS (Queens­land Sec­tion)

The Roy­al Fly­ing Doc­tor Ser­vice (RFDS) (Queens­land Sec­tion) is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing excel­lence in and access to Pri­ma­ry Health Care (PHC) and Aeromed­ical ser­vices across Queens­land.

PHC is one of our most vital ser­vices, account­ing for up to two-thirds of our dai­ly oper­a­tions, as health pro­mo­tion and man­age­ment are essen­tial to improved health out­comes for those liv­ing in the bush.

Our Role

We are seek­ing a Pri­ma­ry Health Care (PHC) Nurse who is pas­sion­ate about their impor­tant role in pro­vid­ing PHC ser­vices to peo­ple resid­ing, trav­el­ling, and work­ing in region­al, rur­al, and remote areas of Queens­land. As a PHC Nurse, you can make a real impact in pro­mot­ing good health, pro­vid­ing proac­tive care, and keep­ing peo­ple healthy. In some com­mu­ni­ties, RFDS is the sole health­care provider, mak­ing your con­tri­bu­tions vital.

The RFDS (Queens­land Sec­tion) is cur­rent­ly in search of a devot­ed and empa­thet­ic PHC Nurse and Mid­wife (desir­able) to become part of the RFDS Cairns team. This posi­tion involves deliv­er­ing essen­tial PHC ser­vices to com­mu­ni­ties in the Far North and North­west regions, which includes pro­vid­ing clin­i­cal ser­vices on a rota­tion­al basis from our Cairns and Mt Isa bases.

In your sup­port for rur­al and remote com­mu­ni­ties, your wide range of prac­tice may involve:

  • Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander health services
  • Child and fam­i­ly health services
  • Women’s health services
  • Chron­ic dis­ease care and support
  • Health pro­mo­tion and health edu­ca­tion activities
  • Ear­ly detec­tion and brief inter­ven­tion programs

We’re excit­ed to offer a per­ma­nent, full-time posi­tion that involves work­ing 16 shifts each month!

Essen­tial Skills

You will be an expe­ri­enced Nurse who can work autonomous­ly and in a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team. In addi­tion to your resilience, com­pas­sion and being a high­ly skilled prob­lem-solver, you will have: 

  • AHPRA reg­is­tra­tion as a Reg­is­tered Nurse
  • AHPRA reg­is­tra­tion as a Reg­is­tered Mid­wife (desir­able)
  • Proven expe­ri­ence in rur­al and remote nurs­ing, pro­vid­ing health ser­vices to Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander communities
  • 3+ years’ expe­ri­ence in a PHC setting
  • Immu­ni­sa­tion endorse­ment (desir­able)
  • Rur­al and Iso­lat­ed Prac­tice (Sched­uled Med­i­cines) endorse­ment (RIPRN) (desir­able)
  • A Respect­ful under­stand­ing of cul­tur­al diver­si­ty includ­ing tra­di­tion­al Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander views of health
  • Capac­i­ty to stay overnight in com­mu­ni­ties (23 nights) 

Essen­tial Skills (Can be obtained after start­ing employment) 

  • Cur­rent Advanced Life Sup­port (ALS)
  • Pae­di­atric Advanced Life Sup­port (PALS)
  • Neona­tal advanced resus­ci­ta­tion certification 

Why join us?

As part of this role, you will estab­lish and main­tain long-term rela­tion­ships with patients, their fam­i­lies, and the com­mu­ni­ty. You will deliv­er care to patients in their local com­mu­ni­ties, enabling them to receive treat­ment and reduc­ing the like­li­hood of sec­ondary and ter­tiary care. As a mem­ber of the broad­er RFDS team, you will col­lab­o­rate with a sup­port­ive group of pro­fes­sion­als who are deeply com­mit­ted to our mis­sion and take pride in their con­tri­bu­tions. In addition;

  • We pro­vide an exten­sive and sup­port­ive ori­en­ta­tion program
  • We offer an attrac­tive base salary of $121,586.83 — $126,445.82 (Full time equivalent)
  • Addi­tion­al Pay Points for addi­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions- Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cates or high­er (e.g., Child and Fam­i­ly Health, Pri­ma­ry Health Care Nurs­ing, Chron­ic Dis­ease Management)
  • Overnight & meal allowance & accom­mo­da­tion pro­vid­ed when you stay away from Cairns Base
  • We offer addi­tion­al Salary pack­ag­ing of up to $18,500- increas­ing your take-home pay
  • We sup­port pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment with paid study leave
  • We pro­vide five weeks of annu­al leave pro rata
  • Access to our Employ­ee Assis­tance Pro­gram includ­ing coun­selling, nutri­tion ses­sions, finan­cial ses­sions, and legal advice
  • Pri­vate health insur­ance discounts
  • Novat­ed leas­ing available
  • Access to a full allo­ca­tion of a new­ly launched uni­form range at no cost


Click here to apply-https://​www​.fly​ing​doc​tor​.org​.au/​c​a​r​e​e​r​s​/​j​o​b​/​958190​-​r​e​g​i​s​t​e​r​e​d​-​n​u​r​s​e​-​p​r​i​m​a​r​y​-​h​e​a​l​t​h​-​care/

If you would like any fur­ther infor­ma­tion or a copy of the posi­tion descrip­tion, please con­tact Tal­ent Acqui­si­tion at recruitment@​rfdsqld.​com.​au or call 07 3852 7553.

If you would like to have a con­ver­sa­tion with our Nurse Man­ag­er, please let us know, and we can con­nect you with our lead­ers at Cairns Base.

Before com­mence­ment, suc­cess­ful can­di­dates must under­go a drug and alco­hol test and pos­si­bly a med­ical assess­ment. You must pos­sess a valid, unre­strict­ed Aus­tralian dri­ver’s licence and be able to obtain an ASIC Card. Addi­tion­al­ly, can­di­dates must com­plete the RFDS and Queens­land Health cre­den­tial­ing process suc­cess­ful­ly.

Roy­al Fly­ing Doc­tor Ser­vice acknowl­edges the Aus­tralian Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander peo­ples as the first inhab­i­tants of the nation and the Tra­di­tion­al Cus­to­di­ans of the land. The RFDS is com­mit­ted to elim­i­nat­ing all forms of dis­crim­i­na­tion in the pro­vi­sion of health­care. We embrace diver­si­ty and wel­come all peo­ple irre­spec­tive of faith, eth­nic­i­ty, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion or gen­der iden­ti­ty.

Appli­ca­tions for this role close on the 13th of Decem­ber 2024, how­ev­er, short­list­ing and screen­ing process­es may begin before this date.