Sue Tor­ney will be shar­ing the port­fo­lio and title with col­league Dal­las McK­e­own, also Co-Exec­u­tive Direc­tor First Peo­ples’ Strate­gies.

Sue is an Abo­rig­i­nal woman and descen­dant of the Wop­pabur­ra peo­ple of Kep­pel Island in Cen­tral Queens­land, as well as the Butchul­la peo­ple of Kgari Island in the Great Sandy Region of South East Queens­land. Sue is excit­ed to be shar­ing her expe­ri­ence in Indige­nous Health and rur­al emer­gency nurs­ing so as to deliv­er pos­i­tive change in the lives of First Peo­ples in rur­al and remote areas.