Are you a mem­ber of the public?

If you don’t work in health­care, but would like to help us iden­ti­fy a poten­tial award recip­i­ent that has made a real dif­fer­ence in your com­mu­ni­ty, com­plete this sur­vey. We will fol­low up to find out more about the candidate.

Annual CRANAplus Awards

2024 nominations are now open.

Do you know a remote area nurse, midwife or other health professional who deserves to be recognised for their positive impact on remote health? The annual CRANAplus Awards celebrate the outstanding individuals and teams going above and beyond to keep the communities they serve healthy and well. Whether you are a health professional getting behind a colleague or a community member looking to say thank you, make sure to nominate the worthy recipient in remote health’s premier national awards program. Nominations are judged by an expert panel before winners are announced at our conference and provided a trophy and small cash price of $500. Open categories are listed below.

Discover past winners

Spon­sor an Award

CRANAplus invites organ­i­sa­tions or indi­vid­u­als to spon­sor CRANAplus awards. Spon­sor­ship rep­re­sents an invest­ment in the remote health work­force and offers unique brand­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, includ­ing expo­sure at key events and inclu­sion in publications.