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2023 Award Recipients

Katie Pennington

Aurora Award for the Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

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Laura Black

Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice Award (spon­sored by James Cook University/​Murtupuni Cen­tre for Rur­al & Remote Health)

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Micah Haslam

Ear­ly to Remote Prac­tice Award (spon­sored by Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty – Rur­al and Remote Health)

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2022 Award Recipients

Lynette Byers, Nganampa Health Council

Aurora Award for the Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

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Lorraine Harry, Mala’la Aboriginal Health Service

Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice Award (spon­sored by James Cook University/​Murtupuni Cen­tre for Rur­al & Remote Health)

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Lorraine Woods, Palm Cockatoo Midwifery Group Practice

Ray Wyeth Ear­ly to Remote Prac­tice Award (spon­sored by Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty – Rur­al and Remote Health)

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2021 Award Recipients

Terrie 'Tess' Ivanhoe, Nganampa Health Council

Aurora Award for the Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

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Helen Parker, Mala’la Aboriginal Health Service

Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice Award (spon­sored by James Cook University/​Murtupuni Cen­tre for Rur­al & Remote Health)

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Dr Kylie McCullough, Edith Cowan University

Excellence in Research and/or Education Award Winner (sponsored by Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty – Rur­al and Remote Health)

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Midwifery Unit of the Coomealla Health Aboriginal Corporation

Collaborative Team Award (sponsored by Remote Area Health Corps)

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2020 Award Recipients

Pro­fes­sor Sabi­na Knight, James Cook University

Auro­ra Award for Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

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Di Thornton, Mallee Border Health Centre

Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice Award (sponsored by James Cook University, Centre for Rural and Remote Health)

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COVID-19 Response and Action Infor­ma­tion Group (CRAIG) at the Top End Health Ser­vice (TEHS)

Collaborative Team Award (sponsored by Remote Area Health Corps)

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2019 Award Recipients

Susan Markwell, Royal Flying Doctor Service

Aurora Award for Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

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Johan­na Neville, Apunip­i­ma Cape York Health Coun­cil

Excel­lence in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Prac­tice Award (sponsored by James Cook Uni­ver­si­ty – Rur­al and Remote Health)

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Katie Pen­ning­ton, Pun­turkunu Abo­rig­i­nal Med­ical Ser­vice

Excel­lence in Research in Remote Health Award (sponsored by Cen­tre for Remote Health)

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Tiffany Callanan, Porm­pu­raaw Pri­ma­ry Health Care Clin­ic

Out­stand­ing Novice/​Encouragement Award (sponsored by Remote Area Health Corps)

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2018 Award Recipients

Mon­i­ca Frain

Aurora Award for Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

Natalie Thaiday, Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service

Excel­lence in Remote and Isolated Health Prac­tice Award (sponsored by Mount Isa Centre for Rural & Remote Health)

Desi Aji, Billiluna Health Clinic

Outstanding Novice/Encouragement Award (sponsored by Aussiewide Economy Transport)

Torres and Cape Nursing and Midwifery Education Team

Excellence in Education and/or Research in Remote Health Award (sponsored by Centre for Remote Health)

Josh Stafford, Lockhart River and Coen Primary Health Care Centre

Excellence in Mentoring Award (sponsored by Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC))

Nurse Navigator Team

Collaborative Team Award (sponsored by Bellette Web Design)

2017 Award Recipients

Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor Sue Lenthall

Aurora Award for Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

Kathy Arthurs, Royal Flying Doctors Service

Excellence in Remote and Isolated Health Practice Award (sponsored by Mt Isa Centre for Rural & Remote Health)

Isabel Pearce

Outstanding Novice/​Encouragement Award (sponsored by Aussiewide Economy Transport)

Nursing Education Team Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service

Excellence in Education and/or Research Award (sponsored by Centre for Remote Health)

Steve Brown, Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service

Excel­lence in Men­tor­ing Award (sponsored by Remote Area Health Corp (RAHC))

Mookai Rosie Bi-Bayan

Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award (sponsored by Bellette NT Creative Agency)

