This short course can assist you to devel­op a sys­tem­at­ic assess­ment approach to clients who present with men­tal health issues. It can be com­plet­ed as an indi­vid­ual course, or as part of our Clin­i­cal Assess­ment Suite, which fea­tures 11 oth­er short courses/​modules which each cov­er a dif­fer­ent type of presentation.

What con­tent is covered?

  • A sys­tem­at­ic assess­ment process that leads you to form a clin­i­cal impression.
  • A brief overview of com­mon men­tal health presentations. 
  • The key com­po­nents of the men­tal state exam­i­na­tion and risk assess­ments, with some sug­gest­ed ques­tions to help.
  • Red flag symp­toms: signs and indi­ca­tions to watch out for.
  • Doc­u­ment­ing & com­mu­ni­cat­ing your assessment.