Bush Sup­port Line update. CRANAplus has intro­duced some small changes to the Bush Sup­port Line to improve user expe­ri­ence. At the begin­ning of the call, callers will hear a brief pre-record­ed mes­sage and be able to pro­vide informed con­sent pri­or to being trans­ferred to a psy­chol­o­gist. If on hold, callers will hear a mes­sage about men­tal health and well­be­ing ser­vices. The hold peri­od will also last longer to allow more oppor­tu­ni­ty for the call to be answered. — 8 April 2024


CRANAplus devel­ops writ­ten resources, podcasts and webi­na­rs to support the mental health and wellbeing of the rural and remote health workforce. We encourage you to browse our resources and share them with your colleagues or staff, or contact us to access free, professionally printed wellbeing tip sheets, posters and resources such as pens and self-care magnets.

Access Resources

Bush Support Line

Our Bush Support Line offers free 24/7, 365-day telephone support to Australia's current and emerging rural and remote health workforce and their families. The line is staffed by psychologists with rural, remote, and cross-cultural expertise. It provides a confidential space where health workers and their families can discuss professional and personal difficulties, seek advice, and develop coping strategies.

Learn more Call 1800 805 391

Mindful Monday

Our psychologists also regularly produce Mindful Monday, an email that goes straight to the inbox of thousands of rural and remote nurses and health workers every Monday morning. Our newsletter helps readers to cope with the daily challenges of living and working in demanding environments and manage stress, trau­ma, grief, work­place con­flict and other common challenges.

Learn more Subscribe


CRANAplus provides free, flexible tailored workshops to rural and remote health workplaces across Australia. Our work­shops are designed to help your team meet the chal­lenges of pro­vid­ing health care in their unique setting and can be cus­tomised to meet your organisation’s needs.

Arrange a free Workshop

Online Learning

CRANAplus develops online learning to support the mental health and wellbeing of the rural and remote health workforce. Courses include Critical Conversations: preparing learners to navigate con­ver­sa­tions with people who need support, recognise when extra help is needed, and familiarise with key points when discussing self-harm or suicide; and Supporting yourself and others after traumatic events: helping health workers identify trauma, understand common responses, and support themselves and others after a traumatic event.


We wel­come feed­back on any CRANAplus Men­tal Health & Well­be­ing ser­vice, includ­ing Mind­ful Mon­days, the Bush Sup­port Line, and our work­shops. We would love to hear from you, so share your thoughts using this link.

More infor­ma­tion

We encour­age you to view the Men­tal Health & Well­be­ing Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy and the CRANAplus Men­tal Health & Well­be­ing Ser­vices Charter.