Clinical Nurse Consultant – Palliative Care (502892)


Posted: 14 Oct 2024

Location: NW TAS

The Clinical Nurse Consultant - Palliative Care provides clinical leadership and direction in planning, implementing and evaluating the provision of palliative care to effectively support the delivery of a community palliative care service provided by the Primary Health North West Area Services

  • Per­ma­nent & Fixed Term
  • Tas­man­ian Health Ser­vice – North West
  • Clos­ing: 12 Novem­ber 2024

The Clin­i­cal Nurse Con­sul­tant — Pal­lia­tive Care is respon­si­ble for: 

  • Pro­vid­ing clin­i­cal lead­er­ship and spe­cial­ist clin­i­cal advice to nurs­ing, med­ical and allied health staff includ­ing oth­er health care providers and exter­nal stakeholders. 
  • Coor­di­nat­ing com­mu­ni­ty pal­lia­tive care clin­i­cal prac­tices includ­ing pal­lia­tive care assess­ment and treat­ment plans, psy­choso­cial sup­port and interventions. 
  • Lead­ing the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of clin­i­cal pro­to­cols, guide­lines and ser­vice deliv­ery options.

The Team:

Our SPCS NW team col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly man­age the com­plex care of the pal­lia­tive patient in all care set­tings. We offer a sup­port­ive and engaged team that is com­mit­ted to con­tin­u­ing pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment to ensure that care is evi­dence based, and holis­tic. Our inclu­sive team deliv­er a reli­able, resource­ful and respon­sive con­sul­ta­tive ser­vice for our patien­t’s their car­ers and our col­leagues. Our team work in a vari­ety of set­tings from acute, com­mu­ni­ty and RACF facil­i­ties across the north west of Tasmania.

  • Work with­in a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team with­in var­ied environments
  • Oppor­tu­ni­ties for on going pro­fes­sion­al and career development
  • Work with a respon­si­ble con­sul­ta­tive service

Details of appointment:

  • Per­ma­nent, full time, day work­er posi­tion, work­ing 76 hours per fortnight
  • Fixed term, full time, day work­er posi­tion, work­ing 76 hours per fort­night, com­menc­ing from Octo­ber 2024 until April 2025

Salary: $111,506 to $118,336 pro rata per annum. Our Employ­er 11% super­an­nu­a­tion con­tri­bu­tion is on top of this amount.


You’ll have access to salary pack­age a range of ben­e­fits includ­ing liv­ing expens­es up to $9,010 + $2,650 in meal enter­tain­ment each FBT year + oth­er ben­e­fits if eligible. 

In addi­tion, the fol­low­ing allowances cal­cu­lat­ed on the salaried incre­men­tal point may be available: 

  • Post Grad­u­ate Allowance of up to 10 % based on qual­i­fi­ca­tion type 

Ben­e­fit avail­able to eli­gi­ble candidates:

  • Trav­el and relo­ca­tion assis­tance sup­port avail­able up to $15,000 for eli­gi­ble appointees. 
  • Pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and accel­er­at­ed pathways.
  • Excel­lent leave ben­e­fits: 20 days annu­al leave (pro rata), 20 days per­son­al leave (pro rata), and study assis­tance leave if eligible.
  • Fit­ness Pass­port – You, and your fam­i­ly can access 40+ fit­ness facil­i­ties across Tas­ma­nia for just $13.95 per week per per­son, or $25.95 for a family.

How to apply:

For more infor­ma­tion and how to apply, please vis­it our web­site: Jobs​.tas​.gov​.au

For fur­ther enquiries: 

Appli­cants who require fur­ther infor­ma­tion are encour­aged to con­tact the Con­tact per­son for detailed infor­ma­tion about the vacancy.

Jacque­line Monsour

Nurse Unit Man­ag­er — Spe­cial­ist Pal­lia­tive Care
(03) 6477 7760