Will you be joining us at the 2024 Remote Nursing & Midwifery Conference?
23-25 October 2024, Naarm/Melbourne. Click here to view our preliminary program or to register.

Inter­est­ed in shar­ing your expe­ri­ence of work­ing in remote health? Per­haps there is a top­ic that you would like to see cov­ered in the CRANAplus Mag­a­zine? Get in touch with your sto­ry or sug­ges­tion by sub­mitting an enquiry

Strongy­loidi­a­sis – erad­i­cat­ing every last worm with Dr Wendy Page

8 Apr 2024

2021 NT Australian of the Year, Dr Wendy Page spent three decades working in East Arnhem Land with Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation, fighting a parasitic enemy that is invisible to the naked eye…

Remote area nurs­ing pack­ing list

8 Apr 2024

We invited CRANAplus Members to share their advice on items to bring when working in a remote area, or to purchase when visiting a regional or urban hub. Here is the list you helped us to compile!

Tak­ing the query out of Q Fever

8 Apr 2024

In the 1930s, a mysterious outbreak of illness among Brisbane abattoir workers was dubbed ‘query fever’ because of its unknown cause. 90 years later, Q Fever can still mystify and mislead with its…

New course sup­ports health work­ers expe­ri­enc­ing trauma

8 Apr 2024

Following the recent release of two written trauma resources, the CRANAplus Mental Health and Wellbeing team are proud to announce the addition of a third resource, a new online course titled…

Return­ing to remote area nurs­ing after time away

8 Apr 2024

Greg Morley launched his remote nursing career in the 1980s, before returning to the city and building a life there for more than 25 years. But his love of remote area nursing never left him and in…

Cul­ture the focus at Yutjuwala Dji­warr Aged Care Centre

8 Apr 2024

“You won’t find our residents sitting blankly looking at a television screen. They’re always outdoors, catching the breeze.” That’s Registered Nurse Rosie Breen, Service Manager at the Yutjuwala…

CRANAplus Q&A: “I have been asked if I am competent at triage. Is a certificate all I need?”

8 Apr 2024

Triage requirements vary significantly across different healthcare settings, encompassing distinctions between state services, health districts, and individual practices. Notably, there is no…

CRANAplus facil­i­ta­tor Kirsty Blair’s pas­sion for prepar­ing remote health professionals

8 Apr 2024

CRANAplus course facilitator, Kirsty Blair RN/RM has experience ranging from intensive care as the after-hours coordinator in a busy city hospital to working overseas in war-torn regions. Having…

Stu­dent sto­ry: Cameron’s remote nurs­ing place­ment on Thurs­day Island

8 Apr 2024

Cameron Powers’ final student nursing placement has solidified his career direction: he’s heading remote. Here, the Queensland University of Technology student writes about his multi-leg adventure to…

Stu­dent sto­ry: Jethro’s con­fi­dence-build­ing place­ment in Cen­tral Australia

8 Apr 2024

Jethro Haythorpe, a nursing student from Charles Darwin University, recently undertook two consecutive placements in Alice Springs, NT. Here, Jethro writes of star-filled desert nights, stunning red…

Remote nurs­ing research tips

8 Apr 2024

Are you interested in undertaking research in the remote healthcare sector? We invited six nurses with research experience to answer your burning questions.

CRANAplus facil­i­ta­tors in action

8 Apr 2024

Check out what it’s like to take to the road as a CRANAplus facilitator. A few of our volunteers have captured some behind-the-scenes action as they rounded out the 2023 course schedule.

Nurse-led skin can­cer detec­tion pilot continues

8 Apr 2024

In December 2022, we spoke with Marion Eckert, Director of the Rosemary Bryant Research Centre (RBRC) Uni SA and her team about their new pilot program Project Check Mate – a collaboration with Skin…

What’s hap­pen­ing online? CRANAplus Mem­ber Face­book Group

8 Apr 2024

Check out some of the latest content from our new CRANAplus Members Facebook Group. This Facebook Group provides a forum for Individual CRANAplus Members to connect with each other, share ideas,…

2023 CRANAplus Mem­ber Sur­vey Results

8 Apr 2024

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2023 Member Survey. Your participation helps us to develop a deeper understanding of your experiences and gather valuable workforce data. It allows us to…

Ann’s train jour­ney takes an unex­pect­ed turn

8 Apr 2024

CRANAplus Board member and RN Ann Aitken recently found herself tending to a person with chest pains during a recreational train journey. Here she tells her tale – and pays thanks to having recently…

Bro­ken sys­tems? Fix them

8 Apr 2024

How often could something you are doing at work be simplified, improved, or adjusted to better meet the health needs of individuals or the community? Be honest. Sometimes, it can feel to you and your…

Baby bun­dles of suc­cess in PNG

8 Apr 2024

While building a school in Papua New Guinea, carpenter Barry Kirby became aware of the region’s incredibly high rate of preventable maternal and newborn fatality. 12 years and two degrees later, he…

Sup­port­ing the well­be­ing of remote agency nurses

8 Apr 2024

CRANAplus regularly partners with organisations from the remote health sector to support staff mental health and wellbeing. A recent collaboration with nursing agency Affinity Nursing has upskilled…

Increas­ing male engage­ment in rur­al and remote centres

8 Apr 2024

A/Prof Tim Moss from CRANAplus partner organisation Healthy Male provides advice on strategies health practitioners can use to increase male engagement in primary health care.

Apply now for 2024 schol­ar­ships, grants and awards

8 Apr 2024

We are now accepting applications for the 2024 Scholarships and Grants program. Nominations are also now open for the CRANAplus' 2024 Australian Remote Health Awards. Browse award categories…

Aller­gies on the rise

7 Apr 2024

Allergies need to be taken seriously. Heather Roberts, who presented an abstract at the 40th CRANAplus Conference and has worked for the National Allergy Council since 2019, explains how rural and…

Tas­man­ian nurse Katie Pen­ning­ton recog­nised as 2023 Remote & Iso­lat­ed Health Pro­fes­sion­al of the Year

12 Dec 2023

This year’s recipient of the CRANAplus Aurora Award for the Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year, Katie Pennington, reflects on the power of nurses’ voices, the community health model…

New starter Mic­ah makes a dif­fer­ence in West Arnhem

12 Dec 2023

The recipient of the 2023 Early to Remote Practice Award, Micah Haslam RN, describes receiving the award as a surprise and honour. Here, she talks about her newfound love of Gunbalanya.

Lau­ra Black, NP from WA’s Wheat­belt, receives 2023 CRANAplus Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice award

12 Dec 2023

Laura Black, Nurse Practitioner from the tiny town of Moorine Rock in the West Australian Wheatbelt, is the 2023 recipient of the CRANAplus Excellence in Remote and Isolated Health Practice award.

2023 Gayle Wood­ford Memo­r­i­al Schol­ar­ship recip­i­ent, Tiffany Cattermole

12 Dec 2023

Tiffany feels fortunate to have been awarded the 2023 Gayle Woodford Memorial Scholarship and says it will give her the upper hand in expanding her career in remote health.

The His­to­ry of CRANAplus (Part 1): 1982 – 1985 — CRANA’s Ori­gin Story

12 Dec 2023

The formation of the Council of Remote Area Nurses of Australia in the early 1980s represents a collective triumph against the odds. Remote area nurses at the time were frequently under-resourced and…

The His­to­ry of CRANAplus (Part 2): Prepar­ing the work­force — the push for education

12 Dec 2023

At the 1985 conference in Townsville, education (or lack thereof) was identified as the single most important issue facing RANs.

