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Introducing one of our newest Board Members, Danielle Causer

9 Dec 2022

At the CRANAplus Annual General Meeting in October, Danielle Causer was voted in as one of two of CRANAplus’ newest Board Members, along with Ann Aitken. As Executive Director (ED) of Nursing for Central West Queensland and with more than 19 years of primary healthcare nursing and public sector experience, Danielle is eager to give back and share her remote health care insight and enthusiasm with the CRANAplus community

Hooked on coun­try liv­ing, Danielle’s base out­side of Townsville pays homage to her farm upbring­ing in New South Wales, com­plete with sheep, chooks, cats and dogs. 

We couldn’t bring our­selves to actu­al­ly be liv­ing in town, we need­ed head­space and [phys­i­cal] space for our fam­i­ly as well,” says Danielle.

In her role for Cen­tral West Queens­land, Danielle’s work cov­ers 23 per cent of Queensland’s land­mass where just three per cent of the state’s pop­u­la­tion resides. 

Con­nect­ing into three Hos­pi­tal and Health Ser­vices (HHSs), the Cen­tral West region faces unique chal­lenges – from dis­tance and time pres­sures to road clo­sures and bring­ing in air support.

In the south­ern part, our patient path­way goes to the Dar­ling Downs into Toowoom­ba and Bris­bane; Lon­greach into the Cen­tral Area we’ll go to Bris­bane or to Rock­hamp­ton; our North West­ern side will go up to Mount Isa, or through to Townsville,” says Danielle. 

We have to be con­nect­ed and work across sev­er­al dif­fer­ent HHSs… to sus­tain patient focused care, we have to be open to var­i­ous dif­fer­ent paths.”


As part of her role with Cen­tral West Queens­land, Danielle is also an Adjunct Pro­fes­sor at James Cook Uni­ver­si­ty. Her cre­den­tials include a Mas­ter of Nurs­ing, along with qual­i­fi­ca­tions and expe­ri­ence in clin­i­cal edu­ca­tion, gen­er­al prac­tice man­age­ment and project management. 

Danielle was also the first nurse on the Queens­land Hos­pi­tal and Health Ser­vice boards and part of the sub-com­mit­tee for safe­ty and qual­i­ty rep­re­sent­ing the West­ern Downs.

As the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of Nurs­ing [Cen­tral West Queens­land], [gov­er­nance is]… part of my role, and in my pre­vi­ous role I was the Direc­tor of Clin­i­cal Gov­er­nance for the Cen­tral West,” says Danielle. 

When she’s not work­ing, Danielle vol­un­teers her time to share the sto­ries of rur­al and remote nurs­es and mid­wives through her pas­sion project A Nurse Out Where’ podcast. 

I thought we real­ly need to start shar­ing these sto­ries and get­ting the voice out there because rur­al and remote nurs­es are a spe­cial­ty in their own right, and I think we real­ly need to cel­e­brate that,” she says. 

I want to be able to acknowl­edge that [work­ing in iso­lat­ed areas] is hard, it’s not easy, and it’s not for every­body… but you don’t know unless you try. And if you don’t hear about it, you don’t think about it.” 

Why remote?

Danielle describes her long­stand­ing love for remote health­care as an equal split between head and heart. 

My head tells me pro­fes­sion­al­ly that it’s about the auton­o­my, it’s about the abil­i­ty to real­ly work at the top of your scope,” she says, and to chal­lenge myself pro­fes­sion­al­ly to be able to do those things. 

But my heart tells me it’s the com­mu­ni­ty… I love get­ting involved in all the com­mu­ni­ty events and under­stand­ing the culture.”

On being on the Board 

When asked about her new posi­tion on the CRANAplus Board, Danielle expressed grat­i­tude and pride to be giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty and said she is look­ing for­ward to return­ing the support. 

Rur­al and remote is my pas­sion and I’ll be there for [CRANAplus mem­bers] as much as they’ve been there for me,” she says.

Learn more about CRANAplus’ Board Mem­bers includ­ing Ann Aitken who was also vot­ed in Octo­ber 2022