Will you be joining us at the 2024 Remote Nursing & Midwifery Conference?
23-25 October 2024, Naarm/Melbourne. Click here to view our preliminary program or to register.

Com­ing Soon! A new suite of mod­ules to our eRe­mote plat­form: the Emer­gency Suite. 

Why is it impor­tant to refresh your knowl­edge about post­par­tum haem­or­rhage (PPH)?

  • PPH can be seri­ous and life-threatening.
  • Most women do not have risk fac­tors for heavy bleed­ing, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to pre­dict when heavy bleed­ing might occur: all women giv­ing birth are at risk of hav­ing a PPH
  • Sig­nif­i­cant blood loss can devel­op rapid­ly in the absence of haemo­dy­nam­ic com­pro­mise; hence, close mon­i­tor­ing of all women, and ear­ly recog­ni­tion and rapid response, are critical.

What con­tent is cov­ered in this module?

  • Risk fac­tors and pre­ven­ta­tive mea­sures for PPH.
  • Steps of active man­age­ment of the third stage of labour.
  • A sys­tem­at­ic assess­ment and man­age­ment process for PPH.
  • How to use the 4 Ts to iden­ti­fy the cause of a PPH.
  • Doc­u­ment­ing your assess­ment and man­age­ment of the PPH.
  • Com­mu­ni­cat­ing your assess­ment and man­age­ment with others.

How have we made it rel­e­vant and use­ful for you?

The Assess­ment sec­tion of the CRANA frame­work has been bro­ken down into 4 parts to describe how to con­duct a com­pre­hen­sive assessment: 

  1. Col­lect data
  2. Form a clin­i­cal impression
  3. Man­age­ment
  4. Reassess
  5. Doc­u­ment & com­mu­ni­cate it