Nurse Management Coordinator

Nursing, Executive/Management Roles

Posted: 18 Oct 2024

Location: Tennant Creek NT

This position offers a career changing opportunity for an experienced clinician with a background in Alcohol and Other Drugs including trauma informed practice, harm minimisation model of care.

Nurse Lev­el 5 — Remu­ner­a­tion Pack­age Range $154,808 — $161,239

Pri­ma­ry Health Care — Bark­ly Alco­hol or Oth­er Drugs

Ten­nant Creek 

One Ongoing/​Fixed vacan­cy available

If the most suit­able appli­cant does not hold the qual­i­fi­ca­tion, they may be appoint­ed on a fixed term basis with ongo­ing appoint­ment sub­ject to them attain­ing the qual­i­fi­ca­tion dur­ing the fixed term period.

This posi­tion offers a career chang­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for an expe­ri­enced clin­i­cian with a back­ground in Alco­hol and Oth­er Drugs includ­ing trau­ma informed prac­tice, harm min­imi­sa­tion mod­el of care. As the teams co-coor­di­na­tor the posi­tions will pro­vide lead­er­ship with knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of rel­e­vant leg­is­la­tion such as VSA Act and AOD the­o­ret­i­cal frame­works. This posi­tion works with­in a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team sup­port­ing Ten­nant Creek Hos­pi­tal, the town­ship of Ten­nant Creek and the Bark­ly Remote com­mu­ni­ties. Will­ing to trav­el intra-ter­ri­to­ry to remote com­mu­ni­ties in the Bark­ly region by road or light air­craft, includ­ing overnight stays and expe­ri­ence dri­ving a man­u­al vehi­cle with eli­gi­bil­i­ty to obtain an NT man­u­al dri­vers licence is essential.

The Bark­ly region is known for its beau­ti­ful desert land­scapes, whilst in Ten­nant Creek take the oppor­tu­ni­ty of swim­ming, canoe­ing or kayak­ing on Lake Maryanne or just relax and enjoy the scenic land­scape. Remote trav­el is essen­tial to ful­fil the require­ments of the position. 

Explore work­ing in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Government:

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion about this vacan­cy please con­tact: Makasi­ni Kaho on

08 89624413 or makasini.​kaho@​nt.​gov.​au

Quote vacan­cy num­ber: 24043

Clos­ing date: 06/11/2024

Appli­ca­tions should con­sist of a one page sum­ma­ry sheet, resume / CV and copies of rel­e­vant qualifications.

For a copy of the Job Descrip­tion , to APPLY or to view career oppor­tu­ni­ties in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment please vis­it https://​jobs​.nt​.gov​.au/​H​o​m​e​/​J​o​b​D​e​t​a​i​l​s​?​r​t​f​I​d​=​306860