Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

What’s happening online? CRANAplus Member Facebook Group

8 Apr 2024

Check out some of the latest content from our new CRANAplus Members Facebook Group. This Facebook Group provides a forum for Individual CRANAplus Members to connect with each other, share ideas, seek advice, and provide support. It is exclusively for current CRANAplus Members. These posts have been shared with permission.

If you’re a indi­vid­ual CRANAplus Mem­ber, you can join the CRANAplus Mem­ber Only Face­book Group – have your Mem­ber num­ber handy!

Deb­o­rah out snorkelling – not a bad office view’; A baby girl born in a hur­ry. The moth­er named the baby after Ruth; Sue’s pho­to of the dam wall at Col­lie, WA.

Ben and Lisa are now work­ing in San­ta Tere­sa, NT. Their poo­dle loves a bit of horse mustering!

Kar­lene is cur­rent­ly in Zam­bia, train­ing park rangers and keep­ers in CPR and con­trol­ling a major bleed in the field. She’s also using her nurs­ing skills to assess ele­phants on site – this one is recov­er­ing from a Babesio­sis infection.

Renee is cur­rent­ly work­ing in Wilu­na, WA.

Taz explor­ing Bam­a­ga, Cook­town and Tully.

Want to join the CRANAplus fam­i­ly? Find out more about CRANAplus Mem­ber­ship.