Nation­al Cri­sis and Sup­port Lines

24/7 con­fi­den­tial sup­port from a trained Life­line cri­sis sup­port­er.
Phone: 13 11 14

Life­line 13YARN
24/7 cri­sis sup­port tele­phone ser­vice spe­cif­ic to Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Island Peo­ples which is run by First Peo­ples, for First Peo­ples. Phone: 13 92 76

Sui­cide Call Back Ser­vice
A nation­wide ser­vice pro­vid­ing 24/7 tele­phone and online coun­selling to peo­ple affect­ed by sui­cide.
Phone: 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue
Call 24/7 to talk with a trained men­tal health pro­fes­sion­al.
Phone: 1300 224 636

Health Direct
Reg­is­tered nurs­es are avail­able 24/7 to pro­vide health advice when you’re not sure what to do.
Phone: 1800 022 222

Sup­port Lines & Coun­selling Ser­vices for the Health Workforce

Our Bush Sup­port Line pro­vides high-qual­i­ty, free, con­fi­den­tial, 24/7 tele­phone sup­port for the cur­rent
and emerg­ing rur­al and remote health work­force, and their fam­i­lies.
Phone: 1800 805 391

Nurse & Mid­wife Sup­port
24/7 sup­port for nurs­es and mid­wives.
Phone: 1800 667 877

24 hour cri­sis sup­port for doc­tors and med­ical stu­dents.
Phone: 1300 374 377

RACGP GP Sup­port Pro­gram
24/7 sup­port for GPs for trau­mat­ic inci­dents or cri­sis coun­selling. Face-to-face coun­selling also avail­able.
Phone: 1300 361 008

Phar­ma­cists’ Sup­port Ser­vice
A free ser­vice run by phar­ma­cists for phar­ma­cists. Every day from 8am to 11pm AEST.
Phone: 1300 244 910

Men­tal Health & Well­be­ing Resources and Information

CRANAplus has devel­oped a series of resources, infor­ma­tion and tools to sup­port the men­tal health and well­be­ing of the remote and rur­al health workforce.

Well­Mob pro­duces social, emo­tion­al and cul­tur­al well­be­ing online resources for Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander People.

eMH­prac con­nects health pro­fes­sion­als to online pro­grams, resources, pri­ma­ry care infor­ma­tion and dig­i­tal men­tal health resources. Head to their web­site.

Black Dog Insti­tute pro­vides research-informed men­tal health resources and sup­port tools that are rec­om­mend­ed by pro­fes­sion­als. The asso­ci­at­ed TEN (The Essen­tial Net­works for Health Pro­fes­sion­als) helps health­care work­ers find resources and sup­port to man­age burnout and main­tain good men­tal health.

Aus­tralian Psy­cho­log­i­cal Soci­ety pro­vides infor­ma­tion and resources on var­ied psy­chol­o­gy topics.

Beyond Blue pro­vides infor­ma­tion and sup­port to help every­one in Aus­tralia achieve their best pos­si­ble men­tal health, what­ev­er their age and wher­ev­er they live.

This Way Up pro­vides a suite of tai­lored online treat­ment cours­es.

Phoenix Aus­tralia, the Cen­tre for Post­trau­mat­ic Men­tal Health, pro­vides a range of resources, online train­ing, and treat­ment guide­lines for health practitioners.

Emerg­ing Minds helps health pro­fes­sion­als to con­nect with bet­ter men­tal health sup­port and approach­es for infants, chil­dren and families.

Head to Health offers over 500 dig­i­tal men­tal health resources from trust­ed ser­vice providers to sup­port your well­be­ing and men­tal health.

Sleep Health Foun­da­tion has pre­pared a num­ber of fact sheets about sleep-relat­ed top­ics.

Self Care for Health Workers

Abo­rig­i­nal Health & Med­ical Research Coun­cil of NSW Self-care Toolkit

Aus­tralian Indige­nous Health­In­foNet —Tak­ing Care of Yourself

CRANAplus Self­care: Help­ful Hints for Health Professionals

CRANAplus Self-Paced Online Course: Adapt­ing Self-Care Prac­tices Dur­ing Clin­i­cal Placement

Life in Mind — A Guide to Self-care

Beyond Blue — Self-care Resources

#Rural­Health­To­geth­er pro­vides rur­al health work­ers with self-care sup­port and well­be­ing-relat­ed information.

Feel­ing Dead­ly, Work­ing Dead­ly: Indige­nous Work­er Wellbeing