It can be dif­fi­cult to trace down the ser­vice stan­dards, man­u­als and guide­lines that gov­ern, relate to or affect your field of remote and iso­lat­ed health. On this page, our pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices team have col­lat­ed the offi­cial clin­i­cal stan­dards, man­u­als and guide­lines that are rel­e­vant to remote health nurs­es, mid­wives and prac­ti­tion­ers. Feel free to use this page as a ref­er­ence guide to ensure best prac­tice is fol­lowed with­in your workplace.

Everything Together in One Place

Below, we've grouped together governing standards and guidelines, along with manuals and personal development opportunities, information on COVID-19 and a list of health initiatives within Australia. You or your organisation may wish to draw upon this collection to improve your delivery of remote and isolated healthcare. Simply click on a category below to discover the relevant resources.

Need fur­ther guid­ance or keen to upskill? 

We also offer self-paced online cours­es and free reflec­tive mod­ules on a range of top­ics tai­lored to the remote setting.

View all online courses and reflective modules

Pop­u­lar free reflec­tive modules

Let us know if we’ve missed any­thing by email­ing our pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices team on professionalservices@​crana.​org.​au.