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2022 CRANAplus Conference preview
Discover the speakers, exhibition space, and social opportunities that await at the 39th Annual CRANAplus Conference in Adelaide this 4–6 October.
CRANAplus welcomes you to join us in Kaurna Country for the 39th National CRANAplus Conference at the Hilton Hotel, Adelaide, from 4 to 6 October 2022. This year’s theme is Passion. Purpose. Influence. Impact.
Our signature annual event is a social and professional opportunity to network, connect and share with fellow nurses, midwives, and the broader remote health community while we’re all gathered in one location.
The conference program
Head to for an up-to-date version of our action-packed program, which features the following invited speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Dr Norman Swan
Award-winning broadcaster, journalist and commentator Dr Norman Swan is one of Australia’s best known health personalities. He hosts the Health Report and the Coronacast Podcast, reports for Four Corners, presents on ABC TV’s the Drum and ABC NewsRadio, co-founded Tonic Health Media, edits The Choice Health Reader, and corresponds for multiple international medical journals. Trained in Medicine and Paediatrics, Dr Swan will be discussing social determinants of health, lessons learned from the pandemic, and the future of remote health. *Dr Swan appears by arrangement with Claxton Speakers International.
Adjunct Prof. Shelley Nowlan
Deputy National Rural Health Commissioner and Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Queensland Health, Adj. Prof. Shelley Nowlan, has over 35 years of experience as an RN. Widely recognised for her leadership and contributions to nursing, her professional and industry advice on nursing and midwifery matters across Queensland and rural Australia helps to drive improved access to rural health services and a sustainable workforce that can meet demand. She will be delivering the opening address and Gayle Woodford Oration.
Dr Simon Quilty
Dr Simon Quilty has over 20 years of experience in remote medicine in the NT and has lived and worked in the Territory as a specialist physician for the past decade. With a background in public health, Dr Quilty sees firsthand the health inequalities facing remote First Peoples as a result of colonisation, housing and infrastructure inadequacies. Dr Quilty is researching the relationship between environmental heat and wellbeing in the NT, and culturally safe opportunities to adapt to future warming. Read our interview Surviving extreme heat with Dr Quilty.
Prof. Sue Kildea
CRANAplus Fellow and Professor of Midwifery and Co-Director of the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre, CDU, Prof. Sue Kildea is an internationally recognised midwifery leader, known for her advocacy for rural and remote health and for bringing birthing services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait control. A RN/RM with clinical, management, policy, education and research experience, Prof. Kildea has been using research in the maternity field to drive social change since the mid-90s. She will be discussing birthing on country and midwifery services in remote Australia. Read our interview Healthy mums and babies with Prof. Kildea.
Dr Rosemary Wyber
Head of Strategy for END RHD, Senior Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of WA, and PhD Student with the Office of the Chief Scientist at The George Institute for Global Health, Dr Wyber’s PhD focus is on developing an ‘endgame’ for rheumatic heart disease in Australia. Dr Wyber completed her medical degree in New Zealand, her Masters of Public Health at the Harvard School of Public Health, and her General Practice training in Aboriginal Community Controlled Clinics in the NT. Read our interview Five things you should know about RHD with Dr Wyber.
Prof. Roianne West
Kalkadoon and Djaku-nde woman, Roianne West, CEO of CATSINaM, has led a life of extraordinary commitment to Indigenous Health. An RN who has also completed a Master’s of Mental Health Nursing and a PhD developing a model of excellence for increasing Indigenous Nurses in Australia, Roianne was Australia’s first Nursing Director at a tertiary hospital with a dedicated portfolio of Indigenous health, Australia’s first Professor of Indigenous Health, and inaugural Dean of First Peoples Health at Griffith University. Read our interview with Prof. West.
Leeona West
Leeona is a proud Kalkadoon and Djunke woman and along with her twin sister and her brother she graduated from Deakin University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Nursing degree. Leeona has experience working in rural and remote hospitals, aged care facilities, primary health care centres and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services. Leeona has worked across Cape York and the north-west including the Gulf of Carpentaria where she was the DON of Gununa Hospital (Mornington Island). Balancing her cultural responsibilities with her clinical skills, systems approach and good governance practice has enhanced her ability as a community leader.
Connecting with colleagues
As remote area nurses, midwives and health professionals who work throughout Australia, we don’t get to celebrate together often. So when we do get the opportunity, we make the most of it!
We’re going all out on our Gala Dinner on the last night of our conference program (6 October). Hosted in the Hilton Hotel’s glamorous ballroom, the dinner is your chance to dress up and catch up with your interstate colleagues and friends, both new and old.
The dinner will be a sit down three-course meal with a drinks package, inclusive for full delegate registrations.
The theme for the 2022 Gala Dinner is ‘All that sparkles’. We encourage you to embrace the theme with sparkling accessories or dress! With our focus on sustainability, we also challenge you to not buy anything new. Borrow a frock from a friend or a bowtie from a bestie. Rock your daughter’s Princess Elsa tiara or your grandma’s cashmere handbag. Or how about your sparkliest op shop find?
The five-piece Baker Boys Band will be performing live music, too. Move onto the dancefloor as they play everything from Top 40 and classics to classical and jazz.
If you’re looking for somewhere to stay after the big night and during the conference, browse accommodation options at Some options include a discount for attendees.
Financial support
Did you know, you may be eligible to receive financial support to attend the 2022 CRANAplus Conference through the Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP)?
Head to for more information and scroll down to your state or territory-based rural workforce agency’s scholarship page for eligibility criteria and windows for application.
Gala dinner attendance is included in all full delegate registrations and exhibitor registrations, but make sure to book during the registration process. Additional tickets can be purchased.
We will also be presenting CRANAplus Award Winners, CRANAplus Fellowships and Central for Remote Health Graduates during our 39th Annual Conference.
Exhibition space
Our conference will feature an exhibition space where you’ll be able to engage with brands, products or services that may be helpful to your practice, professional development, and self-care. CRANAplus extends a warm thank you to our amazing sponsors and exhibitors; their support helps us to deliver an engaging and beneficial event.
In the exhibit space, the CRANAplus Education Team will be showcasing educational equipment utilised in our courses. You’ll have an opportunity to apply your skills and engage in friendly competition with colleagues for prizes and giveaways.
Our Mental Health and Wellbeing team will also be providing a Wellbeing Space to relax and recharge amongst the business of the conference day, which will feature activities, such as Lego, colouring in and a gratitude wall, to help you unwind. Visit to refresh your toolbox of wellbeing strategies!
To find out more or to register, head to