The His­to­ry of CRANAplus (Part 3): The fight for iden­ti­ty — val­i­dat­ing RAN practice

12 Dec 2023

How can you make your voice heard when you are out of sight from the majority of Australians? CRANA would answer this question successfully, but not without difficulty, over the next four decades. As…

The His­to­ry of CRANAplus (Part 4): From cot­tage indus­try to cor­po­rate entity

12 Dec 2023

CRANA's history is defined by two major growth spurts — the funding of the late 1990s and the diversification of the late 2000s. But when its ambitions have exceeded its budget, passionate volunteers…

Ready for the next pandemic?

12 Dec 2023

Is Australia ready for future pandemics? Whether we can curb the spread will depend on the nation’s ability to run effective quarantine facilities, writes Senior Research Officer, Angela Sheedy.…

Our respon­si­bil­i­ty to grad­u­ates” with New South Wales-based Clin­i­cal Edu­ca­tor, Dalya Holowinski

12 Dec 2023

CRANAplus Member and Riverina-based District Nurse Educator Dalya Holowinski explains the process of identifying the learning needs of the emerging workforce, the roving CNE model, and the…

Stu­dent sto­ry: Man­ingri­da place­ment cements aspir­ing remote area nurse Gillian’s pas­sion for remote practice

12 Dec 2023

Aspiring remote area nurse Gillian Edmiston from Charles Darwin University shares insight into her four-week placement in Maningrida, an Aboriginal community in West Arnhem Land, NT, where she worked…

Sex­u­al Health in Region­al & Remote Pop­u­la­tions with Nik­ki Bran­don from SHINE SA

12 Dec 2023

Nikki Brandon from SHINE SA provides an update on the challenges of STI screening in remote areas, some tips on encouraging screening, and asymptomatic STIs.

2022 CRANAplus Ear­ly to Remote Prac­tice Award Win­ner, vol­un­teers in Vietnam

12 Dec 2023

Last year’s CRANAplus Early to Remote Practice Award Winner, Lorraine Woods, put her prize money towards a volunteering trip to Vietnam, where she and her friend Judith delivered resources and…

Mid­wifery Group Prac­tice in the Tor­res Strait with CM Max­ine Lenehan

12 Dec 2023

Maxine Lenehan CM works within the Midwifery Group Practice on Thursday Island. She explains how MGP works in the Torres Strait, the logistics of island-based healthcare, and the “beautiful…

Recap: 2023 CRANAplus 40th Anniver­sary Conference

12 Dec 2023

This October, more than 200 delegates and stakeholders gathered in Gimuy/Cairns at the CRANAplus 40th Anniversary Conference, for three days of networking, reminiscing, and envisioning a better…

The remote area nurs­ing cou­ple chas­ing their farm­ing dreams

12 Dec 2023

CRANAplus Member Dr Kirsten Due MO writes in about inspiring nursing couple, Jason and Melanie. The pair met in Alice Springs and lived in remote Alaska, before returning to Australia to continue…

Mind­ful­ness on the go for remote health professionals

12 Dec 2023

In the busyness, and with the competing demands in our lives, it is essential to prioritise our physical health and wellbeing, writes Senior Psychologist, Therese Forbes. We are constantly bombarded…

Ear­ly inter­ven­tion cru­cial for burn victims

11 Dec 2023

First responders can dramatically improve outcomes for burn victims, reducing the need for a graft by fifty per cent. Here Dr Helen Douglas, who works for the State Burns Service in WA, talks about…

Adding mater­ni­ty emer­gency care skills to the remote area nurse’s tool­box, with mid­wife Di Evans

7 Dec 2023

Remote area midwife and CRANAplus facilitator Di Evans is passionate about empowering and supporting RANs. Here Di shares what drives her volunteer contribution to CRANAplus’ “something for…

Reg­u­lar CRANAplus Mag­a­zine writer reflects on the 2015 con­fer­ence in new book

5 Dec 2023

In the 2010s, Journalist Rosemary Cadden travelled from Adelaide to the Top End in the footsteps of explorer and fellow Scot, John McDouall Stuart. On the way, she attended the 2015 CRANAplus…

40th CRANAplus Con­fer­ence Preview

15 Aug 2023

Catch up on the speakers, pre- and post-conference events, and social opportunities that you can expect at the 40th CRANAplus Conference in Cairns this October.

Nurs­ing on Christ­mas Island, with Stevh­nie Nel

14 Aug 2023

Community health nurse Stevhnie Nel discusses cultural awareness when working with Chinese and Malay clients, community immersion as a self-care strategy, and witnessing the annual Christmas Island…

60 years a nurse in rur­al New South Wales

14 Aug 2023

CRANAplus Member Sandra Vicary retired recently, having just reached the milestone of 60 years of nursing in rural New South Wales. She remembers asking permission to marry as a young nursing sister,…

Cop­ing with the Kim­ber­ley Floods

14 Aug 2023

Senior Psychologist for the Bush Support Line, Dr Nicole Jeffery-Dawes, reflects on the emotional and professional challenges her community faced during the floods in the Kimberley earlier this year…

Put sep­sis at the forefront

14 Aug 2023

RN, RM and Remote Clinical Educator at CRANAplus, Leonie McLaughlin, is passionate about helping nursing staff in remote communities provide best-practice care in the absence of maternity services…

CRANAplus Q&A: Paediatric burns

14 Aug 2023

“Hi CRANAplus. Paediatric burns are not uncommon in the community I work in. These often result from spilled boiling water. Despite having previous experience/ training in burns, I still find myself…

Cytomegalovirus: remote nurs­es key to ear­ly detection

14 Aug 2023

How much do you know about CMV? As the first port of call for antenatal screening in much of remote Australia, nurses are key to early detection and treatment. So urges remote area nurse Mel Howard,…

CRANAplus facil­i­ta­tor spot­light: On home soil

14 Aug 2023

CRANAplus course facilitator Jackie Hanniver reflects on the magnetic pull of country Australia, and the less obvious benefits of delivering training where remote health staff work and live.

Lim­it­ed-time Mem­ber­ship offer for students

14 Aug 2023

Whether you’re studying nursing or midwifery, or undertaking training in an allied health speciality, CRANAplus wants to support you on your pathway to developing a career in remote and isolated…

Becom­ing a remote area nurse – a new module

14 Aug 2023

If you are interested in working as a remote area nurse or midwife, but uncertain how to get started, you may want to check out our new free reflective online module, ‘Becoming a remote area nurse:…

Mind­ful Pho­tog­ra­phy Com­pe­ti­tion: Win­ners Announced

14 Aug 2023

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the CRANAplus Mindful Photography competition. Check out the competition winners here!

Remote area nurs­ing: That time I saved a horse’s life

14 Aug 2023

In the 1980s, when a horse suffered a cut to the neck in Tarcoola, SA, new-to-town remote area nurse Ros Jinks performed a successful “backyard surgery” to save its life. Her story evokes the golden…

Stay­ing safe around camp dogs, with AMRRIC

14 Aug 2023

Camp dogs are culturally significant, a source of joy, and a mainstay of many remote communities. However, health professionals who work in or visit remote communities may sometimes find them…

Risk man­age­ment in Antarc­ti­ca, with Dr. Edi Albert

14 Aug 2023

Dr. Edi Albert, Senior Lecturer in Remote and Extreme Environment Medicine at the University of Tasmania, has spent his career working in a variety of extreme environments – including Antarctica. He…

Empow­er­ing Nurse Prac­ti­tion­ers, with Les­ley Salem

14 Aug 2023

At this year’s CRANAplus Conference, proud Wonnarua woman and Nurse Practitioner (NP) Lesley Salem will shine a light on the challenges and opportunities facing the Nurse Practitioner workforce in…

Stu­dent sto­ry: A deep­er understanding

14 Aug 2023

Meg Gibson from the University of New England reflects on the cultural lessons learned during her nursing placement in Mparntwe/Alice Springs.

