A new way to access support - CRANAcast: Supporting your Wellbeing

9 Dec 2022

Kristy Hill, Manager Education and Resources Mental Health and Wellbeing Services at CRANAplus, introduces CRANAcast: Supporting your Wellbeing – a new free podcast designed to support the mental health and wellbeing of the rural and remote health workforce.

CRANAplus is excit­ed to announce the release of a sec­ond pod­cast chan­nel for you to tune into. This new pod­cast pro­vides men­tal health and well­be­ing sup­port to the rur­al and remote workforce. 

In each episode, an expe­ri­enced psy­chol­o­gist or men­tal health pro­fes­sion­al joins host Drew Rad­ford to deep dive into a new top­ic, shar­ing cop­ing strate­gies and well­be­ing advice to help you man­age the chal­lenges faced as a rur­al and remote health worker. 

In our first episode, we embark on Nav­i­gat­ing Work­place Con­flict: What is it? and how do you pre­vent and man­age it?’ 

The ori­gins of work­place con­flict may often be traced back to the sim­plest of mis­un­der­stand­ings. Work­ing in small­er teams may ampli­fy the expe­ri­ence of fac­ing these inevitable conflicts.

Dr Nicole Jef­fery-Dawes, Senior Psy­chol­o­gist with the CRANAplus Bush Sup­port Line joins Drew to dis­cuss three com­mon types of work­place mis­un­der­stand­ings: those based on rela­tion­ships, val­ues and interests. 

Nicole explains the dif­fer­ences between each type, dis­cuss­es the role of self-reflec­tion and hon­est con­ver­sa­tions, and pro­vides action­able ways to pre­vent and man­age a work­place conflict. 

Our sec­ond pod­cast, released in Octo­ber, explores Form­ing a Healthy Sleep Rou­tine’ a well­be­ing issue com­mon­ly faced by many rur­al and remote health workers. 

In this episode, Cath Walk­er, a psy­chol­o­gist with over 30 years of rur­al and remote expe­ri­ence, dis­cuss­es why sleep is impor­tant; the com­mon caus­es of poor sleep; the short and long-term effects of poor sleep; and most impor­tant­ly, prac­ti­cal strate­gies to sup­port a bet­ter night’s sleep.

CRANAcast is designed for you to lis­ten to on the plane, in the car between clin­ics, or dur­ing your down­time. Down­load it on Apple Pod­casts, Spo­ti­fy, or your favourite pod­cast app so you can tune in even when you’re out of range. Each pod­cast is also accom­pa­nied by a writ­ten resource. Click here to access the sup­port­ing resources.