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Danielle Causer
Deputy Chair of the CRANAplus Board of Directors
Danielle has over 19 years of experience in nursing and has primarily worked in the rural and remote setting. She has qualifications in; clinical education, general practice management, project management, dual Masters of Nursing and is an Adjunct Professor with James Cook University. She worked as an AIN while studying her RNs and has worked in many different areas of nursing across NSW and QLD; from general practice, occupational health, mine site medic, primary health projects, educator and director.
Danielle was the first nurse on the hospital and health service boards when they began in Queensland back in 2012. She is currently the Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery for Central West Hospital and Health Service which covers 23% of the state and is equivalent to the size of France.
In 2022 she graduated from the International Council of Nurse’s Global Nurse Leadership Scholars program and also started with the Australian College of Nurses Policy Fellow program.
In her spare time she formed a rural and remote focussed podcast titled “A Nurse Out Where” which she says she is most proud of.