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Browse through the employment listings below to discover your dream rural or remote health care job.
Registered Nurses
Posted: 13 Nov 2024
Location: Across Australia
🌟 Discover the Adventure: Nursing Contracts available in Rural and Remote Australia with Talent Quarter! 🌟
Are you a Registered Nurse ready for a new and exciting challenge? Join Talent Quarter and embark on a fulfilling journey providing vital healthcare services across the vast landscapes of rural and remote Australia.
Why Choose TalÂent Quarter?
✨ NationÂwide OpporÂtuÂniÂties:
Work awaits you in every state, from bustling base hosÂpiÂtals to vital MPS sites. Your experÂtise is needÂed where it matÂters most.
đź’° ComÂpetÂiÂtive Pay with NSW IncenÂtives:
Earn $65 to $75 per hour, with addiÂtionÂal incenÂtives boostÂing your pay rate in NSW. Speak with us to unveil the excitÂing details that enhance your finanÂcial rewards.
đźš‘ Diverse EnviÂronÂments:
From the heart of New South Wales to the stunÂning landÂscapes of TasÂmaÂnia, be preÂpared to immerse yourÂself in difÂferÂent setÂtings, chalÂlenges, and experiences.
🏥 In-Charge ExpeÂriÂence:
Utilise your leadÂerÂship skills! In-charge expeÂriÂence is a must for those ready to take on responÂsiÂbilÂiÂties in a fast-paced and dynamÂic environment.
Join Our NursÂing Family:
ConÂnect with our dedÂiÂcatÂed TalÂent QuarÂter NursÂing Team for taiÂlored guidÂance and support:
NT/SA – Jason Fowles — jason.​fowles@​talentquarter.​com
SA/WA – TriÂona – 08 6400 6438 triona.​dowling@​talentquarter.​com
Jeane — jeane.​seducon@​talentquarter.​com
DimÂitri — 08 6182 1627 dimitri.​laboudeuse@​talentquarter.​com
TAS – Zoe – 02 9549 5753 zoe.​cooke@​talentquarter.​com
ACT/NSW/QLD – ChrisÂtine – 07 2112 6558 christine.​nazareth@​talentquarter.​com
NSW/QLD — NikÂisha — nikisha.​makhecha@​talentquarter.​com
VIC – Loes – 02 9145 1258 loes.​hunneman@​talentquarter.​com
Stephanie – 02 9549 5754 stephanie.​bolzenella@​talentquarter.​com
Aged Care Perm – Dave +61 489 925 683 dave.​corbineau@​talentquarter.​com
Become a Vital Part of TalÂent QuarÂter – Apply Now!
Seize this opporÂtuÂniÂty to make a real impact on healthÂcare in rurÂal and remote AusÂtralia. The TalÂent QuarÂter NursÂing Team is eager to welÂcome you into our nursÂing famÂiÂly. Your skills and pasÂsion can make a lastÂing difÂferÂence. Apply today and let the advenÂture begin!