Nurse/Midwife Management Consultant - Safety and Quality

Nursing, Midwifery, Executive/Management Roles

Posted: 10 Feb 2025

Location: Tennant Creek NT

The Nurse Management Consultant – Safety & Quality provides a recognised reference point and consistent broad level of influence regarding service planning and delivery to multi-disciplinary clinicians across a defined practice area.

  • Nurse Lev­el 6 (Remu­ner­a­tion Pack­age Range $170,064 — $176,799) Ten­nant Creek Hospital
  • Ongo­ing or fixed vacan­cy in Ten­nant Creek 
  • One vacan­cy is avail­able, either ongo­ing or fixed for 2 years.

The Bark­ly Health Ser­vice Region is based in Ten­nant Creek which is locat­ed about 1000km south of Dar­win and 500km north of Alice Springs and ser­vices the Ten­nant Creek town­ship and remote Abo­rig­i­nal Com­mu­ni­ties and pas­toral sta­tions across the vast Bark­ly Table­lands. The Bark­ly Region is home to the War­ra­mungu Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple and runs east from Ten­nant Creek towards the Queens­land bor­der and is sur­round­ed by rolling plains of grass­land, long stretch­es of Aus­tralian bush­land and breath­tak­ing rocky hill­sides that change colour with the set­ting sun; it is known as being one of the most impor­tant cat­tle graz­ing areas in the North­ern Territory. 

Acute care is pro­vid­ed through the Ten­nant Creek Hos­pi­tal which deliv­ers a range of med­ical ser­vices includ­ing: 24-hour acci­dent and emer­gency care, Gen­er­al Med­i­cine, Reha­bil­i­ta­tion, Allied health, Pathol­o­gy, Phar­ma­cy, Men­tal Health, Radi­og­ra­phy & Sonog­ra­phy. Bark­ly Pri­ma­ry and Pub­lic Health Care pro­vides com­mu­ni­ty allied health and aged care, oral health ser­vices, envi­ron­men­tal health and pub­lic health, and remote nurse-led health clinics. 

The Nurse Man­age­ment Con­sul­tant – Safe­ty & Qual­i­ty pro­vide lead­er­ship, advice and sup­port in rela­tion to safe­ty and qual­i­ty pro­grams, infec­tion pre­ven­tion con­trol, clin­i­cal report­ing, per­for­mance mea­sure­ment, edu­ca­tion and com­pli­ance to the Nation­al Safe­ty and Qual­i­ty Health Ser­vices Stan­dards for Ten­nant Creek Hos­pi­tal and Aus­tralian Gen­er­al Prac­tice Accred­i­ta­tion Lim­it­ed Stan­dards across the Bark­ly Region. The suc­cess­ful appli­cant will be required to par­tic­i­pate in the after­hours on call man­agers’ roster.

What’s on offer 

  • Diverse ser­vice in a cul­tur­al­ly rich environment 

  • Expe­ri­enced and engaged team to sup­port you

  • Access to con­tin­u­ing pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment to improve your skills and knowledge 

  • Unique loca­tion – expe­ri­ence the real Aus­tralia with large skies, far hori­zons, rus­tic and unique landscapes

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion about this vacan­cy please con­tact: Julie Pasi­lan on 08 8962 4266 or Julie.​Pasilan@​nt.​gov.​au

Quote vacan­cy num­ber: 3432
Clos­ing date: 05.03.2025

Appli­ca­tions should con­sist of a one page sum­ma­ry sheet, resume / CV and copies of rel­e­vant qualifications.
For a copy of the Job Descrip­tion or to view career oppor­tu­ni­ties in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment please vis­it https://​jobs​.nt​.gov​.au/​H​o​me/Jo…