2016 Award Recipients

Glen­da Lucas

Aurora Award for Remote and Isolated Health Professional of the Year

Rita Appelt, Central Australia Primary Health

Excellence in Remote and Isolated Health Practice Award (sponsored by Mount Isa Centre for Rural and Remote
Health (MICRRH), James Cook University)

Daphne De Jersey

Outstanding Novice/​Encouragement Award (sponsored by Aussiewide Economy Transport)

Tobias Speare, Centre of Remote Health

Excellence in Education and/or Research Award (sponsored by Centre for Remote Health)

Joanne Mahony, Royal Flying Doctors Service

Excel­lence in Men­tor­ing Award (sponsored by Remote Area Health Corp (RAHC))

Cooper Basin RFDS Team

Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award (sponsored by Bellette NT Creative Agency)


Auro­ra Award: San­dra McElligott

Excel­lence in Education/​or Research in Remote Health: Sal­ly Foxley

Excel­lence in Remote Health Prac­tice Award: Annette Jones

Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award: Uti­ra Kulin­t­jaku (UK) Team, NPY Women’s Council

Novice/​Encouragement Award: Ben­jamin Crough

Excel­lence in Men­tor­ing Award: Pauline (Pol­ly) Rubin


Auro­ra Award: Judy Whitehead

Excel­lence in Education/​or Research in Remote Health: Annette Olsen

Excel­lence in Remote Health Prac­tice Award: Dinah Northcott

Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award: Mid­wifery Group Prac­tice, Cen­tral Aus­tralia & Apunip­i­ma Cape York Health Council’s Mater­nal and Child Health Team

Novice/​Encouragement Award: Cather­ine Jurd

Excel­lence in Men­tor­ing Award: Jonathon Wright


Auro­ra Award: Don­na Hindmars

Excel­lence in Education/​or Research in Remote Health: Vic­ki Gordon

Pri­ma­ry Health Care Cham­pi­on Award: Yvonne Tan

Excel­lence in Remote Health Prac­tice Award: Chris­tine Foletti

Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award: Indi­an Ocean Ter­ri­to­ries Health Service

Novice/​Encouragement Award: Emi­ly Taylor

Excel­lence in Men­tor­ing Award: Sheryl Alexander


Auro­ra Award: Sue Kildea & Karen Schnitzerling

Excel­lence in Remote Health Man­age­ment Award: Les­ley Pearson

Pri­ma­ry Health Care Cham­pi­on Award: Deb­bie Thompson

Excel­lence in Remote Health Prac­tice Award: Rebec­ca Vele

Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award: Fron­tier Ser­vices – Savan­nah Region­al Health Service

Novice/​Encouragement Award: Sarah Marsh


Auro­ra Award: Kary Sachse

Excel­lence in Remote Health Man­age­ment Award: Mon­i­ca Frain

Excel­lence in Men­tor­ing in Remote Health Award: Theo Allan

Pri­ma­ry Health Care Cham­pi­on Award: Katie Pennington

Excel­lence in Edu­ca­tion and/​or Research in Remote Health Award: Julia Stewart

Excel­lence in Remote Health Prac­tice Award: Deb­bie Moon


Auro­ra Award: Isabelle Ellis

Clin­i­cal Excel­lence Award: Nazlin Remtula

Excel­lence in Pri­ma­ry Health Care Award: Sharon Liversey

Excel­lence in Men­tor­ing Award: Seli­na Kulitja

Excel­lence in Remote Health Man­age­ment: Emma Barritt


Auro­ra Award: Robyn White

Clin­i­cal Excel­lence Award: Doune Hepner

Excel­lence in Remote Health Man­age­ment Award: John Wilson

Col­lab­o­ra­tive Team Award: Tor­res Strait Out­er Islands remote area nurses

Excel­lence in Pri­ma­ry Health Care Award: Bev Hamer­ton

Novice/​Encouragement Award: Lisa Hall

Excel­lence in Research and/​or Edu­ca­tion Award: Sue Lenthall


Auro­ra Award: Vic­ki Gordon

WA: Vanes­sa Page

NT: Sharon Weymouth

SA: Beth Hummerston

QLD: Bev Hamerton

VIC: Caitlin Stein­er


Auro­ra Award: Vic­ki Gordon

NT: Mary Stafford

Mark McKenna