Registered Nurse


Posted: 18 Oct 2024

Location: Wide Bay QLD

The Registered Nurse (RN) provides clinical and patient-centred care within the Rural Hospitals and Multipurpose Health Services of the Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service (WBHHS)....

Loca­tion: Nurs­ing Ser­vices, Eidsvold, Biggen­den, Childers, Mundub­bera Mul­ti­pur­pose Health Ser­vices, Gayn­dah, Mon­to Health Ser­vices and Gin Gin Hospital 

Eli­gi­ble Appli­cants who move with­in Queens­land intrastate (from Qld with­in MM1 to MM3) or to Queens­land from inter­state or inter­na­tion­al juris­dic­tion to take up per­ma­nent or tem­po­rary greater than 12 months employ­ment may receive up to $70,000 incen­tive pay­ments under the Queens­land Health Work­force Attrac­tion Scheme


The Reg­is­tered Nurse (RN) pro­vides clin­i­cal and patient-cen­tred care with­in the Rur­al Hos­pi­tals and Mul­ti­pur­pose Health Ser­vices of the Wide Bay Hos­pi­tal and Health Ser­vice (WBHHS), sup­port­ing the facil­i­ta­tion and pro­vi­sion of qual­i­ty and cost effec­tive nurs­ing ser­vices which are con­sis­tent with con­tem­po­rary stan­dards and evi­dence-informed practice. 

You will receive a com­pet­i­tive remu­ner­a­tion pack­age val­ue up to $121,107 p.a., com­pris­ing salary between $82,753 — $106,144 p.a. (f/​t) or salary between $41.74 — $53.53 p.h. (p/​t), employ­er con­tri­bu­tion to super­an­nu­a­tion (up to 12.75%) and annu­al leave load­ing (17.5%) (Nurse Grade 5) (Sev­er­al Per­ma­nent Full Time, 76 hours p.f. and Per­ma­nent Part Time Posi­tions, hours nego­tiable, mul­ti­ple Tem­po­rary Full Time and Part Time Con­tracts and Casu­al posi­tions avail­able). (Appli­ca­tions will remain cur­rent for 12 months). Job Ad Ref­er­ence: H2409WB593290 

Enquiries: Jan-Adele Hotz, 0407 090 472 

Job Ad Ref­er­ence: H2409WB593290 

Appli­ca­tion Details: https://​smartjobs​.qld​.gov​.au/​j​o​b​s​/​Q​L​D​-​H​2409​W​B​593290

Clos­ing Date: Mon­day, 11th Novem­ber 2024