The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1300 805 391.

Remote General Practitioners (Casual)

Other Health Care

Posted: 9 May 2024

Location: East Arnhem Land NT

This role involves working in remote Aboriginal communities. All applicants must demonstrate a commitment to Aboriginal Community Control, self-determination, and an understanding of the unique challenges faced by Yolŋu people in remote settings.

  • We’re one of Australia’s largest providers of Abo­rig­i­nal healthcare.
  • Com­pet­i­tive rate of $153.35 — $178.91 per hour

Join Us in Mak­ing a Mean­ing­ful Impact!

At Miwatj Health, we believe in empow­er­ing com­mu­ni­ties through qual­i­ty health­care. We’re invit­ing Gen­er­al Prac­ti­tion­ers to join our dynam­ic team, serv­ing Abo­rig­i­nal com­mu­ni­ties in pic­turesque remote North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry loca­tions includ­ing Nhu­lun­buy, Gun­yan­gara, Yir­rkala, Galiwin’ku, Milingim­bi, Ramingin­ing, and Gapuwiyak.

Work­ing and liv­ing along­side the Yol­ngu peo­ple in East Arn­hem Land is a remark­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the cul­tur­al wealth of Indige­nous Aus­tralia. Their deep-root­ed con­nec­tion to the land, their art, lan­guage, and tra­di­tions all con­tribute to a pro­found sense of cul­tur­al rich­ness that is both enlight­en­ing and hum­bling for those for­tu­nate enough to engage with this vibrant and ancient culture.

Why Choose Miwatj Health?

  • Flex­i­bil­i­ty and Work-Life Bal­ance: Casu­al employ­ment allows more flex­i­ble work arrange­ment and pro­vide a bet­ter work- life bal­ance, as you have more con­trol over your schedule.
  • Col­lab­o­ra­tive envi­ron­ment: Work along­side exter­nal Health Ser­vice Providers and a ded­i­cat­ed team, fos­ter­ing a net­work of pro­fes­sion­als com­mit­ted to com­mu­ni­ty wellbeing.
  • Flights and Accom­mo­da­tion provided

Rewards and Benefits:

Com­pet­i­tive Com­pen­sa­tion: Enjoy a total remu­ner­a­tion of up to:

  • Gove Penin­su­la – Nhu­lun­buy, Yir­rkala and Gunyangara
    • $153.35 per hour, (includ­ing 25% casu­al loading)
  • Galiwin’ku, Gapuwiyak, Malmald­har­ra and Ramingining
    • $178.91 per hour, (includ­ing 25% casu­al loading)
  • 11% Super­an­nu­a­tion
  • Access to $15,900 salary pack­ag­ing + $2,650 meal and enter­tain­ment card through CBB

About Miwatj Health:

Estab­lished in 1992, Miwatj Health is an inde­pen­dent Abo­rig­i­nal Com­mu­ni­ty-Con­trolled Health Ser­vice ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing cul­tur­al­ly appro­pri­ate, com­pre­hen­sive pri­ma­ry health­care to over 8,000 remote Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander res­i­dents. Join us in enabling empow­ered, healthy com­mu­ni­ties across the East Arn­hem region.

Essen­tial Requirements:

This role involves work­ing in remote Abo­rig­i­nal com­mu­ni­ties. All appli­cants must demon­strate a com­mit­ment to Abo­rig­i­nal Com­mu­ni­ty Con­trol, self-deter­mi­na­tion, and an under­stand­ing of the unique chal­lenges faced by Yolŋu peo­ple in remote set­tings. A cur­rent Reg­is­tra­tion and Prac­tic­ing Cer­tifi­cate as a Med­ical Prac­ti­tion­er through AHPRA is essen­tial, along with exten­sive expe­ri­ence in Gen­er­al Prac­tice and/​or in a rur­al or remote Pri­ma­ry Health Care Setting.

Vac­ci­na­tion & Immu­ni­ty Screening:

Miwatj Health is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing a safe and healthy work­ing envi­ron­ment for all work­ers and users of its health­care cen­tres. In accor­dance with the Nation­al Health and Med­ical Research Coun­cil (NHM­RC) Guide­lines, Nation­al Safe­ty and Qual­i­ty Health Care Ser­vice Stan­dards, and oth­er local poli­cies, guide­lines and pro­ce­dures, we man­date that all staff abide by our Staff Vac­ci­na­tion and Immu­ni­ty Screen­ing Pol­i­cy (to be sup­plied to all suc­cess­ful candidates).

For more infor­ma­tion regard­ing the Vac­ci­na­tion & Immu­ni­ty Screen­ing require­ments, please con­tact recruitment@​miwatj.​com.​au.

Suc­cess­ful appli­cants must be will­ing to trav­el in small char­ter planes. 

For more detailed Selec­tion Cri­te­ria and to APPLY , please click to view the full Job Descrip­tion.…

If you’re ready to make a dif­fer­ence and be part of some­thing big­ger, please con­tact our Direc­tor of Med­ical Ser­vices at lou.​sanderson@​miwatj.​com.​au