Remote health professional of the year announced

27 Oct 2014

The Auro­ra is the high­est pos­si­ble acco­lade with­in the remote and iso­lat­ed health profession.

Judy is the Nurse man­ag­er at the RFDS South East­ern Sec­tion, which cov­ers rur­al and remote NSW, and the Coop­er Basin area of remote SA and South West Queens­land. Pre­vi­ous­ly she has been a flight nurse at Port Augus­ta, Alice Springs and Ade­laide and is the cur­rent Pres­i­dent of Flight Nurs­es Australia.

Regard­less of her role, which has tra­versed clin­i­cal care, edu­ca­tion and man­age­ment, her com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty and safe­ty nev­er waivers and has result­ed in her being a leader in her field.

Nom­i­nat­ed by her peers and acknowl­edged as leader in her field the announce­ment was met with great endorsement.

Media con­tact:
CRANAplus Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er
07 4047 6400
Pho­to avail­able on request.