Clinical Nurse


Posted: 23 Jan 2025

Location: Pilbara WA

We are seeking an experienced Clinical Nurse for our Newman Health Service based in the Pilbara.

  • Salary: RN Lev­el 2 $104,903 — $110,752 p.a. pro rata (plus 11.5% superannuation)
  • Loca­tion: New­man
  • Unit/​Division: Pil­bara -> Nurs­ing & Midwifery
  • Work Type: Per­ma­nent — Full Time, Per­ma­nent — Part Time
  • Posi­tion No: 00300110
  • Clos­ing Date: 2025-02-19 4:00 PM (YYYY-MM-DD)

This is for a Perma­nent Full-time or Per­ma­nent Part-time appointment(s) at var­i­ous hours per fortnight.

Coun­try Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Incen­tive Program

The Coun­try Nurs­ing & Mid­wifery incen­tive pro­gram is avail­able to new and exist­ing nurs­es and mid­wives — across a broad range of patient-fac­ing roles — on fixed term or per­ma­nent con­tracts at eli­gi­ble loca­tions. Eli­gi­ble nurs­es and mid­wives can receive between $5,000 and $17,000 in sup­port over 12 months. Please refer to the WA Coun­try Health Ser­vice — Coun­try Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Incen­tive Pro­gram web­site for eli­gi­bil­i­ty criteria.

About this role: The role man­ages, coor­di­nates and deliv­ers advanced nurs­ing care to patients and fam­i­lies with­in the scope of prac­tice of a Reg­is­tered Nurse, using lead­er­ship, advanced nurs­ing skills and knowl­edge rel­e­vant to the prac­tice set­ting. The CN pro­vides clin­i­cal super­vi­sion for Reg­is­tered Nurs­es, Enrolled Nurs­es, Assis­tants in Nurs­ing and students.

What we are look­ing for: High­ly capa­ble and val­ues-dri­ven Clin­i­cal Nurse to join our dynam­ic team at the New­man Health Ser­vice. You will be a dri­ven and inno­v­a­tive indi­vid­ual whose actions, inter­ac­tions and part­ner­ships achieve high qual­i­ty patient care. You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to embody the WACHS Val­ues and make a real dif­fer­ence by pro­vid­ing safe qual­i­ty care through exper­tise and teamwork. 

What we offer: In addi­tion to the great salary our employ­ees enjoy an amaz­ing range of benefits:

  • Loca­tion based allowances including:
    • addi­tion­al North West paid leave
    • Dis­trict Allowance — region­al specific
    • Annu­al trav­el sub­sidy (ALTC)
    • Air-con­di­tion­ing sub­sidy allowance.
  • Heav­i­ly sub­sidised hous­ing Gov­ern­ment Region­al Offi­cer Housing
  • Paid study Leave assis­tance – region­al spe­cif­ic as per EBA
  • Gen­er­ous salary pack­ag­ing benefits:
    • Up to $9010 on a range of ben­e­fits such as mort­gage, your rent or oth­er every­day liv­ing expenses
    • Up to $2650 on meal enter­tain­ment, hol­i­day accom­mo­da­tion and venue hire
    • Access to novat­ed leas­ing to use pre-tax dol­lars for a car and expenses
  • Plus, Addi­tion­al Remote Area Spe­cif­ic Benefits.
  • Flex­i­ble work­ing and leave arrangements 
  • Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment opportunities 
  • Con­tin­u­ous learn­ing opportunities
  • 11.5% Super­an­nu­a­tion Guar­an­tee. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion click here.
  • Pri­vate Health Fund Ben­e­fits — dis­counts across some pri­vate health care funds. Please see attached fly­er for fur­ther details.

Want to know more about this role? We encour­age you to con­tact Mea­gan Rymer, Clin­i­cal Nurse Man­ag­er, on 08 9175 8324.

We think you’ll like it here: Our employ­ees like work­ing here, and we think you will too. Watch these videos to find out what they have to say.https://​search​.jobs​.wa​.gov​.au/…

New­man Health Ser­vice is a new facil­i­ty with a 6 bed ED and 12 bed ward. It runs a 3:3:2 mod­el, with one nurse in ED, one on the ward, and a float nurse that cov­ers both but usu­al­ly works in ED from 0800 – 0000hrs. They have a nurse on call for all shifts and staff are expect­ed to pick up on call, usu­al­ly 2 – 4 per fort­night. There is onsite Doc­tor cov­er­age from 07302230hrs daily.

About the Area: New­man Health Ser­vice is based in New­man, which is a min­ing town with a pop­u­la­tion of approx­i­mate­ly 6000 peo­ple. It is an inland town in the heart of the Pil­bara, sit­u­at­ed in the north­ern area of Aus­trali­a’s Gold­en Out­back tourist region, nes­tled between Mount New­man and Mount Whale­back, sur­round­ed by rugged ter­rain near Kar­i­ji­ni Nation­al Park in a remote area of true Aus­tralian Out­back. Kar­i­ji­ni Nation­al Park is home to a myr­i­ad ancient nat­ur­al trea­sures, with easy access hikes to view water­falls rush­ing down rugged canyons, rock pools and gorges where you can ven­ture into The Cen­tre of the Earth’.

