Lactation Consultants (529851)


Posted: 13 Jan 2025

Location: Burnie TAS

The Clinical Nurse/Midwife – Lactation Consultant: • Provides clinical leadership in contemporary lactation care including advanced nursing care within scope of practice and other relevant legislation....

  • Appli­ca­tions close: Sun­day 9 Feb­ru­ary, 2025 11:55 PMAEST
  • Award/​Classification: Nurs­es and Mid­wives (Tas­man­ian State Ser­vice) Award, Reg­is­tered Nurse, Grade 6
  • Salary: $114,851 to $121,886 per annum
  • Employ­ment type: Full Time
  • Region: North West
  • Loca­tion: 23 Brick­port Road, Burnie

Liv­ing and work­ing in the best place on earth

Tired of big cities? How about a walk along the beach just before work?

Con­sid­er mov­ing to North West Tas­ma­nia to expe­ri­ence won­der­ful beach­es, moun­tains, world her­itage list­ed nation­al parks, hin­ter­land vil­lages, great food, wine and more. Liv­ing in Tas­ma­nia you will expe­ri­ence a tem­per­ate cli­mate with four dis­tinct sea­sons, world-renowned food and wine, wild and beau­ti­ful land­scapes, a relaxed island lifestyle, and a fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry. Com­par­a­tive­ly lifestyle with fan­tas­tic prop­er­ties in idyl­lic loca­tions at a frac­tion of the cost com­pared to Australia’s cap­i­tal cities. Traf­fic jam is not a com­mon term in North West Tas­ma­nia and you will have a great work life balance. 

Tas­man­ian | The qui­et pur­suit of the extraordinary

Why Tas­ma­nia:

The Depart­ment of Health Tas­ma­nia over­sees var­i­ous hos­pi­tals across the state, includ­ing the Roy­al Hobart Hos­pi­tal, Launce­s­ton Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, North­west Region­al Hos­pi­tal, and Mersey Com­mu­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal, as well as dis­trict hos­pi­tals and ambu­lance ser­vices. Addi­tion­al­ly, it pro­vides com­mu­ni­ty health, men­tal health, and pri­ma­ry health­care ser­vices to the Tas­man­ian com­mu­ni­ty through more than 300 sites.

Tas­ma­nia, Aus­trali­a’s only island state, offers unpar­al­leled nat­ur­al beau­ty and a lux­u­ri­ous lifestyle. Pur­su­ing your health career in Tasmania’s pub­lic health sys­tem means build­ing strong con­nec­tions with col­leagues and patients. It also means embrac­ing a lifestyle where you can enjoy extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ences out­side of work while mak­ing a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing work.

The Team:

The North West Mater­ni­ty Ser­vices (NWMS) is pri­mar­i­ly locat­ed at the North West Region­al Hos­pi­tal, with satel­lite and com­mu­ni­ty-based ser­vices deliv­ered across Mersey Com­mu­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal (MCH), King Island Dis­trict Hos­pi­tal, Smith­ton Dis­trict Hos­pi­tal and West Coast Dis­trict Hos­pi­tal. Our ser­vice cov­ers the full scope of mater­ni­ty care includ­ing ante­na­tal clin­ics, par­ent­ing edu­ca­tion class­es, preg­nan­cy and post­na­tal assess­ment ser­vices, a 4 bed birthing suite, 20 bed inpa­tient ward, 8 bed spe­cial care nurs­ery and extend­ed care mid­wifery ser­vices for women when they dis­charge home after birth. We also offer women ded­i­cat­ed lac­ta­tion ser­vices as well as con­nec­tions through our allied health col­leagues for social work, women’s health physio and dia­betes ser­vices and peri­na­tal men­tal health.

The role:

  • Pro­vides clin­i­cal lead­er­ship in con­tem­po­rary lac­ta­tion care includ­ing advanced nursing/​midwifery care with­in scope of prac­tice and oth­er rel­e­vant legislation. 
  • Works across Women’s and Children’s Ser­vices (WACS) in the North West Mater­ni­ty Ser­vice pro­vid­ing clin­i­cal spe­cial­ist care and con­sul­tan­cy to staff, patients and their fam­i­lies requir­ing lac­ta­tion sup­port, skills and education. 
  • Devel­ops effec­tive rela­tion­ships with oth­er ser­vice providers across Tas­ma­nia to improve ser­vices and ser­vice access, sup­port­ing the strate­gic direc­tions of THS-North West, in order that best pos­si­ble out­comes are achieved. 
  • Leads inno­va­tion and research direct­ed to the ser­vice area of Lac­ta­tion Con­sul­tan­cy to improve clin­i­cal out­comes and over­all ser­vice across WACS
  • Devel­ops and imple­ments clin­i­cal pro­to­cols and guide­lines spe­cif­ic to the Lac­ta­tion Service. 
  • Facil­i­tates edu­ca­tion and learn­ing across WACS to all lev­els of Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery staff to achieve and main­tain Baby Friend­ly Health Ini­tia­tive accred­i­ta­tion for the North West Mater­ni­ty Ser­vices and asso­ci­at­ed hos­pi­tals (North West Region­al Hos­pi­tal and Mersey Com­mu­ni­ty Hospital). 