Inci­vil­i­ty in remote health workplaces

14 Aug 2023

Uncivil workplace behaviours that border on bullying can have a destructive impact on staff wellbeing and health care delivery. As Therese and Kristy from CRANAplus’ Mental Health and Wellbeing team…

Stu­dent sto­ry: The country’s calling

14 Aug 2023

Curtin University physiotherapy student Abbey Staer experienced varied practice areas, outreach and Aboriginal health during her final placement at Karratha Health Campus. Having also found…

CRANAplus Fel­low Isabelle Skin­ner on Telehealth’s trajectory

14 Aug 2023

CRANAplus Fellow in Focus Isabelle Skinner, is a nurse midwife turned remote area nurse turned educator. In this summary of her nursing life, Isabelle touches on her passion for telehealth and wound…

CRANAcast taster: CRANAcast with Kep­pel Schafer

14 Aug 2023

In episode 18 of CRANAcast, Keppel Schafer RN, RM and Queensland “country boy at heart” shares his top drawcards of working in remote health, along with stories from his last 12 years volunteering as…

Nurs­ing through the floods in Daly Riv­er, NT

14 Aug 2023

“Navigating a moderate flood event in a remote community can be a challenging and eye-opening experience for health-care professionals,” writes well-versed Rural LAP locum Gawaine Glasby RN, of his…

Floods and Chalk­boards in North West Queensland

14 Aug 2023

CRANAplus Member Paul Reeves, Clinical Nurse Coordinator, provides a snapshot of his recent work out in North West Queensland.

Dis­as­ter nurs­ing: expect­ing the unexpected

14 Aug 2023

Six years ago, when RN Catherine Anne Brewer found out about the terrorist bombing at the Ariana Grande concert in England, she asked herself “What if that happened on my watch?” This question has…

Mood­itj Lead­er­ship Train­ing experience

1 Aug 2023

Holly Fazulla from SHINE SA reflects on a Mooditj Leadership Training course she recently completed in Alice Springs. Now, she’s prepared to deliver the Mooditj program, a resilience, relationships…

Encour­ag­ing age­ing well, with keynote speak­er Pro­fes­sor Eddy Strivens

5 Jun 2023

Looking at healthy ageing has been a lifetime’s work for Professor Eddy Strivens, a key speaker at this year’s CRANAplus conference in Cairns in October. Here he talks about becoming an ‘accidental…

Tran­si­tion­ing to remote prac­tice: RANPP par­tic­i­pants on their career jour­neys to date

7 Apr 2023

Midway through 2022, CRANAplus accepted four nurses into its pilot Remote Area Nursing Pathway Program (RANPP). The program attracted interest from hundreds of nurses, highlighting the emerging…

A CRANAplus Mem­bers’ guide on retir­ing from remote area nursing

7 Apr 2023

Retired rural and remote area nurses Stewart, Karen, June and Tracy share their retirement journeys and discuss transitioning out of the workforce, preparing your finances and home, pursuing your…

Tak­ing nurs­ing edu­ca­tion to remote Australia

7 Apr 2023

Nurses are a mainstay of the rural and remote health workforce, so it’s vital to invest in their professional development. That’s the view of Jason Phieler, a long-term facilitator for CRANAplus…

Dan Han­son on the ben­e­fits of a remote area nurs­ing mentor

7 Apr 2023

The CRANAplus LINKS Mentoring Program for remote health professionals connects mentors and mentees from around Australia. Free for all parties, the program encourages career development and builds…

Pre­vent­ing Tuber­cu­lo­sis in the Tor­res Strait

7 Apr 2023

Papua New Guinea experiences some of the world’s highest rates of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. The Torres Strait Protected Zone permits traditional inhabitants to travel without passport…

Who can call the Bush Sup­port Line?

7 Apr 2023

The Bush Support Line is a space for all rural and remote health workers to talk. The line has been operating in various forms since 1997 and provides a non-judgemental, safe and anonymous space for…

Respond­ing to a Motor Vehi­cle Crash

7 Apr 2023

Intensive Care Paramedic and CRANAplus Remote Emergency Care course Facilitator Casey Hayes provides advice on how to respond to a motor vehicle crash while working in a remote setting. Casey’s…

Grow­ing Dead­ly Families

7 Apr 2023

Last year, Queensland Aboriginal midwives Sonita Giudice and Melina Connors travelled 44,500 kilometres in cars, planes, and ferries – equivalent to circumnavigating the globe – as part of the…

Intro­duc­ing CRANAplus Board Mem­ber, Ann Aitken

7 Apr 2023

Dr Ann Aitken PhD was appointed to the CRANAplus Board in October 2022, alongside Danielle Causer whom we introduced in CRANA Magazine edition #127. Ann is Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Facility…

Cel­e­brat­ing Excel­lence: NAAT­SI­H­WP & IAHA Award Winners

7 Apr 2023

CRANAplus was proud to sponsor multiple important industry awards in 2022, including NAATSIHWP’s Models of Care and Career Pathways Innovation Excellence Award and IAHA’s Allied Health Assistant…

Under­stand­ing effec­tive alco­hol and drug treatments

7 Apr 2023

The latest review into effective alcohol and drug-use treatment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples has the potential to encourage greater recognition of the value of First Nations…

CRANAcast taster: Episode 15 with Di Thornton

7 Apr 2023

In episode 15 of CRANAcast, CRANAplus Fellow, registered nurse, and endorsed nurse practitioner from the Murray-Mallee region in SA, Di Thornton, shares her views on taking an “outside the box”…

Stu­dent sto­ry: Holis­tic and Cul­tur­al­ly Safe prac­tice in Ntaria

7 Apr 2023

Undergraduate nursing student Karleigh Barbour reflects on her 2022 remote placement in Ntaria (Hermannsburg), NT, where her dream of becoming a RAN began to feel more like a reality.

Dif­fer­ences between urban and remote nursing

7 Apr 2023

CRANAplus Professional Officer Michelle Mason highlights some of the differences between urban and remote nursing, including location, staffing, skill set, resources and lifestyle, and provides…

Advice on apply­ing for nurs­ing and mid­wifery schol­ar­ships and grants

7 Apr 2023

CRANAplus Professional Officer Melanie Avion offers advice on applying for scholarships and grants including tips on meeting the criteria, filling out and submitting an application, and the…

CRANAplus Q&A: Shoes for new RANs

7 Apr 2023

“What shoes would you recommend new RANs to be wearing? I understand the work is very different from normal RN work, and I don’t think my runners will cut the NT wet season”. Corey, NT

A new face at CRANAplus, Lau­ra Coldwell

7 Apr 2023

In this article, we introduce you to the newest member of the CRANAplus Mental Health and Wellbeing Team, Laura Coldwell. A UK-trained mental health nurse, with experience in sexual and remote…

CRANAplus Edu­ca­tion Update: April 2023

7 Apr 2023

This year, the CRANAplus Education team has rolled out a new two-day face-to-face workshop for the Maternity Emergency Care course. Readers can also look forward to the relaunch of our Advanced…

Intro­duc­ing Aman­da Forti

7 Apr 2023

Amanda Forti RN RM joined CRANAplus as a Remote Clinical Educator in July of last year. Amanda has a Master of Philosophy in the field of Midwifery along with experience in private and public…

Intro­duc­ing our new Safe­ty & Secu­ri­ty Framework

7 Apr 2023

CRANAplus recently released a new safety and security framework outlining its three areas of commitment to the safety and security of remote health professionals. We have also published new and…

Verus Peo­ple answer your FAQs about work­ing for a nurs­ing agency

7 Apr 2023

Many nurses experience remote health practice for the first time while working for a nursing agency. CRANAplus has invited Corporate Member Verus People to answer your frequently asked questions…

Cul­tur­al­ly appro­pri­ate pal­lia­tive care on Country

7 Apr 2023

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people express the wish to be cared for, and to die, on Country if possible. When care at home is preferred, it can be provided by clinical services to help…

2022 CRANAplus Mem­ber Sur­vey Results

1 Apr 2023

In our 2022 Member Survey, we received responses from Members with varying specialties, employment patterns, experience levels and places to call home – yet a handful of common themes emerged that…

Con­sumer con­trol in the men­tal health sector

30 Mar 2023

Giving consumers control to determine their own recovery pathway is at the core of new national mental health standards. The new standards, designed specifically for mental health services provided…

Hepati­tis C test­ing even more accessible

30 Mar 2023

South Australian Viral Hepatitis Nurses are joining a world-first HCV point-of-care testing program being rolled out nationally in Australia.

