The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1300 805 391.
CRANAplus regularly contributes its stance on health policy and issues to increase the awareness of the remote perspective.
As the voice for remote health in Australia, CRANAplus contributes its stance on health policy and issues to give rise to change, advocate for best practice, and increase awareness of the remote perspective.
Submission papers can take a variety of forms depending on whether they are in response to a Senate inquiry, Royal Commission, online survey, research outcome, journal article, or other means.
Submissions during public consultations on proposed projects, changes and regulations are the collective representation of CRANAplus members’ views around current and ongoing issues.
We regularly notify members and stakeholders of opportunities to provide professional and clinical feedback into reviews and enquiries via our weekly CRANApulse email newsletter. Members are encouraged to share their view so we can incorporate it into our official CRANAplus submission by emailing
National Tobacco Strategy 2022 – 2030
28 Feb 2022
The draft National Tobacco Strategy 2022-2030 sets out a national policy framework for all governments to work together and in collaboration with non-government organisations to improve the health of…
National Medicines Policy Draft Consultation
28 Feb 2022
The National Medicines Policy is intended to support structures, processes and accountabilities through which medicines and medicines-related services are accessible in an equitable, safe, timely,…
South Australia’s Rural Aboriginal Health Workforce Plan 2021 – 26
1 Sep 2021
The SA Rural Aboriginal Health Workforce Plan outlines specific and culturally informed strategies to attract, retain, grow and support the Aboriginal health workforce within regional local health…
Commonwealth Digital Health Blueprint
1 Aug 2021
In 2021, the Commonwealth Government asked health stakeholders for their input towards the development of a digital health blueprint, underlining the role digital can play in delivering an improved…
Primary Health Care Reform: 10 Year Plan
1 Jul 2021
The Primary Health Care Reform Plan represents a response to the recommendations of the Primary Health Reform Steering Group, which has been working since October 2019 on future directions for…
Open Letter to Scott Morrison — Climate Health
3 May 2021
CRANAplus signed the open letter to the Prime minister of Australia calling for action on climate change for the future health and wellbeing of Australians.
National Health Preventative Strategy 2021 – 2030
1 Apr 2021
The National Health Preventative Strategy 2021-2030 aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians at all stages of life, through a systems-based approach to prevention that addresses…
Queensland Rural and Remote Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021 – 2026
1 Mar 2021
CRANAplus provided feedback focusing upon the drivers and motivations of the remote nursing and midwifery workforce, factors supporting retention, and strategies to support the sustainability of the…
South Australia Rural Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Plan 2021 – 2026
1 Mar 2021
The South Australia Rural Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Plan 2021-2026 was developed through engagement and consultation with rural clinicians, regional and metropolitan local health networks,…
Tasmanian Inquiry into Rural Health
1 Feb 2021
CRANAplus made a report to the enquiry on behalf of and in consultation with Tasmanian CRANAplus members. Utilising the feedback provided by Tasmanian CRANAplus, members a range of concerns were…
Inquiry into Food Prices and Food Security in Remote Indigenous Communities
1 Jun 2020
The House Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs ran an inquiry and reported on the issue of food prices and food security in remote Indigenous communities, with a focus upon factors contributing…
NRHC Rural Allied Health Options Discussion Paper
7 Aug 2019
Read our feedback on the "Discussion Paper for Consultation: Rural Allied Health Quality, Access and Distribution - Options for Commonwealth Government Policy Reform and Investment." This paper was…
Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality And Safety
1 May 2019
CRANAplus recognises that the elderly have been productive in life and, particularly for rural and remote people, have long and deep connections with the community and landscape in which they live.…
Educating the Nurse of the Future — Independent Review of Nursing Education in Australia
1 Apr 2019
Our submission to the "Educating the Nurse of the Future: Independent Review of Nursing Education" pays particular regard to the regional needs and circumstances of nursing in rural and remote…
CRANAplus Digital Health Agency Submission
31 Jan 2017
People in remote Australia, who are much more likely to be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, have higher morbidities and associated mortality, yet have limited access to services that…
Submission to the Standing Committee on Health Inquiry into Chronic Disease Prevention and Management in Primary Health Care
1 Jun 2015
CRANAplus advocates for an extension to the access of MBS items billable for a broader range of health professionals, for the provision of high quality care and management of Chronic Disease.
ATSI Framework Joint Submission
20 Feb 2015
This submission to the Department of Health’s consultation on the Draft National Framework for Health Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families was jointly prepared by…
Joint Submission Senate Select Committee on Health
19 Sep 2014
This submission to the Select Committee on Health’s Inquiry on Health Policy, Administration and Expenditure was jointly prepared by the Australian College of Nursing (ACN), the Australian College of…
The Development of Northern Australia: Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia
10 Mar 2014
The development of northern Australia is welcome to bring economic sustainability. However, it is imperative that strong, serious consideration must be given to invest in the support services…