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Posted: 26 Oct 2023

Location: Benalla VIC

Midwives at Benalla Health have the pleasure of assisting families from the first trimester right through to six weeks postnatal.

EVERY mid­wife par­tic­i­pates in ante­na­tal clin­ic, intra­partum care, and post­na­tal care includ­ing domi­cil­iary vis­its as well as neona­tal care.

At Benal­la Mater­ni­ty, we pride our­selves on pro­vid­ing women and fam­i­lies with a sup­port­ive per­son­alised ser­vice though our shared care team with recep­tive and sup­port­ive GP obste­tri­cians. We have a strong pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ships with our phys­io­ther­a­pists, dieti­cians, social work­ers and mater­nal and child health ser­vice who all work out of the Benal­la Health com­plex and assist in the fam­i­ly jour­ney, allow­ing a tru­ly mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team approach to mid­wifery care. This care also extends to col­lab­o­ra­tions with oth­er health providers with­in or exter­nal to our com­mu­ni­ty as needed.

Benal­la Health is a Lev­el 3 mater­ni­ty capa­bil­i­ty Ser­vice and Lev­el 2 New­born capa­ble ser­vice. We pride our­selves on pro­vid­ing women and fam­i­lies at have high qual­i­ty, safe mater­ni­ty ser­vice clos­er to home.

Why Choose Benal­la Health

Benal­la Health under­stands that nurs­es and mid­wives have so much option when it comes to work­places but we can offer all mid­wives the abil­i­ty to extend their skills and knowl­edge through assist­ing with qual­i­ty activ­i­ties, project work, con­sumer engage­ment as well as embrac­ing and encour­ag­ing them in areas of mid­wifery that they have a pas­sion for and want to excel in. We reg­u­lar­ly par­tic­i­pate in Safer Care Vic­to­ria projects and if you are an RM/RN with an inter­est in main­tain­ing your RN skills in a cer­tain area we are hap­py to help facil­i­tate that also.

Benal­la Health offers a work­ing envi­ron­ment that encour­ages pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and embraces the con­cept of work/​life bal­ance, whilst striv­ing for excellence.

Benal­la Rur­al City

Benal­la is a great place to live and work, we have a thriv­ing artis­tic feel, with wall murals that are con­stant­ly chang­ing and grow­ing. We have many cafes, bakery’s, cof­fee vans, restau­rants and a per­form­ing arts cen­ter which hous­es our cin­e­ma and live theatre.

Our coun­cil demo­graph­ics shows an increase in young peo­ple in the 25 – 34 year age group which for a mater­ni­ty ser­vice is a great sign of a grow­ing fam­i­ly friend­ly community.

Our lake which is in the cen­ter of town pro­vides for all sorts of water and land based activ­i­ties includ­ing a 5+km walk­ing track and is the loca­tion for many of our town fes­ti­vals and events. 

For more infor­ma­tion regard­ing the role con­tact: James Greuter, Peo­ple & Cul­ture Advi­sor — on (03) 5761 4222.

To apply please email your CV to james.​greuter@​benallahealth.​org.​au