Stu­dent sto­ry: Diverse patient needs by the sea

30 Mar 2023

Nursing student Kate Janjatovic was fortunate to land a student placement in the tropical town of Carnarvon, WA, alongside her friend. Kate shares her fun living with and learning from other health…

Stu­dent sto­ry: Back to the coun­try way

30 Mar 2023

Perth nursing student Bethany Egbers completed her WA Country Placement seaside, an 8-hour journey south in the picturesque town of Esperance. There, she quickly discovered a new sense of…

Mind­ful Pho­tog­ra­phy Competition

14 Mar 2023

Capture a moment that displays and encourages mindfulness for your chance to win a $200 gift voucher. The CRANAplus Mental Health and Wellbeing Team is running a Mindful Photography Competition – no…

Melioi­do­sis – and its Wet Sea­son connection

10 Dec 2022

Dr Ella Meumann from Menzies School of Health Research discusses melioidosis, a predominantly wet season disease caused by the soil-dwelling bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. Ella works with…

Empow­er­ing child nutrition

10 Dec 2022

It’s not enough to tell parents to feed their children healthy food, says nutrition expert Anthea Brand. Primary health care nurses also need to look for ways to empower healthy eating – by targeting…

CRANAplus launch­es Mirii Course designed for Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander Health Prac­ti­tion­ers and Workers

10 Dec 2022

Our brand new CRANAplus Mirii Course is designed to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and Workers with the skills to effectively use clinical care manuals and…

Con­verse Cul­ture Shock – Unac­cus­tomed to the familiar

10 Dec 2022

When you return from a stint in a remote community, home life can suddenly seem unfamiliar, write CRANAplus Members Ms M Press and Ms R Caine. Most of us recognise culture shock as a condition…

Remote child health: a lat­er transition

10 Dec 2022

Child Health nurse and long-time CRANAplus Member Dianne Paul, now 72, describes herself as a ‘late starter to remote’ and yet despite retiring from nursing almost a year ago, still regularly finds…

Cel­e­brat­ing our 2022 Auro­ra Award Win­ner Lynette Byers

10 Dec 2022

2022 Aurora Award recipient, Lynette (Lyn) Byers, who works as a Clinical Nurse Consultant with Nganampa Health Council in the APY Lands and volunteers on various boards and committees related to…

Qual­i­ty and safe­ty super­star: Lor­raine Harry

10 Dec 2022

This year’s recipient of the Excellence in Remote and Isolated Health Practice Award is Quality & Safety Officer at Mala’la Aboriginal Health Service, Lorraine Harry. Here, she discusses…

2022 Ray Wyeth Ear­ly to Remote Prac­tice Award recip­i­ent Lor­raine Woods

10 Dec 2022

The recipient of the Ray Wyeth Early to Remote Practice Award, Lorraine Woods, transitioned to remote health in 2021, joining the new Palm Cockatoo Midwifery Group Practice in Weipa, Cape York. She…

Address­ing inequity in skin can­cer detection

9 Dec 2022

South Australian nurses will have the chance to lead skin cancer detection at numerous pop-up screening clinics across the state in 2023/2024, as part of Project Check Mate, a newly funded pilot…

Japan­ese Encephali­tis Virus’ Aus­tralian arrival

9 Dec 2022

Historically a condition of Asia and the Pacific, the mosquito-borne Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) entered Australia’s consciousness in February 2021 with a fatal, locally acquired infection. In…

Your con­tra­cep­tion ques­tions answered

9 Dec 2022

The new Australian Contraception and Abortion Primary Care Practitioner Community of Practice (AusCAPPS) is designed to support your clinical practice in women’s sexual and reproductive health care,…

From EN to RN — 3 stories

9 Dec 2022

In 2022, CRANAplus administered Country Women’s Association Rural and Remote Nursing/Midwifery Professional Development grants. Three Enrolled Nurses who successfully applied relate here how the…

The case for place-based care as a remote area nurse

9 Dec 2022

Unique personal and professional rewards await those who live and work in remote communities, says RN and CRANAplus Nursing and Midwifery Roundtable member, Katie Pennington. These include…

Self-col­lec­tion HPV test­ing in remote Australia

9 Dec 2022

Testing for HPV using self-collection can increase our ability to eradicate cervical cancer by 2035, writes Carina Brown RM, Clinical Workforce Educator, SHINE SA.

Kid­ney Trans­plant Yarn­ing in Queensland

9 Dec 2022

Gary Torrens, clinical nurse consultant at Princess Alexandra Hospital, has been part of a $1 million national initiative to counteract barriers for Indigenous dialysis patients getting on the kidney…

Intro­duc­ing one of our newest Board Mem­bers, Danielle Causer

9 Dec 2022

At the CRANAplus Annual General Meeting in October, Danielle Causer was voted in as one of two of CRANAplus’ newest Board Members, along with Ann Aitken. As Executive Director (ED) of Nursing for…

Facil­i­ta­tor spot­light: Sharon Gibbens

9 Dec 2022

RN and RM Sharon Gibbens decided to facilitate courses for CRANAplus because of her passion for two-way learning and her recognition of the advanced skills required in pre-retrieval.

Stu­dent sto­ry: Learn­ing, walk­ing and liv­ing on Mparn­twe Country

9 Dec 2022

Occupational therapy student Annabelle Keynes recounts her dream placement at Purple House in Mparntwe, Alice Springs; an experience she describes as ‘immersive and affirming’. From small acts of…

Stu­dent sto­ry: Con­sol­i­dat­ing skills in ED

9 Dec 2022

Edith Cowan University undergraduate nursing student Chris Mattiaccio escaped a cold wet winter to undertake an experience of a lifetime in WA’s northwest. There he found blowholes and breathtaking…

Bush Sup­port Line team under­take Safe­Side sui­cide pre­ven­tion training

9 Dec 2022

Our Bush Support Line team, consisting of both CRANAplus senior psychologists and out-of-hours psychologists, share a wealth of clinical experience from having lived and worked across rural and…

A new way to access sup­port — CRANAcast: Sup­port­ing your Wellbeing

9 Dec 2022

Kristy Hill, Manager Education and Resources Mental Health and Wellbeing Services at CRANAplus, introduces CRANAcast: Supporting your Wellbeing – a new free podcast designed to support the mental…

2022 CRANAplus Con­fer­ence overview

9 Dec 2022

Over 200 delegates from around the country gathered in Adelaide from 4–6 October for two and a half days of highly productive networking, knowledge-sharing and inspiration.

An exhibitor’s per­spec­tive — 2022 CRANAplus Conference

9 Dec 2022

In October 2022, CareSearch returned to face-to-face conferences by attending the 39th CRANAplus Conference in Adelaide. Katrina Erny-Albrecht and Susan Gravier from CareSearch write about their…

The life and times of Cre­den­tialed Dia­betes Edu­ca­tor, Ker­ri Rothery

9 Dec 2022

Kerri Rothery was presented as a graduate at the 2022 CRANAplus Conference, for having completed a Master of Remote and Indigenous Health through Flinders University. We catch up with Kerri to…

2022 Gayle Wood­ford Schol­ar­ship recip­i­ent Emi­ly Evans

7 Dec 2022

Registered Nurse Emily Evans describes winning this year’s Gayle Woodford Memorial Scholarship as a great honour and a career game changer.

