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Remote Health Workforce Safety - It's time for change
CRANAplus CEO Christopher Cliffe described the report as a search of the literature to see what is already known about remote health safety and what, if anything, has already been done. The report also identifies the outcomes of a national conversation with remote area clinicians, managers, and other stakeholders.
“The broad consultations resulted in many recommendations within the report. Things rarely change quickly, however as an industry, with this report, we have an opportunity to enhance our practices and demand the same level of service, resourcing and support as our mainstream colleagues”, said Mr Cliffe.
Paul Stephenson, the Chair of the CRANAplus Board states “Information in the report is at times confronting, however it provides a valuable description of the conditions under which many of the remote health workforce practice. Working remote differs from many other areas of healthcare, requiring enhanced self-reliance, skills, and professional capability.
Mr Stephenson continued, “The report looks broadly at remote health workforce safety and security issues. It identifies six key areas including: staff assault; vehicle & travel safety; emergency communication; dog attack; bullying & harassment; and personal wellbeing.”
The second stage of the project involves developing a set of national remote health safety & security guidelines and a suite of practical resources including an app, resource book, and on-line training.