Will you be joining us at the 2024 Remote Nursing & Midwifery Conference?
23-25 October 2024, Naarm/Melbourne. Click here to view our preliminary program or to register.

Remote Area Health Corps

The Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) has been established to strengthen primary health care services in remote Indigenous communities in the NT.



The Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) is a gov­ern­ment-fund­ed and inno­v­a­tive approach to sup­port­ing work­force needs in remote com­mu­ni­ties in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry. RAHC pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty for urban-based health pro­fes­sion­als to make a con­tri­bu­tion to clos­ing the gap in Indige­nous health outcomes.