Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Remote Managers Network

Taking applications.

The remote managers network brings together current remote health centre/clinic managers once a month via online meetings. The network provides opportunities to develop relationships with other managers, seek support, and share stories and experiences. Two CRANAplus employees are present at each meeting to facilitate discussion.

For more information, click here.

CRANAplus Member Nursing & Midwifery Roundtable

Taking applications.

This roundtable brings together CRANAplus Members from every state and territory who are passionate about advocating for the rural and remote workforce. All participants are nurses and midwives with strong connections to stakeholders and clinicians within their jurisdiction. The group meets quarterly to report to CRANAplus on the experiences of the workforce. They also help to raise awareness of CRANAplus initiatives.

For more information, click here.

CRANAplus Advocacy Opportunities

Taking applications.

Rural and remote healthcare professionals have sought-after perspectives. We value CRANAplus Member experiences and regularly seek their input when developing feedback for stakeholders. Contribute to CRANAplus advocacy work or develop your advocacy skills, by submitting your expression of interest below. In doing so, you will be contacted by Professional Services with opportunities and support to contribute your perspectives and experiences.

Expres­sion of Interest

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