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We provide support and recognition to the current remote health workforce, and encourage and empower the emerging workforce.
Our Professional Services division is dedicated to supporting remote area nurses, midwives and health professionals. Professional Services’ unique reach, influence, leadership and networks within the remote, isolated and rural context position us as a valuable collaborator for key stakeholders, including governments.

Awards, Grants and Scholarships
We run an annual awards program, which includes the prestigious Aurora Award, as part of our commitment to celebrating excellence in remote nursing practice. We offer scholarships that provide financial support to undergraduate students during remote placements and annually award the Gayle Woodford Memorial Scholarship. Our grants enable remote practitioners to access educational courses.

Annual Conference
Since 1983 we have held an annual conference that brings together the dispersed remote and isolated health workforce. The event hosts keynote speakers from across industry and brings together health practitioners, managers, government representatives, policy makers, academics and students. It provides the ideal setting for celebrating excellence and sharing knowledge.

We advocate for meaningful change to health policy and issues affecting isolated, rural and remote nurses and health professionals – all the while engaging with our Members to capture their expertise and experience. We voice the remote perspective through our extensive links with the Australian Government and State Governments, political groups, and other professional and workforce organisations; and through our positions on steering groups, advisory groups, working groups, committees, and governance bodies. We also formulate submissions during enquiries and consultations, and develop position statements.