Please note: Our Cairns office will be permanently closed from Friday 14 March 2025, and Adelaide will commence operation as our central hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.
First Peoples' Strategy
Our First Peoples' Strategy takes us beyond the Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP) that have guided us to date, and leads us towards bolder, more impactful action. It challenges us to find new ways to privilege and amplify First Peoples’ voices as we move towards genuine reconciliation and justice.
We respect the diversity and vibrancy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and listen to worldviews from across the country. We recognise that First Peoples’ traditions and knowledge systems are sources of strength, wisdom and guidance. We reflect First Peoples’ cultures in our workplace and in our work practices.
This plan is a strategic roadmap that defines our future vision and how we will get there. It guides us in an organised, flexible and aligned manner for the delivery of our mandate. The vision and values will hold our organisation accountable in ensuring it efficiently and effectively supports First Peoples on their path to self-determination. We look forward to continuing our journey together.
The five pillars of our First Peoples’ Strategy 2021 – 2025
Lift our voice to advocate for remote and isolated health.
- Engage with peak bodies and key stakeholders on identified health issues.
- Develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, and organisations to support positive outcomes.
- Contribute to the Professional Learning sessions (webinars).
Through a strengths-based approach contribute to improving the health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live in rural and remote Australia.
- Increase engagement and advancement across cultural knowledge, cultural safety and recognition.
- Establish relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to access resources that enable the delivery of CRANAplus services.
- Develop a talent pool of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Facilitators for delivery of relevant education courses.
Respond to health impacts from social determinants and a changing climate.
- Engage in research collaborations and projects.
- Develop leadership to build cultural respect, reducing discrimination and racism.
- Increase meaningful representation of First Peoples’ presence in our workplace to stay well-informed with current issues.
- Value and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ capacity to co-design and deliver evidence-based programs and services with their communities.
Increase our competitiveness and strengthen our resources.
- Be an organisation of choice for staff and volunteers and support a professional, flexible and mobile workforce.
- Review our services and applicability to First Peoples’ requirements.
- Promote CRANAplus to attract and retain more client business.
Grow, develop and up-skill the workforce.
- Develop a proactive approach to identifying opportunities for First Peoples.
- Develop a Community of Practice forum for First Peoples members.
- Promote and leverage CRANAplus’ competitive edge in remote health training and provide advice on CRANAplus promotional and educational material relating to First Peoples.
- Build cultural safety capabilities and practices through learning programs to cultivate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.