A welcome change of pace

30 Aug 2021

Maigan Marrocco headed to Lake Grace in south-west WA to undertake her stage three nursing placement, with the financial assistance of a CRANAplus sponsored Undergraduate Remote Placement Scholarship. In contrast to the experiences of some students, her experience saw her stress levels decrease, as she found time to consolidate her skills, reflect on healthcare delivery, and learn from senior staff.

My stage three nurs­ing place­ment was at Lake Grace Health Ser­vice in the Acci­dent and Emer­gency (A&E) and aged care facil­i­ty. It was my sec­ond clin­i­cal place­ment and it was a fan­tas­tic experience.

To be com­plete­ly hon­est, it was very qui­et but the staff there were incred­i­bly wel­com­ing and went above and beyond for me. Addi­tion­al­ly, the slow­er pace allowed time to con­sol­i­date skills and build con­fi­dence in myself, which I would lat­er need in advanc­ing placements.

If the day was qui­et and there were not many patients, the staff would bring out dum­mies to prac­tise skills on and answer any ques­tions I may have. There was also enough time to debrief after a patient was brought in.

The town itself is small and is made up of two cafés, one IGA, one pub, a post office and a sports club. How­ev­er, on my time off I took a dri­ve down Tin Horse High­way, vis­it­ed Wave Rock and also popped into a local winery.

As many nurs­ing stu­dents under­stand, the mid­dle of semes­ter can be quite intense. Lake Grace was my sav­ing grace dur­ing this time, as it allowed me to tack­le my assign­ments and place­ments simul­ta­ne­ous­ly whilst nev­er feel­ing stressed – a nov­el­ty for me.

By the end of the three weeks I felt like a part of the team and would love to return one day.

Find out more about the under­grad­u­ate remote place­ment schol­ar­ships offered by CRANAplus.