Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Dive in to dis­cov­er how you can become a part of our dynam­ic team and join an inno­v­a­tive, val­ues based not-for-prof­it focused on improv­ing the health and well­be­ing of Australia’s remote and iso­lat­ed pop­u­la­tions. Learn more about us.

We val­ue diver­si­ty at CRANAplus, our indi­vid­ual dif­fer­ences make our shared com­mu­ni­ty stronger.

CRANAplus welcomes interest and applications from First Peoples. At CRANAplus we uphold our values with a focus on cultural safety and advocacy through the CRANAplus First Peoples Strategy, led by the Executive Director of First Peoples Strategy.

Learn more

Why work at CRANAplus?

Competitive Remuneration

Our total remuneration packages include a range of benefits to support your employment entitlements at CRANAplus. Each year our Board and Executive review and consider wage growth to ensure our remuneration remains competitive as a NFP employer.

Salary Packaging

Salary packaging is accessible for employees to salary sacrifice up to the highest ‘tax free cap’ of $15,900, reducing your tax thresholds. CRANAplus partners with CBB Salary Packaging Company.

Additional Annual Leave

CRANAplus provides five (5) weeks of annual leave (pro rata) to all employees to support quality rest periods and wellbeing.

Professional Development

CRANAplus offers two (2) weeks of paid study leave (pro rata) to eligible employees annually, and further offers Qualification Recognition and Professional Development financial contributions for continued learning.

Flexible Working

At CRANAplus we have a range of flexible working arrangements available through hybrid rosters, working from home agreements, and the growth of our remote workforce across Australia.

Technology and Resources

Our employees receive an IT/Phone allowance to reflect the nature of hybrid working that occurs across our organisation. Our systems and technology allow us to connect wherever we are in Australia, and to balance our work and life commitments.

Be the first to hear about new opportunities

Follow us on LinkedIn and sign-up to the weekly CRANApulse Newsletter to be notified first when we list a new opportunity to join our team. Want to learn more about what we do? Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or check out our regular magazine and podcasts.