Signs of suc­cess in pal­lia­tive care

1 Dec 2022

To be able to die in a place of your choosing is a key indicator of the success of a palliative care service. In Broken Hill the percentage is 98 per cent – which is just one reason to join the…

Pan­dem­ic spot­lights emerg­ing nurs­ing work­force in the NT

1 Dec 2022

Angela Sheedy’s time at the Howard Springs quarantine facility during the pandemic has got her reflecting on the untapped skills of student and newly-qualified nurses in Australia prior to the…

CRANAplus Fel­low in Focus: Sal­ly Johnson

11 Aug 2022

Fellow in Focus, from the August 2022 edition of the CRANAplus magazine, is Sally Johnson who, at 81, claims to be ‘absolutely retired’ but she still has ideas for CRANAplus, which she was…

Mem­ber Vivi­enne Fazul­la — Nurse of the Year, NSW Far West LHD

11 Aug 2022

Longstanding CRANAplus Member and attendee at the inaugural CRANAplus Conference in Alice Springs in 1983, Vivienne (Viv) Fazulla, won the NSW Far West Local Health District Award for Nurse of the…

Intro­duc­ing the new Fed­er­al Min­is­ter for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark But­ler MP

11 Aug 2022

The Hon Mark Butler MP was sworn in as the Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care on 1 June 2022. CRANAplus catches up with the Minister to discuss nursing workforce sustainability, safety and…

Post-dis­as­ter men­tal health support

11 Aug 2022

Cath Walker, Senior Psychologist with the CRANAplus Bush Support Line, has this June been awarded a National Emergency Medal for her work in Mallacoota, Victoria following the devastating Black…

CRANAplus launch­es its inau­gur­al Remote Area Nurs­ing Path­way Program

11 Aug 2022

This July, CRANAplus launched its inaugural Remote Area Nursing Pathway Program. The nine-month program is supporting four CRANAplus Members to build clinical skills, resilience, and cultural safety…

Darwin’s can­cer care team wins top award

11 Aug 2022

“Winning the team section in this year’s Northern Territory Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards this May illustrates how well the Alan Walker Cancer Care Centre at Royal Darwin Hospital pulls…

Mak­ing the most of work­ing in remote communities

11 Aug 2022

Registered Nurse/Nurse Practitioner Chris Birch, from the CRANAplus Nursing & Midwifery Roundtable, shares a few tips to help health workers get the most out of working in remote communities.

2022 CRANAplus Con­fer­ence preview

8 Aug 2022

Discover the speakers, exhibition space, and social opportunities that await at the 39th Annual CRANAplus Conference in Adelaide this 4–6 October.

CRANAcast taster: Episode five with Dal­las McKeown

8 Aug 2022

In episode five of CRANAcast, Dallas McKeown, Executive Director First Peoples’ Strategies at CRANAplus and proud Aboriginal woman of the Yuwaalaraay nation, shares her journey from EN to her current…

Readi­ness for rur­al and remote health­care settings

8 Aug 2022

Being prepared is the key to working remotely, according to CRANAplus course facilitator, Registered Nurse Mark Dunn.

Stu­dent sto­ry: Tess’s out­back adventure

8 Aug 2022

At first, flooding cuts Tess Wallace off from her clinical placement in Alice Springs Hospital, but after undertaking an outback journey involving joeys, truckers, and mates from her childhood, she…

Stu­dent sto­ry: ICU nurs­ing in Alice Springs

8 Aug 2022

CDU student Madaleine Ellsmore’s placement in Alice Springs ICU allowed her to familiarise with new interventions, participate in difficult family discussions, learn from skilled mentors — and even…

CRANAplus’ evolv­ing Men­tal Health and Well­be­ing service

8 Aug 2022

Executive Director, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Pamela Edwards, discusses the value of wellbeing workshops, the need to support the families of remote health workers, and new wellbeing resources you…

Crit­i­cal Con­ver­sa­tions — Free online course

8 Aug 2022

A new, free, interactive online course called ‘Critical Conversations’ is available on the CRANAplus website. It prepares the workforce to navigate conversations with people who need support,…

Face-to-face work­shops back in full force

8 Aug 2022

CRANAplus Clinical Education Manager Leanne Laurie discusses how COVID-19 has evolved our course delivery, the enduring popularity of face-to-face courses, course updates and exciting conference…

New addi­tion — Pae­di­atric Advanced Life Sup­port 101

8 Aug 2022

CRANAplus has added Paediatric Advanced Life Support to its Paediatric Emergency Care course, preparing participants to deliver high-quality care to paediatric arrest patients.

MMM: What is it and why does it matter?

8 Aug 2022

The Modified Monash Model (MMM) is the official method for classifying locations as cities, rural, remote, or very remote, writes CRANAplus Professional Officer Michelle Mason. Do you know how your…

Gain­ing skills through grants — 3 stories

8 Aug 2022

Gaining skills, preparing to return to clinical practice, maintaining the remote skill set: these are some of the benefits made possible by Nurses Memorial Foundation of SA Grants through CRANAplus.…

Sup­port key to WA’s Tran­si­tion to Prac­tice program

8 Aug 2022

Making the transition from city and regional hospital settings to rural and remote health practice offers huge benefits to career nurses and midwives. But the experience can leave nurses, especially…

Could it be sep­sis? The first nation­al stan­dard of care for sep­sis patients

1 Aug 2022

The first national standard of care for sepsis patients has been released in Australia, aiming to improve the recognition, treatment and management of the condition which is the body’s…

Healthy mums and babies

19 Jul 2022

At our 39th Annual Conference, Co-Director of the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre and CRANAplus Fellow Sue Kildea will be discussing the state of maternity services in remote Australia and necessary…

Sur­viv­ing extreme heat

12 Jul 2022

2022 CRANAplus Conference invited speaker Dr Simon Quilty discusses how increased temperatures are impacting remote communities and what Aboriginal culture can teach non-Indigenous Australians about…

Five things you should know about RHD

4 Jul 2022

The Rheumatic Heart Disease Endgame Strategy launched at the end of 2020. Some jurisdictions are now developing and launching their own RHD Action Plans. With the goal of eliminating RHD by 2031, we…

Ready for a Men­tal Health Emergency

8 Jun 2022

By gaining skills in assessment, intervention, and referral, remote area nurses and health practitioners can drive positive outcomes when clients present with mental illness or severe distress, and…

Remem­ber­ing Ray Wyeth

7 Apr 2022

On October 11 2021, Nurse and Midwife Raymond Clifford Wyeth tragically lost his life while working in an ambulance in Stanwell, Central Queensland, along with the patient he was caring for. Ray’s…

Singing from the same song book

4 Apr 2022

A stalwart in the remote nursing policy space, Heather Keighley joined CRANAplus as Senior Policy Adviser in December 2021. She discusses policy issues affecting remote area nursing, collaborating…

COVID-19 Safe­ty on CRANAplus Courses

4 Apr 2022

Deputy CEO and Executive Director of Education, Amelia Druhan, outlines CRANAplus’ COVIDsafe protocols for course delivery. Designed to keep the workforce and vulnerable communities safe, these…

2021 Mem­ber­ship Sur­vey results: lis­ten­ing to your voice

4 Apr 2022

The results of the 2021 CRANAplus Membership Survey are in. Find out why your colleagues stay remote, how COVID-19 has affected the workforce, and the advocacy priorities identified by our…

From ED to PHC: Leonie’s Leap of Faith

4 Apr 2022

Leonie Higgs made a ‘leap of faith’ into remote health in late 2021 when she took a primary health care position in Cape York. We caught up with her in January to discuss her new sense of purpose,…

