The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1300 805 391.

Theatre Registered Nurse


Posted: 18 Dec 2024

Location: QLD

SustainHealth has available contracts and is here to assist you in preparing for the new year.

The role:

  • Spe­cial­ties: Scrub/​Scout & Anaes­thet­ics & PACU
  • Pay Rates: From $76 PH — $105 (Depend­ing on experience)
  • Con­tract lengths between 612 weeks 
  • Free accom­mo­da­tion and trav­el on cer­tain contracts 
  • Lots of con­tracts across all rur­al, remote and region­al QLD
  • Ded­i­cat­ed con­sul­tant to help you through the process and dur­ing your contract. 
  • Ded­i­cat­ed com­pli­ance offi­cer to sup­port your onboard­ing for your placements. 
  • Week­ly payroll 

What We Need from You:

  • You must be a Ful­ly qual­i­fied Reg­is­tered Nurse with AHPRA Registration. 
  • Must have Work­ing rights with­in Aus­tralia rel­e­vant to the role being con­sid­ered for. 
  • 1+ Years expe­ri­ence in your spe­cial­ty is desirable. 
  • Must be will­ing to engage in com­plet­ing com­pli­ance require­ments per role — guide­lines will be pro­vid­ed by your consultant. 
  • BLS

Who are we?
Sus­tain­Health Recruit­ment offers nurs­es across Aus­tralia the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a dif­fer­ence to peo­ple who are in crit­i­cal need. Whether in cen­tral, rur­al or remote loca­tions, Sus­tain­Health aims to place hard-work­ing, enthu­si­as­tic and charis­mat­ic nurs­es into employ­ment whilst liv­ing out our val­ues of Reli­a­bil­i­ty, Con­sis­ten­cy and Approach­a­bil­i­ty side by side with high per­for­mance. By remain­ing faith­ful to our com­pa­ny ethos, our recruiters inte­grate nurs­ing pro­fes­sion­als into employ­ment across Aus­tralia in a unique, holis­tic and non-dis­crim­i­na­to­ry way. 

If you would like to learn more about these con­tracts or apply, please call Lau­ren on 0420 340 601 or email your most updat­ed CV to candidatecoordinatorqld@​sustainhr.​com.​au.