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Why should midwives attend a Midwifery Upskilling course?

19 Dec 2024

Remote health practice in Australia demands a high level of skill and ability to effectively respond to and manage the normal, the complex and the (thankfully less common) emergencies, writes Leonie McLaughlin, CRANAplus Remote Clinical Educator.

The Mid­wifery Upskilling (MIDUS) Course was devel­oped in con­sul­ta­tion with remote area mid­wives and doc­tors, fol­low­ing an iden­ti­fied need for a short course that specif­i­cal­ly tar­get­ed mid­wives and obstet­ric trained GPs work­ing in a remote or iso­lat­ed setting.

The MIDUS Course aims to pro­vide mid­wives and doc­tors in remote, iso­lat­ed and/​or rur­al set­tings with the skills and knowl­edge to offer cul­tur­al­ly safe and evi­dence-based mater­ni­ty care across the child­birth con­tin­u­um. It pro­vides an overview of cur­rent evi­dence informed best prac­tice in ante­na­tal, intra­partum and post­na­tal care, all from the per­spec­tive of evi­dence informed, high qual­i­ty care, con­tex­tu­alised to the rur­al and remote setting. 

Key strengths of CRANAplus’ MIDUS Course

  • It is a very inter­ac­tive with facil­i­tat­ed small group, stu­dent led learn­ing, with four case study rota­tions and four skill sta­tion rota­tions which cov­er PPH, NNR, Breech and Shoul­der Dystocia.
  • There is very lit­tle didac­tic learn­ing e.g. lec­tures. Instead, we aim to tap into and build on an exist­ing knowl­edge base and estab­lished mid­wifery scope of prac­tice, and encour­age course par­tic­i­pants to bring their own con­text, knowl­edge and skills to the table for dis­cus­sion and shared learning.
  • It includes updates on nor­mal preg­nan­cy, birth and post­na­tal care, as this is often bread and but­ter’ for the remote mid­wife, and ensures that if nor­mal para­me­ters are well under­stood, then vari­a­tions can be quick­ly iden­ti­fied and man­aged, and/​or esca­lat­ed for consultation/​referral/​retrieval as required. Most oth­er cours­es focus on mater­ni­ty emer­gen­cies, which are crit­i­cal, but only part of a mid­wifes’ scope of prac­tice, and in par­tic­u­lar for the rur­al and remote mid­wife who may work in iso­la­tion, nei­ther have access to updates and edu­ca­tion in their remote set­ting, and often work with­out a great deal of col­le­gial sup­port on a reg­u­lar basis.
  • All con­tent is con­tex­tu­alised to the rur­al and remote mater­ni­ty care provider. As we know, there is no point to sug­gest a path­way, or emer­gency response, a piece of equip­ment, which is just not avail­able in a small, low-resourced setting.
  • It is the only course specif­i­cal­ly designed for the rur­al and remote mater­ni­ty ser­vice provider and adds the rur­al and remote con­text to the con­tent of cur­rent, evi­dence informed prac­tice. We close­ly ref­er­ence the CARPA Women’s Busi­ness Man­u­al, The Pri­ma­ry Clin­i­cal Care Man­u­al, along with the NSQHS Stan­dards, and those of oth­er rel­e­vant pro­fes­sion­al bod­ies, and refer close­ly to the ACM Nation­al Mid­wifery Guide­lines for Con­sul­ta­tion and Refer­ral, to guide and sup­port the practitioner.

There are, of course, oth­er excel­lent cours­es avail­able for mid­wives by oth­er providers. How­ev­er, these are most­ly run in the big city cen­tres, are con­duct­ed in situ with dis­crete teams, cov­er most­ly emer­gency man­age­ment, and are not con­tex­tu­alised to the rur­al and remote setting.

The CRANAplus MIDUS Course is offered across the coun­try, approx­i­mate­ly five times per year, and runs over almost three days, from 3pm on Day 1, then two very full days on Days 2 & 3

There are pre-course and on course assess­ments which cov­er the­o­ry, and on course prac­ti­cal assess- ments, which assist the course par­tic­i­pant to focus and direct their learn­ing into key areas and enable them to feel con­fi­dent that they are updat­ed in both the­o­ret­i­cal and clin­i­cal knowledge.

For more infor­ma­tion on MIDUS, vis­it crana​.org​.au/​MIDUS