The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1300 805 391.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

1 Nov 2024

Pur­suant to rule 18.3 of the Con­sti­tu­tion of CRANAplus Incor­po­rat­ed (‘Con­sti­tu­tion’) notice is here­by giv­en of the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of CRANAplus Incor­po­rat­ed (CRANAplus) (ABN 31 601 433 502) to be held at 4.00pm (AEST) Thurs­day 28 Novem­ber 2024, online via MS Teams.


  1. Open meet­ing
  2. Con­fir­ma­tion of the Min­utes of the 2023 Annu­al Gen­er­al Meeting
  3. Receive and con­sid­er the 2024 annu­al report of the Board for the year end­ing 30 June.
  4. Receive and con­sid­er the Audit­ed Finan­cial Accounts for CRANAplus, for the year end­ing 30 June 2024, togeth­er with the Inde­pen­dent Auditor’s Report.
  5. Appoint­ment of audi­tor for FY2025
  6. Elec­tion of Directors
  7. Close of Meeting

Elec­tion of direc­tors — pre-polling
The elec­tion of direc­tors will take place elec­tron­i­cal­ly via a pre poll func­tion. A per­son­alised link for pre-polling will be sent to all mem­bers. Vot­ing clos­es at 9am Thurs­day 28 Novem­ber 2024.

Appoint­ing a Proxy
A mem­ber who is enti­tled to attend and vote may appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the meet­ing on their behalf. The proxy form is linked for your use. Com­plet­ed proxy forms must be received by CRANAplus no lat­er than 9am Thurs­day 28 Novem­ber 2024. You can sub­mit your proxy form in the fol­low­ing ways; by post Com­pa­ny Sec­re­tary, CRANAplus, Unit 2, 189 – 191 Abbott Street Cairns, 4870, by email fiona.​justin@​crana.​org.​au

Fiona Justin
Com­pa­ny Sec­re­tary
1 Novem­ber 2024