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CRANAplus Podcasts on all things remote health.
Welcome to CRANAcast, the remote health podcasts produced by CRANAplus, for anyone interested or working in rural, remote or isolated communities across Australia.
CRANAcast podcasts are designed for you to listen to on the plane, in the car between clinics, or during your downtime. Download them on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favourite podcast app so you can tune in even when you’re out of range.

CRANAcast: Recordings for the Road
This podcast is all about telling the stories of the remote health workforce. Every episode, a nurse, midwife, or health professional comes onto the show to share their experiences of working in rural and remote Australia. Hosted by RN Kate Ridge.

CRANAcast: Supporting your Wellbeing
This podcast provides mental health and wellbeing support and advice on issues that affect the rural and remote workforce. In each episode, an experienced psychologist or mental health professional joins host Drew Radford to deep dive into a new topic.