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Registered Nurse - Prison Health


Posted: 3 Apr 2024

Location: Alice Springs NT

NT Health (Prison Health, Primary Health Care – Central Australia) at Alice Springs Correctional Centre, is offering a unique opportunity for Registered Nurses to undertake Post Graduate Studies in Remote Health or Primary Health Care a one year paid employment program (Graduate Certificate).

  • Nurse Lev­el 2 (Remu­ner­a­tion Pack­age Range $85,419 — $113,011)
  • Prison Health — Pri­ma­ry and Pub­lic Health Care, Cen­tral Australia 
  • Alice Springs
  • Fixed vacan­cy avail­able for 12 months

NT Health (Prison Health, Pri­ma­ry Health Care – Cen­tral Aus­tralia) at Alice Springs Cor­rec­tion­al Cen­tre, is offer­ing a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for Reg­is­tered Nurs­es to under­take Post Grad­u­ate Stud­ies in Remote Health or Pri­ma­ry Health Care a one year paid employ­ment pro­gram (Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate). Suc­cess­ful appli­cants must be eli­gi­ble for employ­ment with PHC — Cen­tral Aus­tralia Health Ser­vice as a Reg­is­tered Nurse and meet Uni­ver­si­ty enrol­ment criteria. 

In this role you will be expect­ed to pro­vide a clin­i­cal ser­vice to adults sen­tenced and resid­ing at Alice Springs Cor­rec­tion­al Cen­tre (ASCC) with­in a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary pri­ma­ry health ser­vice deliv­ery framework. 

You will hold cur­rent reg­is­tra­tion as a Reg­is­tered Nurse or hold a dual degree (Reg­is­tered Nurse and Reg­is­tered Mid­wife) with the Aus­tralian Health Prac­ti­tion­er Reg­u­la­tion Agency (AHPRA). Have a min­i­mum of one year post reg­is­tra­tion expe­ri­ence, meet eli­gi­bil­i­ty and entry require­ments for post grad­u­ate study rel­e­vant to the prac­tice con­text and be able to work 7 day per week ros­tered shifts. 

Alice Springs is a place of great nat­ur­al beau­ty and has a thriv­ing sport­ing, arts and cul­tur­al com­mu­ni­ty. Come and join the friend­ly and relaxed envi­ron­ment of the North­ern Territory!

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion about this vacan­cy please con­tact: Tony Clark on 0448 541 282 or 08 8951 7757 or tony.​clark@​nt.​gov.​au

Quote vacan­cy number: 36381

Clos­ing date: 30/04/2024

Appli­ca­tions should con­sist of a one page sum­ma­ry sheet, resume / CV and copies of rel­e­vant qualifications.

For a copy of the Job Descrip­tion, to APPLY or to view career oppor­tu­ni­ties in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment please vis­it https://​jobs​.nt​.gov​.au/​H​o​m​e​/​J​o​b​D​e​t​a​i​l​s​?​r​t​f​I​d​=​293433