The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1300 805 391.

Floods and Chalkboards in North West Queensland

14 Aug 2023

CRANAplus Member Paul Reeves, Clinical Nurse Coordinator, provides a snapshot of his recent work out in North West Queensland.

I am a CNC Remote Relief for North West Hos­pi­tal and Health these days. 

I have spe­cialised as a Casu­al Relief RN for Cairns and Tor­res Hos­pi­tal and Health Ser­vice for six years but decid­ed to head out to the North West of Queensland.

[Dur­ing the flood­ing], Bur­ke­town was hit the worst. How­ev­er, waters head­ed south and passed through towns like Camooweal.

A new high­way bridge was built but even at approx­i­mate­ly 10 metres high was no match for the vol­ume of water head­ing to Camooweal.

Camooweal was cut off from both North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry and Mount Isa due to floods and road damage.

This affect­ed food and water sup­plies com­ing into the small town.

Some people’s hous­es were under­wa­ter and live­stock were trapped on patch­es of islands.

We were iso­lat­ed due to flood waters and dam­aged roads. There were risks dur­ing and after the flood. Espe­cial­ly mos­qui­to-borne virus­es and dis­eases like melioidosis.

The above pho­to is of Dajar­ra, two hours’ dri­ve south of Mount Isa. 

I built a huge chalk­board to help locals see our next spe­cial­ist and RFDS appointments.

Visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion engage­ment with the remote com­mu­ni­ties – keep­ing it sim­ple and informative.

Not seen in the pho­to is a pot of beau­ti­ful marigolds. A wel­com­ing sight for those enter­ing the clinic.

The last pho­to I took before the floods. This is the road head­ing towards the Camooweal Caves. 

I hope you enjoy the tour.

Inter­est­ed in shar­ing your expe­ri­ence of work­ing in remote health? Per­haps there is a top­ic that you would like to see cov­ered in the CRANAplus Mag­a­zine? Get in touch with your sto­ry or sug­ges­tion at communications@​CRANAplus.​org.​au