Clinical Nurse Consultant Alcohol and Other Drugs Service


Posted: 16 Oct 2024

Location: Cooktown QLD

Experience Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Enjoy northern Australia’s diverse environment including fishing, camping and sea adventures. Supporting best practice healthcare within Cape York and the Torres Strait.

Job details

Posi­tion sta­tusPer­ma­nent
Posi­tion typeFull-time
Occu­pa­tion­al groupHealth — Nursing
Clas­si­fi­ca­tionNurse Grade 7
Work­place Loca­tionCairns region,Far North Qld
Job ad ref­er­enceQLD/TC596473
Clos­ing date01-Nov-2024
Year­ly salary$132562.00 — $143924.00
Job dura­tionPer­ma­nent Full Time
Con­tact per­sonKat­ri­na Campbell
Con­tact details(07) 4043 0190
Access the Nation­al Relay Service

Per­ma­nent Full Time Clin­i­cal Nurse Con­sul­tant — Alco­hol and Oth­er Drugs Ser­vice posi­tion available!

GIVE USCALL — The hir­ing man­ag­er Kat­ri­na Camp­bell (07) 4043 0190, would love to hear from you and dis­cuss the role further.

Tell me more… Pro­vide advanced coor­di­na­tion and clin­i­cal lead­er­ship in the deliv­ery of men­tal health, alco­hol, and oth­er drug ser­vices by pro­vid­ing high qual­i­ty clin­i­cal assess­ment, treat­ment, and case man­age­ment in con­junc­tion with oth­er ser­vice providers. The posi­tion works with­in a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team in a Rur­al & Remote Health Care envi­ron­ment ser­vic­ing the remote com­mu­ni­ties of the Tor­res and Cape. This posi­tion is respon­si­ble for the deliv­ery of senior clin­i­cal guid­ance, super­vi­sion, men­tor­ing and capac­i­ty build­ing to less expe­ri­enced clin­i­cal staff. The role will be required to work across the full age spec­trum (whole of life) and across the men­tal health and alco­hol and oth­er drug portfolios.

Pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al motivators!

As an Men­tal Health pro­fes­sion­al work­ing in Tor­res and Cape HHS, your con­tri­bu­tion in help­ing treat, reha­bil­i­tate and improve the lives of patients is huge!

You’ll work in diverse and sup­port­ive envi­ron­ments that offer attrac­tive lifestyle oppor­tu­ni­ties and expe­ri­ences and enable you to make a valu­able con­tri­bu­tion in small com­mu­ni­ties. These com­mu­ni­ties will help you grow, con­nect, learn and cre­ate life-defin­ing expe­ri­ences that will shape who you are as a health pro­fes­sion­al and a person.

This role may be eli­gi­ble for the Queens­land Health Attrac­tion Incen­tive. See link — Work­force attrac­tion incen­tive scheme | Careers (health​.qld​.gov​.au)

Tor­res and Cape will give you a career with pur­pose, plus excel­lent ben­e­fits and allowances;

Liv­ing with­in the Tor­res and Cape region means you will be able to enjoy: 

  • Immers­ing your­self in nature, from the out­back to trop­i­cal rain­forests, coral reefs and extra­or­di­nary landscapes.
  • Short com­mute to work, allow­ing greater work/​life balance
  • Rich Indige­nous Culture
  • Imag­ine your­self here? Find out about Tor­res and Cape HHS and the Tor­res Strait and Cook­town and Cape York regions on the Trop­i­cal North Queens­land website.
  • Fol­low us — Face­book | Insta­gram | LinkedIn

Dis­cov­er more by read­ing the role descrip­tion attached. https://​smartjobs​.qld​.gov​.au/j…

Tor­res and Cape HHS Val­ues - Courage | Account­abil­i­ty | Respect | Engage

How do I apply? Appli­ca­tions should be sub­mit­ted ONLINE via the Smart Jobs and Careers web­site. https://​smartjobs​.qld​.gov​.au/j…

Please no unso­licit­ed resumes from recruit­ment agencies.