Advice on applying for nursing and midwifery scholarships and grants

7 Apr 2023

CRANAplus Professional Officer Melanie Avion offers advice on applying for scholarships and grants including tips on meeting the criteria, filling out and submitting an application, and the importance of quality control.

CRANAplus offers a range of schol­ar­ships and grants, and you will find infor­ma­tion on a vari­ety of oth­er schol­ar­ships, grants, and bur­saries in our Path­way Incen­tives resource.

Such oppor­tu­ni­ties can sup­port you on a remote nurs­ing path­way, but they are often com­pet­i­tive. Selec­tion pan­els have to make chal­leng­ing deci­sions based on the infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed in the appli­ca­tion. When apply­ing, there are some things you can do to put your­self in the best posi­tion to be successful.

Meet the stat­ed criteria

Check you meet the cri­te­ria and that the focus of the schol­ar­ship or grant match­es your cir­cum­stances. Selec­tion pan­els do not con­sid­er appli­ca­tions that do not meet the cri­te­ria or requests for finan­cial or oth­er sup­port out­side the schol­ar­ship tar­get. There­fore, focus your respons­es on the schol­ar­ship or grant goals. Some­times you may need to be cre­ative and explore how your cir­cum­stance might meet a fund­ing organisation’s goal.

Com­plete your application

Com­plete all ques­tions and sec­tions ful­ly. Incom­plete appli­ca­tions rarely pro­ceed to selec­tion pan­els for con­sid­er­a­tion. Remem­ber, your appli­ca­tion is your chance to ful­ly present your case for sup­port. If you leave out infor­ma­tion request­ed by the pan­el you may risk your chances of being selected.

Sub­mit on time or before

There are some schol­ar­ships and grants avail­able which are always open and do not have clos­ing dates, but these are rare. When there is a sub­mis­sion clos­ing date, plan to com­plete your sub­mis­sion ear­ly. This gives you a chance to avoid tech­ni­cal issues and to qual­i­ty con­trol your submission.

Qual­i­ty control

In gen­er­al, selec­tion pan­els do not judge your sub­mis­sion based on spelling and gram­mar and are not seek­ing an epic essay. Clear, con­cise, and detailed respons­es assist selec­tion pan­els, so proof­read­ing and spell check are encour­aged. Qual­i­ty con­trol also involves reflect­ing on the goals of the schol­ar­ship or grant and direct­ly address­ing these in any ques­tions asked.

Seek out opportunities! 

There’s noth­ing stop­ping you from apply­ing to mul­ti­ple oppor­tu­ni­ties; just remem­ber to declare if you have already secured funds when offered a sec­ond schol­ar­ship or grant. Look for oppor­tu­ni­ties at your uni­ver­si­ty if you are a stu­dent or try search­ing for phil­an­thropic ser­vices, or oppor­tu­ni­ties from employ­ers, local gov­ern­ment or com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice groups.

If you would like to dis­cuss your appli­ca­tion for CRANAplus schol­ar­ships or grants, incen­tives or path­ways, or have a schol­ar­ship you would like to offer in sup­port of rur­al and remote health pro­fes­sion­als, please email Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices at professionalservices@​crana.​org.​au.