Note: — Please refer to the State­ment of Duties for all the selec­tion cri­te­ria of this posi­tion to address in your application.

Details of Appointment

Per­ma­nent, full time, shift-work­er posi­tion work­ing 76 hours per fort­night, com­menc­ing from 1 Feb­ru­ary 2025.

*notwith­stand­ing hours may be nego­ti­at­ed with the suc­cess­ful applicant

  • Appli­cants should note that, for a peri­od of twelve months from the date of pub­li­ca­tion, this selec­tion process may be used to fill sub­se­quent or fixed term full time, part time and casu­al vacancies.

Salary: $114,851 — $121,886 per annum. Our Employ­er 11.5% super­an­nu­a­tion con­tri­bu­tion is on top of this amount.

You’ll have access to salary pack­age a range of ben­e­fits includ­ing liv­ing expens­es up to $9,010 + $2,650 in meal enter­tain­ment each FBT year + oth­er ben­e­fits if eligible. 

  • Pay­ment of $15,000 staged over three years is avail­able for Nurs­es and Mid­wives who move to Tas­ma­nia from inter­state and remain employed full time for three years or more, on top of relo­ca­tion allowance already available.

In addi­tion, the fol­low­ing allowances cal­cu­lat­ed on the salaried incre­men­tal point may be available:

  • Post Grad­u­ate Allowance of up to 10% based on qual­i­fi­ca­tion type 
  • Salary range is in accor­dance with Nurs­es and Mid­wives (Tas­man­ian State Ser­vice) Agree­ment 2023


Suc­cess­ful appli­cants will be required to meet the essen­tial criteria:

  • Reg­is­tered with the Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Board of Aus­tralia as a Reg­is­tered Nurse or Midwife.
  • Cur­rent Work­ing with Chil­dren Registration.
  • Accred­i­ta­tion with the Inter­na­tion­al Board Cer­ti­fied Lac­ta­tion Con­sul­tant (IBCLC).
  • Work­ing with Chil­dren Registration.

*Registration/​licences that are essen­tial require­ments of this role must remain cur­rent and valid at all times whilst employed in this role and the sta­tus of these may be checked at any time dur­ing employ­ment. It is the employee’s respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure that registration/​licences remain cur­rent and to advise the Employ­er if their cir­cum­stances change. This includes noti­fy­ing the Employ­er if a registration/​licence is revoked, can­celled or has its con­di­tions altered.

The Head of the State Ser­vice has deter­mined that the per­son nom­i­nat­ed for this job is to sat­is­fy a pre‑employment check before tak­ing up the appoint­ment, on pro­mo­tion or trans­fer. The fol­low­ing checks are to be conducted:

  1. Con­vic­tion checks in the fol­low­ing areas:
  1. crimes of violence
  2. sex relat­ed offences
  3. seri­ous drug offences
  4. crimes involv­ing dishonesty
  1. Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion check
  2. Dis­ci­pli­nary action in pre­vi­ous employ­ment check.

How to Apply

Apply Online. Please click the Apply” but­ton at https://careers.pageuppeople.c… This ensures impor­tant ques­tions about you are answered. 

You will be prompt­ed to com­plete a 1 – 2 page appli­ca­tion out­lin­ing your expe­ri­ence, skills and knowl­edge as they relate to the attached State­ment of Duties.

Please note:

  • We do not require a sep­a­rate state­ment address­ing the selec­tion criteria.
  • All attach­ments must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
  • Ref­er­ee details are sub­mit­ted as part of the online appli­ca­tion so make sure you have the con­tact details of two ref­er­ees before applying.

Down­load the State­ment of Duties and any Asso­ci­at­ed Documents

We encour­age you to review the Appli­cant Guide, State­ment of Duties, pri­or to apply­ing for an overview of the duties, pro­gram, selec­tion process and selec­tion criteria.

State­ment of Duties

Appli­cant Guide

For more infor­ma­tion, please contact

Saman­tha Salter
Posi­tion: Mater­ni­ty Unit Man­ag­er
Phone: (03) 6493 6586
E‑mail: sam.​salter@​ths.​tas.​gov.​au