Improving safety in remote clinics: a Q&A with Laura Wright

4 Apr 2022

RN and research student Laura Wright discusses the findings of The Remote Area Safety Project, her mixed methods study involving a literature review, survey, interviews, and policy analysis. What are…

Cel­e­brat­ing the life of NP Cathy Woods

4 Apr 2022

Michelle Dowden recalls her wonderful Galiwin’ku Island colleague, Cathy Woods, who passed away in 2021 but who lives on in treasured memories of distributing ice-cream on Boxing Day and 3am debriefs…

Stu­dent Sto­ry: Immer­sion in Emergency

4 Apr 2022

Lucas Revell from Edith Cowan Uni reflects on his month in Esperance, spent consolidating his emergency nursing skills by facing new presentations – including septic shock and mastocytosis – and…

Stu­dent Sto­ry: Build­ing clin­i­cal rea­son­ing in a less crit­i­cal environment

4 Apr 2022

Days spent gaining skills in venepuncture, arrhythmias, and wound care. Nights spent enjoying the Territory’s best chicken wings and cooling down in the local swimming pool with friends. Charles…

Fel­low in Focus: Kathryn Zeitz

4 Apr 2022

Kathryn Zeitz, an avid sponsor of the CRANAplus scholarship program to fund remote placements for health students, has fond memories of discovering the existence of our organisation back in 1998.

Moral injury and the COVID-19 pandemic

4 Apr 2022

Have the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic forced you to do things at work that go against your moral principles? You may be experiencing moral injury and its symptoms of guilt, anger, and…

MEC course updates incoming

4 Apr 2022

A recent survey of Maternity Emergency Care (MEC) course participants is guiding updates to CRANAplus’ MEC Program. Using the feedback you provided, the Education Team are now busy updating the…

End of an Era: Farewell to Long-time Facil­i­ta­tor, Rose­mary Moyle

4 Apr 2022

A facilitator on the CRANAplus REC Course since the very beginning, Rosemary Moyle continued to bring her wide-ranging experience to CRANAplus courses until 2021. As she hangs up the boots, Rosemary…

Let’s CHAT about Dementia

4 Apr 2022

The Let’s CHAT Dementia research project is set to drive research-informed best practice dementia care for Indigenous Australians living in rural and remote areas. Dallas McKeown, who is a member of…

SMS 4 Dads heads to rur­al and remote Australia

4 Apr 2022

The call is out to all rural and remote health workers to spread the word to new dads and dads-to-be about a free text-based service designed especially for them.

Being an AHP dur­ing the pandemic

4 Apr 2022

Geoffrey Ganambarr from the Marthakal Homelands Health Service has been an Aboriginal Health Practitioner for 11 years. His challenging role involves being the first point of contact and providing…

How is stroke retrieval changing?

4 Apr 2022

“For the first time in Australia’s history, the Stroke Alliance aims to close the health care gap in providing stroke care across our vast continent,” says Skye Coote (NP, CCRN, MN, NVRN-BC,…

Fetal Alco­hol Spec­trum Dis­or­der Myth Bust­ing with NOFASD Australia

4 Apr 2022

CRANAplus catches up with Robyn Smith, the Helpline Manager for the National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (NOFASD), to tackle four common Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder myths.

New resources to improve Qual­i­ty Use of Medicines

4 Apr 2022

NPS MedicineWise has just released three new resources to make it easier to follow a quality use of medicines (QUM) approach and reduce pressure on nurses moving between communities.

Stu­dent sto­ry: earn­ing independence

3 Apr 2022

University of Notre Dame nursing student Jennifer Kuppens discusses how her placement in Kununurra District Hospital improved her time-management skills, confidence and ability to prioritise…

Stu­dent sto­ry: my intrastate odyssey

3 Apr 2022

University of Wollongong Nutrition and Dietetics student Gynette Reyneke recalls her placement in Broken Hill. A warm welcome, heritage and culture, and rewarding project work awaited her in the far…

Equal oppor­tu­ni­ties need­ed for all health students

24 Mar 2022

Two thirds of nursing students never had the opportunity to complete a rural or remote placement, recent National Rural Health Student Network (NRHSN) research has shown. NRHSN Chair Jean-Baptiste…

Kel­lie Kerin: Upfront about Trau­ma, Turnover & Cul­ture Shock

17 Mar 2022

Short-lived attention to workplace safety for nurses and midwives in remote settings is nothing new. If RN Kellie Kerin, the NT Indigenous representative on the CRANAplus Nursing and Midwifery…

Meet 2022 OAM, Vic­ki O’Don­nell from Kim­ber­ley Abo­rig­i­nal Med­ical Services

7 Mar 2022

Vicki O’Donnell, a Nyikina Mangala woman from Derby in Western Australia, is the third person in her family to receive the OAM for community work. Here she talks about the influence of her family and…

Improve your triage com­pe­ten­cy, online

15 Feb 2022

CRANAplus recently launched Triage Emergency Care Online, a scheduled online course that makes triage competency attainable to remote health professionals who are affected by COVID-19 restrictions or…

New tool to fight infec­tion in the tropics

3 Dec 2021

Tropical areas across the top of Australia have a very high rate of potentially dangerous skin and other infections – and a very low level of information to support clinicians in treating these…

Neu­ro­pro­tec­tive devel­op­men­tal care

3 Dec 2021

Dr Pamela Douglas, the Medical Director of Possums & Co., discusses the Neuroprotective Developmental Care Accreditation Pathway, for which the charity is offering 300 scholarships. She also…

Why we stay and why we leave

3 Dec 2021

As part of her Flinders University Master’s of Remote and Indigenous Health, RN Jacki Argent interviewed seven experienced RANs for her study ‘Why we stay or leave and what we value: a qualitative…

A trop­i­cal tran­si­tion to remote

3 Dec 2021

We catch up with Madison Clark, RN with the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service, to find out what it’s like to work near ‘the most beautiful beaches’, witness the impacts of health promotion…

Wound care train­ing in remote NT

3 Dec 2021

The Australasian Foundation for Plastic Surgery has conducted 20 wound care workshops and counting in the Top End, paving the way for faster-healing wounds, fewer infections, and locally provided…

Round­table Round-up: Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er Can­di­date Emma Collins

3 Dec 2021

The CRANAplus Nursing and Midwifery Roundtable discusses and reports on key issues affecting rural/remote health. Roundtable Member, Nurse Practitioner Candidate and Nurse Manager Emma Collins from…

Meet 2021 Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award Win­ners, the Mid­wifery Unit of the Coomeal­la Health Abo­rig­i­nal Corporation

3 Dec 2021

In the Far West region of New South Wales, Coomealla Health Aboriginal Corporation have been doing things differently. Midwife Debbie Towns discusses their innovative transition to a digital…

Meet 2021 Excel­lence in Research and/​or Edu­ca­tion Award Win­ner, Dr Kylie McCullough

3 Dec 2021

Hear from Dr Kylie McCullough, lecturer at Edith Cowan University in Perth, on her early experiences in Kakadu, how they shaped her research interests, and how research into remote area nursing is…

Meet 2021 Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice Award Win­ner, Helen Parker

3 Dec 2021

Child Health Nurse with Mala'la Health Service, Helen Parker, has worked in Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and widely through the Top End. She reflects on becoming a nurse practitioner, a RAN's wide scope of…

Meet 2021 Auro­ra Award Win­ner, Ter­rie Tess’ Ivanhoe

2 Dec 2021

Tess Ivanhoe, Nurse Practitioner on the Chronic Disease Program at Nganampa Health Council, discusses how localised care can change health outcomes, the importance of understanding the community you…

Our new Acknowl­edg­ment of Country

2 Dec 2021

Acknowledging Australia’s First Peoples is an obligation that CRANAplus embraces with deep commitment. Under the leadership of CRANAplus’ inaugural Executive Director of First Peoples’ Strategies,…

Just like the real thing: the new sim­u­la­tion tech chang­ing how we learn

2 Dec 2021

The more life-like a training scenario, the more meaningful the learning experience. CRANAplus constantly keeps abreast of the latest developments in simulation technology and a few recent…

Work­ing through the bush­fires: a psy­chol­o­gist’s experiences

2 Dec 2021

Bush Support Line Manager Stephanie Cooper reflects on her experiences living and working on New South Wales’ south coast during the 2019/2020 bushfire season. As her story shows, even those with…

Eat­ing well on the job: 9 nutri­tion tips

2 Dec 2021

CRANAplus Senior Psychologist Nicole Jeffery-Dawes explains the connection between nutrition, gut health and wellbeing, and identifies nine ways to improve what you’re eating and drinking when…

Cli­mate change and health

2 Dec 2021

With a recent survey finding that more than half of the Australian health workforce are alarmed by how climate change is impacting health, CRANAplus is increasingly advocating for meaningful action.

