Registered Nurse Residential Aged Care Placement


Posted: 1 Mar 2024

Location: Bundaberg QLD

Evolve Talent Ageing Support is pleased to introduce a remarkable opportunity for a dedicated Registered Nurse to excel in delivering exceptional care to residents.

  • Base rate $75 + shift Penalties
  • Trav­el and Airbnb Accom­mo­da­tion Provided
  • 15-minute dri­ve from Beau­ti­ful Beaches

Our client

With a rich lega­cy dat­ing back to 1953, this Not for prof­it Aged care Provider takes pride in their com­mit­ment to offer­ing unpar­al­leled in-home care, aged care, and retire­ment liv­ing ser­vices. Join us for this con­tract place­ment with the poten­tial for ongo­ing or per­ma­nent oppor­tu­ni­ties and be part of a team devot­ed to empow­er­ing indi­vid­u­als to live life to the fullest.

About the Role

As a Reg­is­tered Nurse at this large 117 Res­i­den­tial Aged Care Facil­i­ty, your role will involve pro­vid­ing per­son-cen­tred care to res­i­dents, ensur­ing a safe envi­ron­ment with­in the facil­i­ty, and apply­ing your clin­i­cal skills to improve their qual­i­ty of life. Your respon­si­bil­i­ties will include:

  • Assess­ing, plan­ning, and imple­ment­ing client care with­in your scope
  • Con­sid­er­ing phys­i­cal, social, and psy­cho­log­i­cal requirements
  • Cre­at­ing and updat­ing care plans to reflect devel­op­ing needs
  • Ensur­ing clin­i­cal qual­i­ty com­pli­ance stan­dards are met
  • Col­lab­o­rat­ing with oth­er mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary team members


  • Attrac­tive salary and Shift Penalties
  • Full­time Rota­tion­al ros­ter and oppor­tu­ni­ties for ongo­ing work
  • Return Trav­el and Accom­mo­da­tion – Airbnb 
  • 15minutes from Beau­ti­ful beach­es and only 4 hours Dri­ve from Brisbane

Skills and Requirements

  • Min­i­mum 2 years Experience
  • Care Plan­ning expe­ri­ence high­ly regarded
  • Excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion and clin­i­cal prob­lem-solv­ing skills
  • Con­fi­dence in man­ag­ing your time effec­tive­ly, includ­ing an abil­i­ty to work autonomously.
  • Gen­er­al nurs­ing expe­ri­ence, post-registration
  • NDIS Work­ers Screen­ing Clear­ance or will­ing­ness to obtain
  • Full, unre­strict­ed AHPRA reg­is­tra­tion and unlim­it­ed work entitlements

About Evolve

Since 2004, Evolve Tal­ent has been sup­port­ing spe­cialised tal­ent in with con­nect­ing Aus­tralian busi­ness­es nation­wide. As an award-win­ning agency in 2022 and a cur­rent 2023 final­ist, Evolve Tal­ent is renowned and award­ed for its Can­di­date Expe­ri­ence’ and ser­vice deliv­ery across its five spe­cialised divi­sions, includ­ing Design & Con­struct, Health­care, Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Min­ing & Resources and Safe­ty & Environment.

How to Apply

Please con­tact Hol­lie Mor­gan on 0412141063 or Hollie.​Morgan@​evolvetalent.​com.​au for a con­fi­den­tial discussion.

Evolve Tal­ent is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing equal oppor­tu­ni­ties for all. Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander Peo­ple are encour­aged to apply.