Team Leader Counselling, Family & Parenting

Other Health Care

Posted: 1 Mar 2024

Location: Across NT

Lead impactful programs in the heart of the NT, empowering families and youth. Competitive salary, immediate start, a chance to make a real difference!

  • Fan­tas­tic Salary Pack­ing Options 
  • Lead impact­ful programs
  • Relo­ca­tion Assistance 

About the Role & Client:

Lead the charge in trans­form­ing lives and strength­en­ing fam­i­lies in the heart of the North­ern Territory.

As the Com­mu­ni­ty Ser­vices Leader for Fam­i­ly & Youth Sup­port, you’ll spear­head vital pro­grams aimed at enhanc­ing fam­i­ly dynam­ics, sup­port­ing youth, and empow­er­ing com­mu­ni­ties across the region.

Join a ded­i­cat­ed team com­mit­ted to mak­ing a pro­found dif­fer­ence in this remote region.


  • Com­pet­i­tive salary pack­age with addi­tion­al benefits
  • Full-time per­ma­nent role with oppor­tu­ni­ties for pro­fes­sion­al growth
  • Con­tri­bu­tion to super­an­nu­a­tion and leave loading
  • Imme­di­ate start in a role that tru­ly impacts lives

Skills & Requirements:

  • Qual­i­fi­ca­tions and expe­ri­ence in com­mu­ni­ty ser­vices or relat­ed fields
  • Excep­tion­al inter­per­son­al and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
  • Cul­tur­al sen­si­tiv­i­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly in work­ing with Indige­nous communities
  • Sound knowl­edge of rel­e­vant poli­cies and procedures
  • Aus­tralian Cit­i­zen­ship or unlim­it­ed work rights with­in Australia
  • Valid NT Dri­ver’s License and Ochre Card
  • Pas­sion for mak­ing a pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence in remote communities

About Evolve

Since 2004, Evolve Tal­ent has been sup­port­ing spe­cialised tal­ent in with con­nect­ing Aus­tralian busi­ness­es nation­wide. As an award-win­ning agency in 2022 and a cur­rent 2023 final­ist, Evolve Tal­ent is renowned and award­ed for its Can­di­date Expe­ri­ence’ and ser­vice deliv­ery across its five spe­cialised divi­sions, includ­ing Design & Con­struct, Health­care, Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Min­ing & Resources and Safe­ty & Environment.

How to Apply

Please con­tact Jes­si­ca on 02 9189 3089 or Jess.​Dodd@​evolvetalent.​com.​au for a con­fi­den­tial discussion.

Evolve Tal­ent is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing equal oppor­tu­ni­ties for all. Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander Peo­ple are encour­aged to apply.