Help­ing peo­ple become health seekers’

2 Dec 2021

Lesley Salem became Australia’s first Indigenous Nurse Practitioner 19 years ago. Now, she works in Doomadgee in Far North Western Queensland where the 2017-founded primary health care service is…

Stu­dent Sto­ry: From Kather­ine to Port Augusta

2 Dec 2021

Kelly Ramsdale recollects the memorable moments from her professional experience placements – such as learning traditional weaving and the removal of a fist-sized carbuncle – and highlights the…

Stu­dent Sto­ry: Para­med­i­cine, 750km from home

2 Dec 2021

On the wide open plains of southwestern Queensland, hospitals and outside help may be far away. Nicolas Stanford reflects on his time as student paramedic on Charleville Station, the importance of…

Stu­dent Sto­ry: Light­en­ing the Burden

2 Dec 2021

Ballarat-based nursing student Molly Gladman’s four-week placement in Tennant Creek saw her gain experience in the general ward, midwifery clinic, renal dialysis unit, and GP clinic. Confronted by…

Fel­low in Focus: Work­ing for a fair and equi­table society

2 Dec 2021

Dr Scott Davis, a Fellow of CRANAplus, has worked in remote health for 30 years across the north of Australia and internationally, always with an eye on creating opportunities to support the…

CRANAplus Peo­ple Pow­er: Our three new Remote Clin­i­cal Educators

2 Dec 2021

Meet Nicole Smith, Michelle Price and Leanne Laurie, three new CRANAplus Remote Clinical Educators who started in the last half of 2021. We discuss their backgrounds, what makes them tick, and the…

Facil­i­tat­ing cours­es is Ken’s passion

2 Dec 2021

Ken Iles has participated in rescues following natural disasters, been a stand-by paramedic for your favourite reality TV show, and facilitated CRANAplus courses for 14 years. But it’s the remote…

Get­ting the #Jab­Done with Wuchopperen

2 Dec 2021

Far North Queensland’s Wuchopperen Health Service discusses its unique engagement-focused approach to the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, which includes community events, pop-up clinics and creating…

Meet the 2021 Gayle Wood­ford Schol­ar­ship Recipient

2 Dec 2021

This year’s successful applicant for the Gayle Woodford Memorial Scholarship is Katie Yeomans, a proud Aboriginal Nurse of the Ngarigo Nation. A patient accumulator of the necessary experience, Ms…

Meet new CRANAplus Board Mem­ber, Nao­mi Zaro

2 Dec 2021

At the CRANAplus Annual General Meeting in October, Naomi Zaro was voted in as the organisation’s newest Board Member. A proud Torres Strait Islander woman, Ms Zaro is eager to support the…

Occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py in the Red Centre

30 Aug 2021

Jordyn Iovino reflects on her clinical placement with Desert Therapy in Alice Springs and discusses how she has grown as a professional through increased cultural awareness.

Sup­port­ing farm­ers in remote Gipp­s­land, Victoria

30 Aug 2021

The Victorian Government announced funding for a Bush Nursing Pilot project this June. We catch up with Sarah Carr from Dargo Bush Nursing Centre to find out how the project is being implemented and…

Pro­vid­ing good pre­con­cep­tion and ante­na­tal care in rur­al and remote

30 Aug 2021

Judy Burke has been working as the women’s and maternal health coordinator at Katherine West Health Board for the past two years.

Meet Deputy Nation­al Rur­al Health Com­mis­sion­er, Adjunct Prof. Shel­ley Nowlan

30 Aug 2021

Primary healthcare, women’s health, rural nursing, rural midwifery, and shining a light on nursing in the bush are key priorities set by the new Deputy National Rural Health Commissioner.

Vac­ci­na­tion – speak up loud­ly, rea­son­ably and often

30 Aug 2021

The awards just keep coming for Professor Sabina Knight, a key player in the creation of the Council of Remote Area Nurses of Australia (CRANA) back in 1983, the organisation that led to CRANAplus in…

From Cairns with love

30 Aug 2021

Developing skills in the general medical ward and during home visits and experiencing Cairns by pushbike made this clinical placement away from her kids worthwhile for Nicola Dolan – and allowed her…

Health at great heights

30 Aug 2021

Third-year nursing student Sarah Horn took to the air during her clinical placement at RFDS’ Meekatharra base. Despite the challenges of working at altitude and in intense heat, learning cultural and…

A wel­come change of pace

30 Aug 2021

Maigan Marrocco headed to Lake Grace in south-west WA to undertake her stage three nursing placement, with the financial assistance of a CRANAplus sponsored Undergraduate Remote Placement…

Fel­low in focus: learn­ing how to listen

30 Aug 2021

Cross-cultural nursing, and certainly Remote Area Nursing (RAN), were basically unheard of in Australia when Registered Nurse Toni Dowd began practising in the late 1970s.

Facil­i­ta­tor spot­light: fol­low­ing in fam­i­ly footsteps

30 Aug 2021

Catch up with Keppel Schafer, CRANAplus Facilitator since 2011. Keppel followed his grandmother’s steps into healthcare and is passionate about the transition from paper-based to digital…

Anoth­er day, anoth­er lock­down: Cop­ing with pan­dem­ic fatigue

6 Jul 2021

We take a look at pandemic fatigue affecting the Australian health care workforce and outline how to cope.

You don’t know what you don’t know

1 Jun 2021

Nurse Practitioner Lynette Byers, now in her third term on the CRANAplus Board, has seen many changes in the past nine years. Here she talks about her passion for education.

Fel­low in Focus: Turn­ing up at the coal face

1 Jun 2021

Each edition of the magazine, we talk to a Fellow of CRANAplus, people who work tirelessly in their roles in rural and remote health and who we have recognised for their efforts. This month we…

A dream come true — eventually

1 Jun 2021

CRANAplus facilitator Kathy Arthurs always wanted to be a nurse and to work for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). She studied nursing straight from school, in the days of hospital training. But…

My favourite placement

1 Jun 2021

Physiotherapy graduate Georgina Haire discovered a silver lining when her final placement was interrupted by COVID-19 restrictions last year. Here’s her story.

Smit­ten by life in Esperance

1 Jun 2021

Verity Lee, who studied at Edith Cowan University in Bunbury Western Australia, says her six-week placement in Esperance in WA was the perfect way to complete her Registered Nursing degree. Here’s…

Won­ders and hur­dles of rur­al midwifery

1 Jun 2021

Mathilda (Tilley) Wilson, who completed her Bachelor of Midwifery at Charles Darwin University last year, summarises her final placement.