Newman’s sur­round­ing land­scape is very pic­turesque with the blue, green and red colours of the out­back and is the gate­way to some of the most adven­tur­ous 4WD coun­try in out­back Aus­tralia. It has a laid-back coun­try vibe, with all the facil­i­ties you’d expect of a mod­ern town includ­ing gym, swim­ming pool, 2 major super­mar­kets, var­i­ous restau­rants, bars and pubs and a golf course. It is an ide­al base to explore and expe­ri­ence the Pil­bara. Australia’s North­west.

There is a wealth of infor­ma­tion about liv­ing and work­ing in the Pil­bara Region, to learn more about a nurs­ing career with­in WA Coun­try Health and liv­ing in the North West, please click Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Careers and Australia’s North­west and to learn more about liv­ing and work­ing in coun­try WA by vis­it­ing our web­site at WA Coun­try Health Ser­vice — Liv­ing and work­ing in coun­try WA. and What’s great about work­ing for WACHS – Pilbara

How to apply: Appli­cants are required to apply online https://​search​.jobs​.wa​.gov​.au/… and your appli­ca­tion should include: 

  • A state­ment address­ing the selec­tion cri­te­ria in no more than 2 – 3 pages (as out­lined in the attached JDF)
  • A com­pre­hen­sive CV that clear­ly shows your expe­ri­ence rel­e­vant to this role.
  • The names and con­tact details of two (2) pro­fes­sion­al ref­er­ees. It is prefer­able for one of your ref­er­ees to be your cur­rent super­vi­sor or manager

If you expe­ri­ence dif­fi­cul­ties, please con­tact Employ­ee Ser­vices on 13 44 77 for imme­di­ate assis­tance dur­ing busi­ness hours.

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty to Apply: To be eli­gi­ble for appoint­ment, appli­cants must have a valid work­ing visa (for fixed term appoint­ments) or be an Aus­tralian cit­i­zen, per­ma­nent res­i­dent, or have a visa to live and work indef­i­nite­ly in Aus­tralia (for per­ma­nent appoint­ments). Eli­gi­bil­i­ty for spon­sor­ship may be con­sid­ered for some vacan­cies. You are encour­aged to dis­cuss this with the con­tact per­son list­ed in the adver­tise­ment before com­plet­ing the appli­ca­tion as there are sev­er­al steps that are required to be com­plet­ed pri­or to pro­gress­ing any appli­ca­tion for employment.

AHPRA Reg­is­tra­tion: To be con­sid­ered for this posi­tion you need to be eli­gi­ble for reg­is­tra­tion with Aus­tralian Health Prac­ti­tion­er Reg­u­la­tion Board (AHPRA). If you are not eli­gi­ble for reg­is­tra­tion, please do not con­tin­ue this appli­ca­tion and con­tact the per­son named in the advert for fur­ther advice.

Sub­se­quent Vacan­cies: Whilst this selec­tion process will ini­tial­ly be used to fill the above vacan­cy, it may also be used to fill oth­er sim­i­lar” vacan­cies through­out the health ser­vice. In addi­tion to this, should the suc­cess­ful appli­cant decline or vacate the adver­tised vacan­cy, then the next most suit­able appli­cant may also be select­ed from this process. Both of these options remain valid for a peri­od of twelve (12) months from when the autho­rised del­e­gate endors­es the recruit­ment decision.

Oth­er Con­di­tions: WA Health engages staff in posi­tions of trust and respon­si­bil­i­ty. WA Health poli­cies require appli­cants to under­take crim­i­nal records screen­ing and integri­ty check­ing as part of the appoint­ment process. Ref­er­ees may also be asked to com­ment on an applicant’s integri­ty and past demon­stra­tion of eth­i­cal behaviour.

This vacan­cy is sub­ject to a West­ern Aus­tralian Work­ing With Chil­dren (WWC) Check. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please refer to the WWC web­site at: https://​work​ing​with​chil​dren​.wa​.gov​.au

Please note this recruit­ment process requires com­ple­tion of sat­is­fac­to­ry Pre-Employ­ment Health Assess­ment (PEHA). Any offer of employ­ment with WA Coun­try Health Ser­vice (WACHS) is con­di­tion­al on sat­is­fac­to­ry PEHA to ensure you are able to per­form the inher­ent require­ments of the posi­tion. An unsat­is­fac­to­ry PEHA will result in the offer of employ­ment being with­drawn. Please see the attached WACHS PEHA Pol­i­cy for fur­ther information.

Diver­si­ty State­ment: We are com­mit­ted to fos­ter­ing a diverse and inclu­sive work­force where every employ­ee feels val­ued and empow­ered. We believe that a diverse team brings unique per­spec­tives and dri­ves inno­va­tion to meet our community’s needs. We wel­come appli­cants of all back­grounds and expe­ri­ences to join us in shap­ing a more equi­table future and as a mea­sure to achieve equal­i­ty, under sec­tions 51, 66R and 66ZP of the Equal Oppor­tu­ni­ty Act 1984, encour­age appli­ca­tions from peo­ple liv­ing with a dis­abil­i­ty, Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple, peo­ple from cul­tur­al­ly and lin­guis­ti­cal­ly diverse back­grounds, women and youth (24 years of age and under).

Lodge­ment is sys­tem gen­er­at­ed. Any sub­mis­sions on, or after, 4:00pm will not be accept­ed.