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From strength to strength with Melina Connors, First Nations Midwifery Director for Queensland Health

19 Dec 2024

Melina Connors, inaugural First Nations Midwifery Director for Queensland Health, is passionate about the state’s Growing Deadly Families strategy. Here she talks about how her new role plays a vital part in that passion.

Meli­na speak­ing at the CRANAplus 2024 Remote Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Conference

Meli­na and Dal­las at the CRANAplus Remote Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Conference

The Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies Strat­e­gy is Queensland’s Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander mater­ni­ty strat­e­gy that aims for all women birthing Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander babies to be able to access cul­tur­al­ly safe, con­ti­nu­ity of care through their mater­ni­ty journey. 

It is well estab­lished that when moth­ers are healthy and sup­port­ed through­out their preg­nan­cy, their babies are more like­ly to be born at full term and at healthy birth weight. Invest­ing in the health of moth­ers and babies con­tributes to the best start to life, lead­ing to bet­ter life­long out­comes for those moth­ers and babies.

The intro­duc­tion of the Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies Strat­e­gy high­lights the sig­nif­i­cance of birth as a cul­tur­al and cer­e­mo­ni­al event. The first ever First Nations Mid­wifery Direc­tor in Aus­tralia, Reg­is­tered Mid­wife and proud Gurind­ji woman Meli­na Con­nors leads the imple­men­ta­tion of the Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies Strategy.

Melina’s involve­ment in the strat­e­gy began in 2021 when, as a Clin­i­cal Mid­wifery Con­sul­tant, Meli­na led the scop­ing that informed future work on imple­ment­ing the Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies Strat­e­gy. Meli­na trav­elled over 100 thou­sand kilo­me­tres through­out the state, look­ing for part­ner­ships with­in com­mu­ni­ties and ser­vices and co-design­ing mod­els of care that sup­port­ed the strategy’s vision.

An Abo­rig­i­nal woman, a Mum to three daugh­ters and a Mimi to two grand­chil­dren, Meli­na knows first­hand the impacts of receiv­ing mater­ni­ty care in a mod­el that wasn’t built for her. My jour­ney into mid­wifery came about from my own mater­ni­ty and birthing experience.

Go Health Expo

Meli­na along­side First Nations Nurs­ing Direc­tor, Rosie Borey

As the inau­gur­al First Nations Mid­wifery Direc­tor, Meli­na has a unique under­stand­ing of the Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies Strat­e­gy Imple­men­ta­tion, hav­ing worked years on the ground, direct with Mid­wives, Abo­rig­i­nal Health Work­ers, Gen­er­al Prac­ti­tion­ers, Obste­tri­cians and a range of oth­er health pro­fes­sions involved in deliv­er­ing mater­ni­ty ser­vices. Meli­na has tak­en the time to speak with health pro­fes­sion­als, con­sumers, com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers and fam­i­lies to under­stand their views. She knows one size will not fit all in achiev­ing cul­tur­al­ly safe care for First Nations women and families. 

We are expand­ing Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies at the moment, and it is very excit­ing to see that as a col­lec­tive we are recog­nis­ing the need for First Nations gov­er­nance of that strat­e­gy, through imbed­ding lead­er­ship posi­tions to guide and strength­en our approach.” A major goal of the strat­e­gy, says Meli­na, is to con­tin­u­al­ly increase the num­ber of Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander peo­ple trained across all the areas of mater­ni­ty care. Women have told us time and time again that they want to be cared for by the same per­son through­out their preg­nan­cy and that they want to be cared for by peo­ple who are cul­tur­al­ly capa­ble.” The Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies Strat­e­gy and its imple­men­ta­tion is sup­port­ing addi­tion­al posi­tions with­in hos­pi­tal and health ser­vices, as well as pipelin­ing the incom­ing work­force and pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al cul­tur­al sup­port for the exist­ing work­force. We’re throw­ing our best at it from all angles and it’s an hon­our to play a role in the imple­men­ta­tion of this strat­e­gy and show what it can achieve,” says Melina.

Meli­na pre­sent­ed the Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies Strat­e­gy at the recent CRANAplus con­fer­ence in Octo­ber in Naarm. Dur­ing the ses­sion, Melina’s mes­sage was If we get it right for First Nations women, we will get it right for all women”.

Meli­na Con­nors (cen­ter) with West More­ton Jaghu MGP team

Read more about the Grow­ing Dead­ly Fam­i­lies strategy.