Fel­low in Focus: Pre­pared to talk

1 Mar 2021

Senior Mental Health Clinician, Sophie Heathcote, was in the first batch of Fellows of CRANAplus announced at the organisation’s conference in 2011. She has a long history with the organisation:…

The right direc­tion for Emma

1 Mar 2021

A chance meeting at a bus stop catapulted new CRANAplus Board member Emma Barritt from the world of academia into life as a remote area nurse in Indigenous communities in Outback Australia.

A price­less experience

1 Mar 2021

Mental health nursing student Gabrielle Wilton recently travelled to Nhulunbuy and Groote Eylandt in East Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory
for her remote placement experience. Here’s her story.

Remote expe­ri­ence will open your eyes

1 Mar 2021

Occupational Therapy student Natasha Clegg had no idea what to expect when she undertook a remote placement. Having completed it, she now believes everyone attaining an allied health degree should…

The Esper­ance experience

1 Mar 2021

Emily Bean feels fortunate that she completed her nursing degree with a placement in Esperance in Western Australia. Here she outlines all the reasons why.

Meet Pro­fes­sor Sabi­na Knight, 2020 Remote Health Pro­fes­sion­al of the Year

7 Dec 2020

Pro­fes­sor Sabi­na Knight, Direc­tor of the Cen­tre for Rur­al and Remote Health at James Cook Uni­ver­si­ty, based in Mount Isa, is the 2020 recip­i­ent of the pres­ti­gious Auro­ra Award from…

Meet Di Thorn­ton, 2020 recip­i­ent of the Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice Award

6 Dec 2020

Di Thornton gains recognition this year because of her exceptional response to the COVID-19 pandemic while serving small-town communities either side of the Victoria/South Australia border.

Meet 2020 Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award Recip­i­ents, CRAIG TEHS Pri­ma­ry Health Care

5 Dec 2020

The COVID-19 Response and Action Information Group (CRAIG) at the Top End Health Service (TEHS) has worked tirelessly since the arrival of the pandemic in Australia to produce plans and procedures…

An expe­ri­ence to cherish

1 Dec 2020

Occupational therapy student Elyse Krsanac at Curtin University says her placement at Alice Springs Hospital earlier this year “was easily the most rewarding experience of my life so far”.

Schol­ar­ships a finan­cial boost dur­ing placements

1 Dec 2020

The CRANAplus scholarships are a great boost to help relieve financial stress for recipients undergoing their placements says fnursing student Elise Thornwaite who is studying a Bachelor of Nursing…

Walk­ing side by side

1 Dec 2020

Decision time came 45 years ago for Nurse Practitioner Stephen Farrington when he met a young boy sitting with an old man carving a boomerang at Uluru. That decision was to spend his working life in…

Keep­ing Birthing on Coun­try in the spotlight

1 Dec 2020

Sue Kruske and Sue Kildea, midwives and leading university educators based in Alice Springs, are passionate about building knowledge of, and expanding services for Birthing on Country.

Meet the 2019 CRANAplus Award Winners

7 Dec 2019

The CRANAplus awards are always a highlight for conference delegates, and in maintaining tradition they were awarded at the conference dinner in 2019. The awards are an opportunity to recognise those…

Hav­ing a whale of a time in the Great South West

4 Jul 2017

CEO of Heywood Rural Health, Jackie Kelly swaps big city living for life on the beach.

In love with Alice

4 Jul 2017

After completing a student placement in Central Australia, Registered Nurse Melissa Godden has returned to the Northern Territory to undertake a Graduate Nurse Program at Alice Springs Hospital. She…

Pre­pared for the challenges

4 Jul 2017

A nursing background in trauma management, and working for 16 years in a remote hospital in his home land, Zimbabwe, prepared Freedom Zulu well for the challenges of working in Pormpuraaw Primary…

Play togeth­er, stay together

4 Jul 2017

Mutton birding, Reiki healing and golf: these are just three of the varied activities on truwana/Cape Barren Island that are helping the locals follow their motto of “the community that plays…

First taste of remote nurs­ing: from ICU to Ali Curung

4 Jul 2017

Self-exposed ‘quintessential city slicker’ Charlotte Sumskas, a Critical Care Registered Nurse, recently went bush for a remote clinical placement. These are her thoughts, penned in the midst of her…

Man­ingri­da to Manhattan

4 Jul 2017

Registered Nurse Sue Ellen Kovack left her nomadic lifestyle as a remote area nurse in Australia for the Big Apple in November 2016. As she says, she went “from one extreme (in so many ways), to…

Bare­foot Ini­tia­tive — Lexi Keneally

28 Jun 2017

We first met Lexi Keneally and family back in the March/Autumn 2013 Magazine. Here she catches us up on the amazing work being done by the Barefoot Initiative on the International stage.

A Para­medic Intern in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry – A Per­son­al Experience

9 Dec 2016

‘Do you want a job as a paramedic in Darwin?’... ‘Yes please! Where do I sign?’ A few weeks after travelling to Darwin for an intensive 2-day interview process, Trent Ramsay received the above call…

Step out of your com­fort zone

9 Dec 2016

Being a student is the perfect time for stepping out of your comfort zone and taking new opportunities, says third year nursing student Lilly Sideris.

Mul­ti­ple pos­i­tive expe­ri­ences in Indige­nous Health

9 Dec 2016

Indigenous health has always been a passion for Katarina Samotna, a 3rd Year Bachelor of Nursing student at Charles Darwin University. And her recent placement in the remote Indigenous communities of…

Any­one for an e‑Cuppa?

21 Jul 2016

Marcia, Katrina and Leanne shared an ‘e-cuppa’ on Skype celebrating 12 months with the CRANAplus LINKS mentoring program.

Den­tal Stu­dent on Wheels

21 Jul 2016

Traveling in the purpose-built dental van to provide services in aged care facilities in the Port Macquarie region was a highlight for Jessica Zachar, a Final Year Dentistry Student at Charles Sturt…

A Mid­wife is Born

21 Jul 2016

Registered Nurse Greg Clark shares his story of deciding to become a Midwife.

Cake to Cape

21 Jul 2016

Four medical students from Dundee Scotland recently completed a fortnight’s placement in the remote Aboriginal community of Napranum on Cape York peninsula, 800kms north of Cairns.

Flex­i­bil­i­ty proves key on clin­i­cal placement

24 Apr 2016

Connie Hierl, a 3rd year Bachelor of Nursing student at Griffith University in Southport, has discovered firsthand how nurses working in remote areas need to be flexible in an ever-changing…

Rev­e­la­tions at One Arm Point

24 Apr 2016

3rd Year Bachelor of Nursing Student at Uni SA, Rory McGrath-Swan shares his story of 'a great opportunity'. A stint at One Arm Point, about 200 kilometres north of Broome on the Dampier Peninsula,…

Fly­ing high and delv­ing deep

4 Dec 2015

Dianne Few shares insights into the diverse roles and locations that working as a remote area nurse has to offer.

What I would have missed

22 Oct 2015

Ever considered going Remote? CRANAplus Member, Pam Wade felt the need for a sea-change. See her short story here.

Clin­i­cal skills pushed to the limits

9 Jul 2015

For Angela Ramsay and Ely Taylor, two students from Canberra whose clinical nursing experience to date was bound to hospitals, “going remote” was both eye-opening and refreshing.

Going South” to Antarctica

9 Jul 2015

Dr Lloyd Fletcher, who spent 12 months in Antarctica as the Dr on Australia’s Davis Station, says he would recommend the experience of “going south” to anyone.

Pal­pa­ble respect and pride

9 Jul 2015

Libby Bowell, Director of Education for CRANAplus, says that the recent Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander (ATSI) health worker course in Cairns “pretty much confirms that my goal for the last…

Liv­ing the dream

9 Jul 2015

A love for tiny little towns, isolated islands and the Aussie outback! Nancy has a passion for public health and improving living standards for those in far-flung corners of the world.