Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

An increas­ing vol­ume of research sug­gests mind­ful­ness is an extreme­ly effec­tive way to improve psy­cho­log­i­cal well­be­ing, phys­i­cal health, and man­age stress. More­over, a reg­u­lar prac­tice of mind­ful­ness increas­es self-aware­­­ness and allows indi­vid­u­als the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deal with neg­a­tive thoughts and dif­fi­cult feelings. 

Targeted Advice, Direct to You

Our Mind­ful Mon­day newsletter aspires to help you improve your wellbeing and resilience and gain life fulfilment to be your best version of yourself at work and out of hours. Mind­ful Mon­day articles deliv­er expert psy­cho­log­i­cal knowledge, insights and strategies and are chosen around current topics and research. Our Mindful Monday content helps remote area nurs­es and health pro­fes­sion­als cope with the daily challenges of living and working in demanding environments and to manage stress, trau­ma, grief, work­place con­flict and other common challenges.


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