Will you be joining us at the 2024 Remote Nursing & Midwifery Conference?
23-25 October 2024, Naarm/Melbourne. Click here to view our preliminary program or to register.

Free 24/7 sup­port ser­vice offers a life­line to remote and rur­al health workers

Support 17 Feb 2021

Remote and rural health workers make a difference to people’s lives every day, supporting those who may be at their lowest ebb, and keeping the communities in which, they live healthy and safe. But…

Men­tal health sup­port avail­able for rur­al front­line nurses

Support 17 Sep 2020

Health professionals in drought and bushfire affected rural communities have access to extra resources to help them deal with the mental health fallout from these events.

Mind­ful­ness Pho­tog­ra­phy Competition

Support 23 Jan 2019

We announce the winners of our recent Mindfulness photography competition!