Nurs­ing & mid­wifery stu­dents on remote place­ments to ben­e­fit from new Gov­ern­ment payment

7 May 2024

CRANAplus welcomes the announcement by the Government that it will establish a Commonwealth Prac Payment worth $319.50 a week to support nursing and midwifery students to undertake mandatory unpaid…

Com­mu­ni­ties urged to unveil local health­care excellence

1 May 2024

The peak body for the remote health workforce is calling upon everyday Australians to identify nurses, midwives and other health professionals who deserve the industry’s top professional accolade.

Remote area nurse John Wright elect­ed as CRANAplus Board Chair

Professional 7 Dec 2023

Experienced remote area nurse John Wright has been appointed as the new Board Chair of CRANAplus, the peak professional body for remote health in Australia.

New mod­els of nurs­ing care will pro­vide solu­tions to the age­ing population

25 Aug 2023

A joint press release from Members of the Nursing Leaders of Australia, representing Australian Nursing Peak Organisations, following the release of the Intergenerational Report.

Release of The Nation­al Rur­al and Remote Nurs­ing Gen­er­al­ist Frame­work her­alds new era of pre­pared­ness for remote area nurses

Professional 27 Mar 2023

The Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention & Rural and Regional Health, the Hon. Emma McBride, has today launched the National Rural and Remote Nursing Generalist Framework…

CRANAplus wel­comes fund­ing for WA’s Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er Workforce

22 Feb 2023

CRANAplus welcomes the announcement of $11.7 million in government funding towards the employment of 20 Nurse Practitioners in Western Australia for two years as part of a pilot program that aims to…

Nurs­ing organ­i­sa­tions con­demn Mor­ri­son Gov­ern­ment for fail­ures in aged care

Professional 2 Feb 2022

The country’s peak nursing organisations today stand together to condemn the Morrison Government for its failure to protect Australia’s nursing home residents, and the nurses and care workers doing…

Gov­ern­ment to lure doc­tors and nurs­es to rur­al region­al and remote areas by slash­ing uni­ver­si­ty debt”

Professional 14 Dec 2021

Peak nurs­ing organ­i­sa­tions wel­come the announce­ment of addi­tion­al sup­port for health prac­ti­tion­ers to work in rur­al and remote areas.

Remote Area Nurs­es Recog­nised for Excellence

Professional, Conference 20 Sep 2021

Outstanding Australian remote health professionals are being celebrated this September with the announcement of the 2021 CRANAplus Award Winners.

Calls for Nurse Prac­ti­tion­ers to be utilised in COVID vac­ci­na­tion roll-out

Professional 30 Jul 2021

A COALITION of peak nursing organisations is calling on National Cabinet today to include Australia’s highly-skilled nursing practitioner (NP) workforce in the COVID vaccination roll-out.

First past the post: Rur­al health work­ers must get ahead of the COVID vac­cine field

Professional 28 Jul 2021

In the race to protect the population from COVID, peak rural health bodies are united in their call for rural health workers to have priority access to COVID vaccines, as their risk of exposure…

CRANAplus Vir­tu­al Symposium

Conference 7 Jun 2021

CRANAplus will be pro­vid­ing oth­er oppor­tu­ni­ties that enable our com­mu­ni­ty to engage, share knowl­edge, learn and con­nect with one anoth­er. There will be a one-day vir­tu­al sym­po­sium on…

Fed­er­al Region­al Health Min­is­ter Mark Coul­ton dis­cuss issues affect­ing remote health

Education, Professional 2 Jun 2021

The meet­ing between Min­is­ter Coul­ton and CRANAplus was the ide­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss the recent­ly released 2021 – 22 Fed­er­al Bud­get ini­tia­tives tar­get­ing rur­al and remote health,…

Schol­ar­ship in mem­o­ry of Gayle Wood­ford is mak­ing a dif­fer­ence in rur­al & remote communities

Professional 17 Mar 2021

March 23, 2021, marks five years since the tragic death of much-loved Remote Area Nurse (RAN) Gayle Woodford. It is also the fifth anniversary of a scholarship set up in Mrs Woodford’s memory, which…

Free 24/7 sup­port ser­vice offers a life­line to remote and rur­al health workers

Support 17 Feb 2021

Remote and rural health workers make a difference to people’s lives every day, supporting those who may be at their lowest ebb, and keeping the communities in which, they live healthy and safe. But…

Decades of dedication

Professional, Conference 11 Dec 2020

This year, breaking tradition due to the challenges surrounding COVID-19 we present the 2020 CRANAplus awards to you digitally. The 2020 CRANAplus awards focus specifically on recognising remote…

Men­tal health sup­port avail­able for rur­al front­line nurses

Support 17 Sep 2020

Health professionals in drought and bushfire affected rural communities have access to extra resources to help them deal with the mental health fallout from these events.

Blood dona­tion pol­i­cy mar­gin­alis­es minorities

Professional 17 Jun 2020

Australia’s blood donation policy marginalises minorities. CRANAplus and the Australian College of Nursing are calling for Australia to catch up with other OECD countries who have made it possible…

Mind­ful­ness Pho­tog­ra­phy Competition

Support 23 Jan 2019

We announce the winners of our recent Mindfulness photography competition!

Glob­al Green and Healthy Hos­pi­tals (GGHH) Sum­ma­ry Document

17 Nov 2017

Discover numerous initiatives that your workplace could be undertaking to reduce its environmental foot print.

Work­ing Safe in Remote and Iso­lat­ed Health Handbook

6 Jul 2017

This handbook provides a great starting point for prospective staff who want an introduction to remote health safety and security. It’s also a valuable reference for existing remote health staff who…

Gayle Wood­ford anniversary

23 Mar 2017

One year ago our colleague Gayle Woodford, was tragically murdered in the remote community where she worked and lived. Our thoughts on this anniversary are with her family, friends and colleagues.

Remote Health Work­force Safe­ty — It’s time for change

Professional 24 Jan 2017

CRANAplus, the peak professional body for Australia’s remote & isolated health workforce, today released their report into Workforce Safety and Security. The report is the first stage of a larger…

Remote health work­force safe­ty — It’s time for change

19 Jan 2017

CRANAplus, the peak professional body for Australia’s remote & isolated health workforce, today released their report into Workforce Safety and Security. The report is the first stage of a larger…

Pro­vid­ing Aeromed­ical Care to Indige­nous Communities

25 Nov 2016

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) has today released its newest research paper entitled "Providing Aeromedical Care to Indigenous Communities.”

Roy­al Com­mis­sion into the juve­nile deten­tion sys­tem in the NT

26 Jul 2016

CRANAplus fully supports a Royal Commission into the Juvenile Detention system in the Northern Territory.

Lead remote health agency calls for zero tol­er­ance to violence

6 Apr 2016

​For three decades CRANAplus have been advocating for safe and secure work environments for the remote health workforce.

The recent tragic event of the murder of remote area nurse Gayle Woodford…

Remote health pro­fes­sion­al of the year announced

27 Oct 2014

During the 32nd CRANAplus Annual Conference Dinner, Judy Whitehead was announced as the recipient of this year’s Aurora Award.

Remote health work­ers use skills to fight Ebola

11 Oct 2014

​It has long been identified that clinicians who practice in the specialty of remote and isolated health in Australia, have the skills, knowledge and aptitude that International Humanitarian…